#1. What's a nickname only your family calls you? - My baby.
#2. What's a weird habit of yours? - ....I don't know? I haven't noticed anything major.
#3. Do you have any weird phobias? - People touching my armpits D:
#4. What's a song you secretly love to blast and belt out when you're alone? - Shake your bootie cutie -Geri Halliwell
#5. What's one of your biggest pet peeves? - Dirty nails!
#6. What's one of your nervous habits? - Talking really fast
#7. What side of the bed do you sleep on? - Both sides! Tiny bed :(
#8. What was your first stuffed animal and it's name? - I can only remember Sylvester
#9. What's the drink you always order at starbucks? - Tea?
#10. What's a beauty rule you preach, but never actually practice? - Take make up off before bed
#11. Which way do you face in the shower? - Out, away from spray.
#12. Do you have any 'weird' body 'skills'? - Clicky joints
#13. What's your favorite comfort food thats 'bad' but you love to eat it anyways? - Grilled cheese on everything
#14. What's a phrase or exclamation you always say? - Champ? Awesome and absolute.
#15. Time to sleep, what are you actually wearing? - Pajamas, pretty much always mismatched.
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Sunday, 16 October 2011
Sunday, 18 September 2011
The amount of time in one day that I think about food is actually epic. At work, I have to take food orders and clear up food smeared plates and sometimes help the waitresses take food out to tables. And all the while I'm starving, and wondering whether I should get cheesy wedges when I finish or go the whole hog and get a baguette too. Then I get home and watch Supersize Vs Superskinny at marvel at their food. Then I actually make dinner, more food. Then I sit down and watch a movie (not about food, sorry guys) but my mum does come in with some sweets which I then eat and wonder if that's putting me into the Supersize camp.
Seriously, I would call it an obsession but I'm too lazy to be that controlling.
Seriously, I would call it an obsession but I'm too lazy to be that controlling.
Repetition, repetition, repetition.
Okay so 235 posts into this blog and it goes almost completely dead. I have the feeling I know why. I do best when I'm rambling at quarter to eleven at night about random topics that float into my mind. Once I introduced the My Day blogs as a regular feature I think this restricted me and close off a lot of that rambling and since I find my life increasingly boring, I didn't want to blog about that. Not to mention the fact that it's my diary that deals with all my 'my day and shit' stuff, not you guys.
So here I am after realising all this and I want to blog again, about random stuff and not just how my day has been or what stupid spam I get. There's my leaf, and I'm turning it.
So here I am after realising all this and I want to blog again, about random stuff and not just how my day has been or what stupid spam I get. There's my leaf, and I'm turning it.
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
Just for you.....
The only person who said I should start blogging again. This one is for you honey-bunny.
Basically, I'm off to uni. And you're coming with me! First of all, hells yeah. It's going to be good to have you around. You've been a complete rock to me and I couldn't let you go somewhere where I wouldn't be able to mother you. I've come to feel completely responsible for forcing you to have a good time. So when we're at that Five gig, I will be forcing cheap shots down your throat and teaching you the rap to "Everybody get down". You think I'm joking! >: D
Not to mention you're so adorable all my fem mates at my block are going to treat you like their best mate too. And then you'll be able to go out on the town with ten awesome gals, looking totally like the best player ever. :D
Look forward to it boyo!
Basically, I'm off to uni. And you're coming with me! First of all, hells yeah. It's going to be good to have you around. You've been a complete rock to me and I couldn't let you go somewhere where I wouldn't be able to mother you. I've come to feel completely responsible for forcing you to have a good time. So when we're at that Five gig, I will be forcing cheap shots down your throat and teaching you the rap to "Everybody get down". You think I'm joking! >: D
Not to mention you're so adorable all my fem mates at my block are going to treat you like their best mate too. And then you'll be able to go out on the town with ten awesome gals, looking totally like the best player ever. :D
Look forward to it boyo!
Sunday, 4 September 2011
Back to the future?
Should I start blogging again...Perhaps I should try again on a different account to be all mysterious and anonymously blog.....perhaps
Thursday, 7 July 2011
I wish I wasn't so limited.
Bad habits always come back.
Once you don't fix that dripping tap it soon turns into an uncontrollable flow of issues.
Superiors suck.
Being in charge rocks.
Being instructed is refreshing.
I can feel myself slipping...
I want constancy but something new
Things need to hurry up! Urgency and impatience is life-whelming.
Bad habits always come back.
Once you don't fix that dripping tap it soon turns into an uncontrollable flow of issues.
Superiors suck.
