Oh my god! Info bandits! I knew they'd find me eventually! GODDAMNIT I knew it was you.
Fucking El Nombre.
Monday, 28 February 2011
I was going to do a post on how I tried to make cookies and they tasted like salty butter but on searching for cookies I found this!
Which is a million times better
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
Wait, there's more...
As if it wasn't ridiculous enough, apparently I need to get a bigger penis REALLY BADLY. Not only that but coupled with my every growing dissapointment with my manhood is..
My growing need to have an Almighty Bible for Kids

I really ought to sort out my junk mail, but it's just too funny!
Sunday, 20 February 2011
My Life - Official Episode One
Okay I've done these kinds of posts before but I'm deciding to make them like the My Day posts only I go off on a more general rant.
Relationship wise they are fine. But yesterday I got the news that my step-mum Carole has been admitted to hospital with Pneumonia. I spoke to my dad about it and he said it is a cause for worry, but not for praying and panic. She's going through treatment and will get better as long as she doesn't get another infection along with it. I feel kind of annoyed since she was taken into hospital on wednesday and I only heard about it on saturday, this stuff happens all the time. When grandad had cancer I wasn't told, I had to over hear to find out. When he had a stroke I only found out because dad told mum once they'd stopped argueing. I'm 18, I deserve to know about what is happening you know? I'm still shielded from what's happening with Lauren (my cousin whose in a psychiatric institution) and snippets of new information about my uncles attack are still only just coming out and that was years ago. It's frustrating because I want to be included althoguh I know they are only trying to protect me.
Shaky. I hate seeing people drunk which is what happened this weekend. I don't want to judge them and I don't judge them for getting drunk, if anything I judge myself more for not being drunk - I just can't trust myself to be. I feel like I'm cutting myself off from people and I apologise if you agree with me.Oh but thanks for the offers to rush me to Carole when I got the news, it meant a lot that even half-cut people were caring sill. <3
Shaky. Massive concerns coming from one side. Although I feel totally secure and dedicated I know he's feeling doubtful about us going the distance. It's upsetting to hear. Plus we had a mega argument about drinking.
Terrified I'm not going to make the cut, that I'll fail philosophy (again) or that I won't have done enough. I'm afraid that I'll drown in expectations and failure.
Mind, Body, Soul
Right now, Soul is well nourished by some music I recently discovered. (Search The incredible machine on Spotify). Also my mum just brought me a cup of tea without being asked, bless her. But soul took a battering recently when I had a horrid shadowy memories. Literally I feel like this mistake I made is like a huge dark mark on my back - I don't usually see it but when I do it's like "Fuck!" and it takes yet another while to forget. Currently I haven't forgot but I'm stable. In a day or so I'll be back to normal. Mind is currently elsewhere, I just have so much to think and brood over recently. I'm not even sure if I want to share anymore and I am a serial over-sharer. Body is big but happy. I feel kind of flabby and know I could do a lot more to look a lot better but currently I don't have motivation - my boyfriend loves me this way and I've lost interesting in catching other boy's eyes. All the complements I'm getting recently on the hair and it's effect on me have been positive and so amazing. After spending time alone with Joe and his usual spattering of compliments (even the back handed ones) I feel lovely and fuzzy too.
Relationship wise they are fine. But yesterday I got the news that my step-mum Carole has been admitted to hospital with Pneumonia. I spoke to my dad about it and he said it is a cause for worry, but not for praying and panic. She's going through treatment and will get better as long as she doesn't get another infection along with it. I feel kind of annoyed since she was taken into hospital on wednesday and I only heard about it on saturday, this stuff happens all the time. When grandad had cancer I wasn't told, I had to over hear to find out. When he had a stroke I only found out because dad told mum once they'd stopped argueing. I'm 18, I deserve to know about what is happening you know? I'm still shielded from what's happening with Lauren (my cousin whose in a psychiatric institution) and snippets of new information about my uncles attack are still only just coming out and that was years ago. It's frustrating because I want to be included althoguh I know they are only trying to protect me.
