Once Upon a Time is a tv series produced by HBO that centres around the idea that the traditional fairytale characters are real and lived in a parallel world however they were all sent here by a curse. Problem is, nobody knows they're fairytale characters and only one person (Snow Whites daughter, who is unaware of her fate) can bring back the happy endings.
The plot sounds twee enough but it actually works out brilliantly. Even if our world was taken out of it, I would enjoy just watching the modern takes on the traditional stories. For example my favourite character, Rumplestiltskin was once just a proud father trying to protect his boy, but seduced by power, ends up endangering him and alas - losing him. He also doubles as the Beast in the beauty and the beast story, falling in love only to push her away with his snide cynicism and brutality. Played by Robert Carlyle he is truely what make the whole series really worth watching. It may not be for everyone as it's heavy on the romance and magic but overall it's quite enthralling. Each episode is an epic cliffhanger, sucking you into the narrative until you fully believe in the fate of these poor fairytale people.
I really liked it although I wasn't pleased with the end. They've done some tweaking so that they can leave it open for a second series and it makes the end a little confusing and dissapointing. After all that commotion, you kind of expect a happily ever after.

(Note: I'm reading the highly hyped 50 shades of grey at the moment and will be giving my take on it as soon as I'm done. Very excited.)
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