Saturday, 10 April 2010

My Day - Episode Twenty Two

Today was so busy! I am absolutely knackered now but so fulfilled, my day was almost perfect.

So this morning I woke up pretty early and had an undisturbed morning - my favourite kind. Managed to get to the hairdressers for half nine, which meant I only had to wait for a while. I used to have a real problem trusting hair dressers though, the order they do things in really panics me and I start to stress, but today I was relaxed and confident that it would be okay. Which worked out. Eve when I ended up loosing a good 3/4 inches off my hair instead of the 2 I intended, it looks much better this way.

So then it was about quarter past ten, I was finished with my errands and I had to wait in town until about 12ish when P.Diddy arrived with the sis, K.Diddy. So the three of us wandered a bit more, bought some meat and just chillaxed until we caught up with Goldilocks. We then bid adieu to K.Diddy and she went off home. Eventually we gained a Thin One and Stag who had turned up at my house before us.

We then had some coke in the sun, listening to music and chatting. Eventually got the barbie going which was a clamity but actually a success in the end - chicken buffalo wings were a win. The only thing that bugged me was later on we got a call from Curl Top who had refused the offer earlier on account of other plans but when re-offered to come, he said "I don't want to come to the fucking barbecue." Ouch man, is my presence really that painful? Not you can't come, or there is no point, don't want to. Ouch.

Then when the barbie died down and we had also gained a Marshal we went indoors to where the Sis and her friend was and we played on the legendary Dance game on the Wii. Awesome songs, awesome moves and awesome wins. The guys beat the girls but I won in almost every game I played, mainly because that's the kind of thing I love doing when I am alone and I get way into it.

So as the evening wore on, people started leaving and I am left here, with the netbook perched on my weak lap, forcing myself to blog about my day because it was so damn fucking awesome in every way.
Love my Krewe. <3 Only gutted that Him couldn't come as he was visiting releatives SUCKS.