Shaky. I hate seeing people drunk which is what happened this weekend. I don't want to judge them and I don't judge them for getting drunk, if anything I judge myself more for not being drunk - I just can't trust myself to be. I feel like I'm cutting myself off from people and I apologise if you agree with me.Oh but thanks for the offers to rush me to Carole when I got the news, it meant a lot that even half-cut people were caring sill. <3
Shaky. Massive concerns coming from one side. Although I feel totally secure and dedicated I know he's feeling doubtful about us going the distance. It's upsetting to hear. Plus we had a mega argument about drinking.
Terrified I'm not going to make the cut, that I'll fail philosophy (again) or that I won't have done enough. I'm afraid that I'll drown in expectations and failure.
Mind, Body, Soul
Right now, Soul is well nourished by some music I recently discovered. (Search The incredible machine on Spotify). Also my mum just brought me a cup of tea without being asked, bless her. But soul took a battering recently when I had a horrid shadowy memories. Literally I feel like this mistake I made is like a huge dark mark on my back - I don't usually see it but when I do it's like "Fuck!" and it takes yet another while to forget. Currently I haven't forgot but I'm stable. In a day or so I'll be back to normal. Mind is currently elsewhere, I just have so much to think and brood over recently. I'm not even sure if I want to share anymore and I am a serial over-sharer. Body is big but happy. I feel kind of flabby and know I could do a lot more to look a lot better but currently I don't have motivation - my boyfriend loves me this way and I've lost interesting in catching other boy's eyes. All the complements I'm getting recently on the hair and it's effect on me have been positive and so amazing. After spending time alone with Joe and his usual spattering of compliments (even the back handed ones) I feel lovely and fuzzy too.
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
I always thought I didn't really watch that much tv. To be honest, I think that actually if you accumulate all of the programs that I keep up with, it's a considerable amount really.
There is (Heres a list, dontcha love em?)
Big Bang Theory
Americas Next Top Model
Two and a half men
Criminal Minds
IT Crowd
True blood
Take me out
Secret diary of a Call Girl
and probably more which I will add as I remember them.
When I say I watch these programs I don't mean that I religiously have sat and watched every single episode but whenever I spot new episodes that appear on demand or as I'm channel hopping, I watch. Is this a reasonable amount of TV to be trying to juggle? Do I watch too much? How much do you watch?
There is (Heres a list, dontcha love em?)
Big Bang Theory
Americas Next Top Model
Two and a half men
Criminal Minds
IT Crowd
True blood
Take me out
Secret diary of a Call Girl
and probably more which I will add as I remember them.
When I say I watch these programs I don't mean that I religiously have sat and watched every single episode but whenever I spot new episodes that appear on demand or as I'm channel hopping, I watch. Is this a reasonable amount of TV to be trying to juggle? Do I watch too much? How much do you watch?
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
My Day - Episode Forty Five
Well today I feel shit and nice at the same time.
Well I feel shit because in Biology I'm struggling, a lot of the stuff we're doing right now is closely linked to chemistry. I feel awful sat next to Joe who not only grasps electron movement like it was how to boil an egg but also has done most of this before because he fast tracked science.
And I'm reading a book at the minute which I am TOTALLY associating with when I don't want to. Basically this girl has the dream of marrying an italian guy, moving to italy to be embraced by family and then raise a few bambinos of her own. When she gets the guy, they are unexplainedly infertile and when moving to italy, his mother hates her and she doesn't like it. As her suspicions of her dark italian stallions infidelity rise she finds solace in talking to a green eyed, blonde haired tall musclar American man. :| You understand my reluctance to associated. But I can't help it, I get sucked in. So now my mind wanders where-ever I forbid it and I'm left day dreaming about things I don't really want, then feeling guilty. I hate myself. And I feel fat. And it's really cold.
Today I shocked even more people with my hair. Best reaction goes to.... Miss Lincoln.
"God, it's so hot in here I need to .... OH MY GAWWDD!! THAT SHORT!" It was hilarious for me. :D Sweetest reaction was Miss Annabel who said she recognised my voice but didn't know me until she finally realised. Both went on to compliment profusely. Also Cassie, Amy, Imo Mann, Jean Marc, my mum (again) and Becki all said that they love it. That's on top of the countless ones from yesterday. So in that way, self confidence is sky high! (Despite the fact I feel kind of lazy and fat for not exercising in ages.)
