It was avery good night out/in. Went to the pub for a few drinks and then decided we may aswell use my big empty house for our teeny tiny party. So we went back, got gradually drunker. Or at least, I got gradually drunker, and played Just Dance. Now, one thing about Just Dance - I'm a fucking pro. 10000 is a usual occurence and apparently alcohol only improved my co-ordination in the dance department. It was hilarious fun, especially watching a fully grown man to the crocodile dance.
Then we moved on to typical studenty thing of playing never have I ever. We all know a lot about one another so this was a challenge to think of something that doesn't include yourself, but hell I was wankered so I didn't care about getting more drunk.
And then we called it a night/morning and went to bed. I actually read until gone one because I was too dizzy to sleep. When I finally got to sleep I had to get up every hour for three hours to pee. So eventually I got sick of it and stayed up. I watched the hoobs in a sort of drunkish blur and then this morning and daybreak and all sorts of shit morning tv. Even old episodes of Batman were on. Holy shooting squad Batman! Then spent the rest of the day watching shitty movies with my bestie while we ate shit. Shit like cheesy cauliflower on it's own and pasta for breakfast. Best hangover company ever.