Being in charge rocks.
Being instructed is refreshing.
I can feel myself slipping...
I want constancy but something new
Things need to hurry up! Urgency and impatience is life-whelming.
Monday, 27 June 2011
My Life - Episode Three
Well people this is it, a brand new chapter. No more are the days of a half past six start for the dreaded monotony of school! Now it's chilled long mornings in the sunshine, days of lounging watching movied with friends and loverboyJose and evenings spent giggling the nights away with semi-drunk middle aged men in the pub.
Home is so chilled. I get up when I feel like it. Usually after nine or ten since I don't get to bed till 12 most working nights. Then I get some form of tastytoast and sit out in the sunshine for an hour or so working on my tan and catching up with the news by the radio.
Nigel gets home in the early afternoon and mum joins him at about 5 when I'm getting ready for a shift at 6. Soon they'll be going away on holiday and I've been given a one-time pass to have Joe stay over for the night when they are gone! Then Rachael's coming home soon so the house will be filled with her laughter once again. AKA I will hear random bursts of BWAHAHA at half two in the morning.
I'm so sad! I finally broke my first glass today! I was cleaning and a magners glass on the other side got dislodged and lept off, shattering. Still I hold the longest no-smash record since I went a good 5 weeks without anything. Then when I was bottling up, carrying two baskets of filled bottles through, my shoe got caught and I had a heart stopping moment when my foot came out of my shoe, I dropped both baskets, one bottle smashed and I fell bare-foot onto it. Luckily I wasn't cut on the bottom of my foot - just a few scratches on my ankle that are barely there. Still, It was absolutely frightening. Bianca the waitress found me on my knees wiping up spilt coke and was sympathetic. Usually people only drop the one but waitresses often have a tumbling tray which is far more terrifying so she understood bless her.
Work has been generally quite predictable. Slow on Friday, Busy Saturday and stone-cold-dead on Sunday. Next shift is tuesday evening and should be a breeze.
Lots of stuff coming up! Leachy's birthday party tonight where I'll be rocking down with the usual guys. Then Tuesday daytime I'm invited to Preet's Funeral/Leaving Party. At last. Bless her, she forgot that she hadn't invited me and then felt bad. Sweetie. Wednesday Joe's meeting me from work to then keep me company during the night since my rents are gone! Then thursday It's the official pub quiz night which I hope everyone can make it to. Friday my sister is home and I get a brand new laptop and I'm probably working the whole weekend. Oh and since I'm doing around 30 hours this week I'll be getting near on 150 pounds in my next pay check.SQUEAL I've never felt so flush. My savings account is plumping up nicely.
Home is so chilled. I get up when I feel like it. Usually after nine or ten since I don't get to bed till 12 most working nights. Then I get some form of tastytoast and sit out in the sunshine for an hour or so working on my tan and catching up with the news by the radio.
Nigel gets home in the early afternoon and mum joins him at about 5 when I'm getting ready for a shift at 6. Soon they'll be going away on holiday and I've been given a one-time pass to have Joe stay over for the night when they are gone! Then Rachael's coming home soon so the house will be filled with her laughter once again. AKA I will hear random bursts of BWAHAHA at half two in the morning.
I'm so sad! I finally broke my first glass today! I was cleaning and a magners glass on the other side got dislodged and lept off, shattering. Still I hold the longest no-smash record since I went a good 5 weeks without anything. Then when I was bottling up, carrying two baskets of filled bottles through, my shoe got caught and I had a heart stopping moment when my foot came out of my shoe, I dropped both baskets, one bottle smashed and I fell bare-foot onto it. Luckily I wasn't cut on the bottom of my foot - just a few scratches on my ankle that are barely there. Still, It was absolutely frightening. Bianca the waitress found me on my knees wiping up spilt coke and was sympathetic. Usually people only drop the one but waitresses often have a tumbling tray which is far more terrifying so she understood bless her.
Work has been generally quite predictable. Slow on Friday, Busy Saturday and stone-cold-dead on Sunday. Next shift is tuesday evening and should be a breeze.
Lots of stuff coming up! Leachy's birthday party tonight where I'll be rocking down with the usual guys. Then Tuesday daytime I'm invited to Preet's Funeral/Leaving Party. At last. Bless her, she forgot that she hadn't invited me and then felt bad. Sweetie. Wednesday Joe's meeting me from work to then keep me company during the night since my rents are gone! Then thursday It's the official pub quiz night which I hope everyone can make it to. Friday my sister is home and I get a brand new laptop and I'm probably working the whole weekend. Oh and since I'm doing around 30 hours this week I'll be getting near on 150 pounds in my next pay check.SQUEAL I've never felt so flush. My savings account is plumping up nicely.