I had a really nice Valentines Day with Joey and he got my five chocolate roses which I am eating one a day of so I can have a 5 day long appreciation of it. Nomnomnom. I've almost finished my Lindt and my kitty purse is now my school purse for odd change. ^ ^
So there you go, not the typical my day post but that's what's going on in my head. Currently the balance is mostly in favour of Nice but if any more piles on my shit, then I'll feel shit instead - so be lovely to me please :)
Well I feel shit because in Biology I'm struggling, a lot of the stuff we're doing right now is closely linked to chemistry. I feel awful sat next to Joe who not only grasps electron movement like it was how to boil an egg but also has done most of this before because he fast tracked science.
And I'm reading a book at the minute which I am TOTALLY associating with when I don't want to. Basically this girl has the dream of marrying an italian guy, moving to italy to be embraced by family and then raise a few bambinos of her own. When she gets the guy, they are unexplainedly infertile and when moving to italy, his mother hates her and she doesn't like it. As her suspicions of her dark italian stallions infidelity rise she finds solace in talking to a green eyed, blonde haired tall musclar American man. :| You understand my reluctance to associated. But I can't help it, I get sucked in. So now my mind wanders where-ever I forbid it and I'm left day dreaming about things I don't really want, then feeling guilty. I hate myself. And I feel fat. And it's really cold.
Today I shocked even more people with my hair. Best reaction goes to.... Miss Lincoln.
"God, it's so hot in here I need to .... OH MY GAWWDD!! THAT SHORT!" It was hilarious for me. :D Sweetest reaction was Miss Annabel who said she recognised my voice but didn't know me until she finally realised. Both went on to compliment profusely. Also Cassie, Amy, Imo Mann, Jean Marc, my mum (again) and Becki all said that they love it. That's on top of the countless ones from yesterday. So in that way, self confidence is sky high! (Despite the fact I feel kind of lazy and fat for not exercising in ages.)
I had a really nice Valentines Day with Joey and he got my five chocolate roses which I am eating one a day of so I can have a 5 day long appreciation of it. Nomnomnom. I've almost finished my Lindt and my kitty purse is now my school purse for odd change. ^ ^
So there you go, not the typical my day post but that's what's going on in my head. Currently the balance is mostly in favour of Nice but if any more piles on my shit, then I'll feel shit instead - so be lovely to me please :)
Sunday, 13 February 2011
My Day - Episode Forty four
Hello from Pixie-Becca (as my dad has taken to call me). I'm sat watching Wife Swap and it's a blurry good one. I love wife swap, it's not just swapping the mums over but it's finding the two most opposite people and then swapping their wives over. Right now it's this camo-clad mum who has rough and tumble boys and eats alligator for lunch swapping with a culture-crazed ballet teacher mum who has a husband and boy who moisturise and are also dancers. HILARIOUS.
Okay on to my topic. Let's do yesterday because it was interesting. I woke up driven out of bed by hunger and nerves. I knew that today was the day, I wanted to be drastic and spontaneous and mad. So I got out of bed, made myself bacon and tatty scones. Then I had to feed the dog for the first time, her food smells disgusting and even one whiff made me want to retch. I was literally heaving with every sniff. Then I showered, dressed and walked to town. It was a nice day so I felt good about my decision, more reserved about everyone elses reaction to it.
So I walked into the hairdressers. It was the one with long blonde hair that was in at the desk.
"Hey. How can I help you?"
"Hi. I'm looking for....a drastic restyle."
"Okay, take a seat and we'll get started. What length are you looking for? Shoulder? A bob?"
"Um... all off. Pixie short."
"Ah! That is drastic. Let's get some magazines."
So then we grabbed some hair mags and then pointed out a couple of super cropped styles. Then she started cutting. She worked from the back to the front so I wouldn't have to deal with the trauma of cutting off a pony tail. Doing it gradually helped but it did mean she did the shortest bit first. Literally she razered it right at the back so it's not even an inch long. Gasp.
