This book knows all, so today we decided to follow yet another recipe and make BUNNY CAKES! Which you will see the result of in a minute...
The bunny cakes! Adorable aren't they! I would brag about culinary genius but I already revealed we copied off a book. FAIL.
We've been redoing the garden for a while and today I had to hop over the back fence and go get some bricks that we threw into the wasteland between the houses. The fence only comes up to your hip on the garden side but standing on the wasteland side it comes up to my nose. So I sort of got stuck and my pathetic and short mother was the only hand I had so I had to do a rather awesome hop between this pole and the fence and flip myself over. It was AWESOME. If only my life was filmed. You totally missed it. Urgh. But the picture is of my favourite place to have tea and oreo-orgasms. It's a beautiful set, no?
And that is my day so far!
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