Sunday, 12 June 2011
My day - Episode Forty Seven
Well I was woken up at half nine by a preset alarm so I could have a loungy morning before work. Had feta cheese and salami with my toast this morning and felt all european. Then it was off to work.
I should probably tell you more about work. I'll break it down.
On the bar there's not many of us in one go, usually two or three a night. Today it was me and Tommy. Tommy is shaven-head, peirced tattooed but so lovely. Then there is Tom who was around who is mousy, blond and currently a bit ill. There's also James who I saw briefly today. Absolutely nuts, shaggy hair and bottle-glasses - we chat too much. There is also Perks, who I saw today as well at the shift swap. He's ex-army cocky and typical 'bloke', still he's alright. The only other girl is Charlotte who lives down the road from me. Also small she's blonde and very girly. You know, doesn't like getting sauce on her hands when plate cleaning. My boss is Steve and he mills around, helps with the bar when we flounder and panic. He's hard to read. Has a stern look but actually quite easy going - just stressed mostly.
In the resturant there's all girls. There's Shirley (older, two kids, red hair and crude), Mileigh (blonde, double of charlotte), Daniela (glasses, nerdy but nice), Vicky (Tommy's girlfriend, bit chavvy but funny), Ariel (young, sweet, reminds me of mermaid), Engla (spanish? mature, quiet) and The tall ginger model-girl whose name evades me. There's probably more I can't remember. Not to mention the kitchen staff. There's a blonde girl in there, A dark haired guy, one white haired moustached guy and a grey haired loopy man. I never learned their names.
So that's basically who I work with. Everyone's really nice and we have a right laugh sometimes. We get a free carvery on a sunday early shift so today me Tommy, Tom and Shirley sat down to eat. Twas goood. The actual working side is pretty much easy, endless reams of glass collecting, cleaning and storing. Orders from people that can range from super easy "Pint of BLAH" to "I'll have a Sauvingnon Blanc, small topped up with soda in a J20 glass and three chunks of ice. And Lemon". Yes, I hate you people. I haven't yet broken a glass which happens really often. Three minutes into our shift and Daniela breaks one already and twenty minutes later Tommy broke one too. The mistakes I make are more misspours and spilling crap.
SO ANYWAY. After that ramble. I did a 12-4 shift today, had lunch and then came on home. That's been my day so far. Revision is going well but plodding along. Been neglected recently because I've been busy with four shifts at work in a row. totally dead now. Time to chill out with a terry's chocolate orange bar and a cup of tea I think. Cheers.
I should probably tell you more about work. I'll break it down.
On the bar there's not many of us in one go, usually two or three a night. Today it was me and Tommy. Tommy is shaven-head, peirced tattooed but so lovely. Then there is Tom who was around who is mousy, blond and currently a bit ill. There's also James who I saw briefly today. Absolutely nuts, shaggy hair and bottle-glasses - we chat too much. There is also Perks, who I saw today as well at the shift swap. He's ex-army cocky and typical 'bloke', still he's alright. The only other girl is Charlotte who lives down the road from me. Also small she's blonde and very girly. You know, doesn't like getting sauce on her hands when plate cleaning. My boss is Steve and he mills around, helps with the bar when we flounder and panic. He's hard to read. Has a stern look but actually quite easy going - just stressed mostly.
In the resturant there's all girls. There's Shirley (older, two kids, red hair and crude), Mileigh (blonde, double of charlotte), Daniela (glasses, nerdy but nice), Vicky (Tommy's girlfriend, bit chavvy but funny), Ariel (young, sweet, reminds me of mermaid), Engla (spanish? mature, quiet) and The tall ginger model-girl whose name evades me. There's probably more I can't remember. Not to mention the kitchen staff. There's a blonde girl in there, A dark haired guy, one white haired moustached guy and a grey haired loopy man. I never learned their names.
So that's basically who I work with. Everyone's really nice and we have a right laugh sometimes. We get a free carvery on a sunday early shift so today me Tommy, Tom and Shirley sat down to eat. Twas goood. The actual working side is pretty much easy, endless reams of glass collecting, cleaning and storing. Orders from people that can range from super easy "Pint of BLAH" to "I'll have a Sauvingnon Blanc, small topped up with soda in a J20 glass and three chunks of ice. And Lemon". Yes, I hate you people. I haven't yet broken a glass which happens really often. Three minutes into our shift and Daniela breaks one already and twenty minutes later Tommy broke one too. The mistakes I make are more misspours and spilling crap.