When she was done I didn't like how boofy it was on the top so she took it even shorter and then shortened the fringe cause it was sitting at a point right into my eye. I was kind of happy with the outcome but I could barely speak, it was such a huge change.
Then it was meeting Joe. When he first saw me he just shook his head. I was nervous most about this because he'd said before he doesn't like girls with short hair. Luckily he did (sort of) like it, just taking lots of adjusting. Then I shocked Jess and Aimee who both said they liked it. Since then loads of people have said nice things but some responses have been "I preferred your long hair.". That's okay. I've still got to learn how to style it and apparently it's "going to take a while to learn how to sit" according to blondy-hairdresser.
Then I came home and hung out with Joey. We walked the dog and played Spyro (which he actually tolerated <3 ). Then when he went I got pizza for dinner with a pancake beforehand. Oh and I put pictures on facebook. In fact, here's one for you! Yayy I can hear you cheering.
So that was my day. Buhbyyee!
Okay on to my topic. Let's do yesterday because it was interesting. I woke up driven out of bed by hunger and nerves. I knew that today was the day, I wanted to be drastic and spontaneous and mad. So I got out of bed, made myself bacon and tatty scones. Then I had to feed the dog for the first time, her food smells disgusting and even one whiff made me want to retch. I was literally heaving with every sniff. Then I showered, dressed and walked to town. It was a nice day so I felt good about my decision, more reserved about everyone elses reaction to it.
So I walked into the hairdressers. It was the one with long blonde hair that was in at the desk.
"Hey. How can I help you?"
"Hi. I'm looking for....a drastic restyle."
"Okay, take a seat and we'll get started. What length are you looking for? Shoulder? A bob?"
"Um... all off. Pixie short."
"Ah! That is drastic. Let's get some magazines."
So then we grabbed some hair mags and then pointed out a couple of super cropped styles. Then she started cutting. She worked from the back to the front so I wouldn't have to deal with the trauma of cutting off a pony tail. Doing it gradually helped but it did mean she did the shortest bit first. Literally she razered it right at the back so it's not even an inch long. Gasp.
When she was done I didn't like how boofy it was on the top so she took it even shorter and then shortened the fringe cause it was sitting at a point right into my eye. I was kind of happy with the outcome but I could barely speak, it was such a huge change.
Then it was meeting Joe. When he first saw me he just shook his head. I was nervous most about this because he'd said before he doesn't like girls with short hair. Luckily he did (sort of) like it, just taking lots of adjusting. Then I shocked Jess and Aimee who both said they liked it. Since then loads of people have said nice things but some responses have been "I preferred your long hair.". That's okay. I've still got to learn how to style it and apparently it's "going to take a while to learn how to sit" according to blondy-hairdresser.
Then I came home and hung out with Joey. We walked the dog and played Spyro (which he actually tolerated <3 ). Then when he went I got pizza for dinner with a pancake beforehand. Oh and I put pictures on facebook. In fact, here's one for you! Yayy I can hear you cheering.
So that was my day. Buhbyyee!
Saturday, 12 February 2011
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
The Netbooks First Death
Earlier all of my progams closed and my scanner thing popped up going "HOLY SHIT EVERYTHING IS INFECTED WITH A HORRIBLE MALIGNANT TUMOUR VIRUS HYBRID BITCH FROM HELL!" and basically NO progams would open, even the one used to kill the virus wouldn't open. It was horrid. wish I could remember the name.
So anyways rang my pops like "Oh noes, helps me!" And he said "There's no hope, we'll have to terminate." and that was that, the computer was killed and restored to factory settings for the first time. Pictures, music and saved passwords (more vital than first thought) were all deleted. Shite. Basically I've had to re-do my whole set up from turning my taskbar back to silver to redownloading every program ever used. Super annoying. Luckily I sort of lived like a technological nun and only had the basics saved onto the computer and most was either online or elsewhere. Music on my phone, pictures on facebook, passwords on paper! Yayy! \^o^/ I can live once more and within an hour was basically back to what I already had. How wonderful.
And that was my evening. A death and rebirth in a matter of hours.
Over and out!