SO ANYWAY. After that ramble. I did a 12-4 shift today, had lunch and then came on home. That's been my day so far. Revision is going well but plodding along. Been neglected recently because I've been busy with four shifts at work in a row. totally dead now. Time to chill out with a terry's chocolate orange bar and a cup of tea I think. Cheers.
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
Old songs that make me happy
Reet Petite - Jackie Wilson (1957)
Walkin' back to happiness - Helen Shapiro (1961)
Why do fools fall in love - Frankie Lymon &The Teenagers (Written and sung by 13yr old boy!) (1956)
Mr Blue Sky - Electric Light Orchestra (1977)
Tiger Feet - Mud (1974)
Blue Moon - The Marcels (1961)
The Reflex - Duran Duran (1984)
Hit me with your rythmn stick - Ian Dury and The Blockheads (1978)
Fever - Elvis Presley (iunno but it's sexy sounding)
Walkin' back to happiness - Helen Shapiro (1961)
Why do fools fall in love - Frankie Lymon &The Teenagers (Written and sung by 13yr old boy!) (1956)
Mr Blue Sky - Electric Light Orchestra (1977)
Tiger Feet - Mud (1974)
Blue Moon - The Marcels (1961)
The Reflex - Duran Duran (1984)
Hit me with your rythmn stick - Ian Dury and The Blockheads (1978)
Fever - Elvis Presley (iunno but it's sexy sounding)
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Stupid Spam Again
In fact, this is more than stupid. This is HILARIOUS. I think we have a winner so far. Just check out the word choice. Perfec'.
And on a completely different note - an addition to my things to remember.
11. Remove head from fridge BEFORE slamming door closed. Ow my face.
And on a completely different note - an addition to my things to remember.
11. Remove head from fridge BEFORE slamming door closed. Ow my face.
Sunday, 15 May 2011
Things to Remember
1. Do not keep your germolene/antiseptic cream next to your toothpaste. It only causes lethal confusion in hazy mornings.
2. Do remember your underwear. Especially when one has an interview for a possible job that day - like I do TOMORROW !! :O
3. It is more fun to revise together when someone is present. Playing a pub-quiz style game with biology words is surprisingly fun.
4. Fairground rides are not kind to the stomach or to the wallet.
5. Curry sauce on chips is an absolute godsend on a cold afternoon.
6. The females in Harry's family are absolutely wonderful. I want to be adopted, or swapped for their dad.
7. Check the weather reports before you leave!
8. Stop the dog's humping before he jizzes on the teddy and licks it up. Ew.
9. Revising does pay off! Those A's in mocks didn't happen the first time girly!
10. Finally, fingers do not need to be straightened with irons, that's just your hair. :D
2. Do remember your underwear. Especially when one has an interview for a possible job that day - like I do TOMORROW !! :O
3. It is more fun to revise together when someone is present. Playing a pub-quiz style game with biology words is surprisingly fun.
4. Fairground rides are not kind to the stomach or to the wallet.
5. Curry sauce on chips is an absolute godsend on a cold afternoon.
6. The females in Harry's family are absolutely wonderful. I want to be adopted, or swapped for their dad.
7. Check the weather reports before you leave!
8. Stop the dog's humping before he jizzes on the teddy and licks it up. Ew.
9. Revising does pay off! Those A's in mocks didn't happen the first time girly!
10. Finally, fingers do not need to be straightened with irons, that's just your hair. :D
Monday, 2 May 2011
My Life - Episode Two
I had a really nice time with Rachael back in the house, she definately fills a heck of a lot of silence. Now that she's gone I really miss having her around and I kind of don't know how to reconnect with mum. Cause when Rach comes back, she bonds with her and I valiantly step aside to let her but then getting back is an issue a little. It'll be okay.
Was good, then it kind of went to the trash. I found out that certain people were hiding things from me - nothing major - but enough to make me wonder why and then realise it was because I falsely thought we were close. My whole dynamic of friends has changed from that. I feel closer to some older friends and after helping out a few flailing ones, I've bonded with them too. It's been okay recently but I'm kind of getting the vibe people thing I'm a total bitch. Especially from the guys. I pray I'm imagining it.
Currently, I don't really want to talk about it. :l
I can't help but feel stupid. I'm revising so much and I know that it's helping but I also know I have so far to go before I reach where I need to be for the grades I want. It's really tough right now.