P.s Wish people could sort their personal lives out so I don't have to worry on their behalf.
So anyways rang my pops like "Oh noes, helps me!" And he said "There's no hope, we'll have to terminate." and that was that, the computer was killed and restored to factory settings for the first time. Pictures, music and saved passwords (more vital than first thought) were all deleted. Shite. Basically I've had to re-do my whole set up from turning my taskbar back to silver to redownloading every program ever used. Super annoying. Luckily I sort of lived like a technological nun and only had the basics saved onto the computer and most was either online or elsewhere. Music on my phone, pictures on facebook, passwords on paper! Yayy! \^o^/ I can live once more and within an hour was basically back to what I already had. How wonderful.
And that was my evening. A death and rebirth in a matter of hours.
Over and out!
P.s Wish people could sort their personal lives out so I don't have to worry on their behalf.
Sunday, 6 February 2011
My Day - Episode Fourty Three
Okay, I'm not going to do today apart from a little bit. Let's rewind to Saturday
We arrived at the anime convention doors going "We're here, paying on the door folk?" and they go "Oh, we sent out an email saying that since everyone booked ahead, we have no space for paying on the door.Sorry" AAA An email to whom exactly? Since I didn't give my email, because I didn't book. Seeing the loop hole?
Anyways, so me and Joe were pretty annoyed but I decided it was fate's way of saying that we should go see London instead. So we went allll they was around Camden market and all the others nearby and then up around the rivery bit to watch boats and go to the more crafty stalls. Joe met an artist with a wicked mind and awesome paintings and he got him number (grab your coat love. ;D ). We both bought a real four leaved clover trapped in lucite plastic to try and change our luck. Then we hopped on more trainythings to go to Covent Garden and I got ben's cookies which I was dead looking forward to. Not having it with ice cream next time, it makes it cold and hard and not as yummers. Then we watched this funny performer guy and he was like "meh" good throughout until at the very end and very unexpected he pops a melon out of his hat and I was like WUUUHHHHH!! and gave him moneys. He also scarred some kid for life by insisting that it was his son.Then we went home absolutely KNACKERED. I wanted to just curl up and sleep for a day straight but no, no stopping.
ABOUT 6ISHSo me and Joe were home by this time, pooped. We ate some pasta and had tea then it was a matter of running (rather more sauntering slowly) around getting ready. We were totally late due to my hair taking a fucking century to do. Wish I'd brought straighteners but hey, live and learn.Then we headed out to Hoiers.
You guys all know what happened at Hoiers, since you were all there! :D
And now I'm home and soo tired, goodnight!
We arrived at the anime convention doors going "We're here, paying on the door folk?" and they go "Oh, we sent out an email saying that since everyone booked ahead, we have no space for paying on the door.Sorry" AAA An email to whom exactly? Since I didn't give my email, because I didn't book. Seeing the loop hole?
Anyways, so me and Joe were pretty annoyed but I decided it was fate's way of saying that we should go see London instead. So we went allll they was around Camden market and all the others nearby and then up around the rivery bit to watch boats and go to the more crafty stalls. Joe met an artist with a wicked mind and awesome paintings and he got him number (grab your coat love. ;D ). We both bought a real four leaved clover trapped in lucite plastic to try and change our luck. Then we hopped on more trainythings to go to Covent Garden and I got ben's cookies which I was dead looking forward to. Not having it with ice cream next time, it makes it cold and hard and not as yummers. Then we watched this funny performer guy and he was like "meh" good throughout until at the very end and very unexpected he pops a melon out of his hat and I was like WUUUHHHHH!! and gave him moneys. He also scarred some kid for life by insisting that it was his son.Then we went home absolutely KNACKERED. I wanted to just curl up and sleep for a day straight but no, no stopping.
ABOUT 6ISHSo me and Joe were home by this time, pooped. We ate some pasta and had tea then it was a matter of running (rather more sauntering slowly) around getting ready. We were totally late due to my hair taking a fucking century to do. Wish I'd brought straighteners but hey, live and learn.Then we headed out to Hoiers.
You guys all know what happened at Hoiers, since you were all there! :D
And now I'm home and soo tired, goodnight!
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