Mind, Body, Soul
Well mind has recently been elsewhere. That's half good and half bad. Sometimes it will make me wander off during something important and have amazing dreams and daydreams. Mostly it's been working to my favourite as I find myself particularly focused during revision time.
Body, I hate at the minute. My post easter bloat is not stopping and I have officially hit the weight I've been edging towards with horror. Must finish chocolate in one huge binge and then get back on a swift exercise regime!
Soul is feeling a little put by the wayside. I haven't read any enriching books or listened to music recently which both usually chill me out and let me get in touch with myself. Perhaps I should make time. I'm too busy reading horror books at the minute which totally is not helping my rock bottom mood. Ah well.
I had a really nice time with Rachael back in the house, she definately fills a heck of a lot of silence. Now that she's gone I really miss having her around and I kind of don't know how to reconnect with mum. Cause when Rach comes back, she bonds with her and I valiantly step aside to let her but then getting back is an issue a little. It'll be okay.
Was good, then it kind of went to the trash. I found out that certain people were hiding things from me - nothing major - but enough to make me wonder why and then realise it was because I falsely thought we were close. My whole dynamic of friends has changed from that. I feel closer to some older friends and after helping out a few flailing ones, I've bonded with them too. It's been okay recently but I'm kind of getting the vibe people thing I'm a total bitch. Especially from the guys. I pray I'm imagining it.
Currently, I don't really want to talk about it. :l
I can't help but feel stupid. I'm revising so much and I know that it's helping but I also know I have so far to go before I reach where I need to be for the grades I want. It's really tough right now.
Mind, Body, Soul
Well mind has recently been elsewhere. That's half good and half bad. Sometimes it will make me wander off during something important and have amazing dreams and daydreams. Mostly it's been working to my favourite as I find myself particularly focused during revision time.
Body, I hate at the minute. My post easter bloat is not stopping and I have officially hit the weight I've been edging towards with horror. Must finish chocolate in one huge binge and then get back on a swift exercise regime!
Soul is feeling a little put by the wayside. I haven't read any enriching books or listened to music recently which both usually chill me out and let me get in touch with myself. Perhaps I should make time. I'm too busy reading horror books at the minute which totally is not helping my rock bottom mood. Ah well.
Saturday, 30 April 2011
A funny moment
Today, we drove Rachael back to uni and when we arrive I walked out the car, round to the boot and straight into the corner of the half open boot. I really really really hurt my forehead but it made a right CLUNK noise and sent my mum and rach into fits.
I was in half pain, half fits of giggles and had tears running down for my face for a good 5 minutes.
Have a nice day. :)
I was in half pain, half fits of giggles and had tears running down for my face for a good 5 minutes.
Have a nice day. :)
Sunday, 10 April 2011
My Day - Episode Forty Six
Well well well, I haven't done one of these in ages!
Saturday So I wake up at dads, bright and early because both of the dogs have decided to seranade us with howling and barking in synchrony. From around about half six until half seven when we all get sick of it and get up. So I have a lovely chat to Papi and Carole and Rachael since she came with me Pops. One of the rare moments we're all around when it isn't 3am.
Made breakfast (Beans and sausage on toast if you were curious). Then got showered and walked to town where the delightful Joe was! (You knew he'd be included didn'tcha). We wandered around town after a quick chat with his sunning mum. Found some new smellies for him, looking forward to sniffing him when they are in use, a present for bekah and a card for her actual birthday. Then we got a lift back to mine where I had to sort out student finance number for papi and grab my outfit for later.
When we got to Joes his mum made us some delicious chicken pasta ( I love his mum's cooking nomnom) and we sat in the garden. (Read: I sat in the garden while Joe ran around getting his outfit for later perfected). After lunch me and Joe watched tv until it was time to get dresed. Then as I was going as a boxer we may have got into a bit of a play fight with the gloves. I tried to hit him, missed and hurt my arm. Once dressed, I tried to make a black eye but it got too convincing and it was subtle enough so people got actually concerned if they noticed it. Woops. :D Arriving at Bekah's we were one of the first, with only Laura Keebs there before us. She was an adorably small Big Bird and the mask she'd made was awesome. Then other people started arriving like Brendon as a Battery which was by far the best constume and various others I can't remember. I know Hoier's outfit was too small so his bits were literally just outlined for the whole night. I should probably mention that Bekah's outfit baffled me because I'm practically a Pokemon virgin and she was Bulbasaur? I don't know. She was a plant bulb to me. Still, it was an impressive bulb thing. :)
So it was awesome seeing everyone dressed up, especially when you get a builder talking to a black widow or Bob Marley leading a sing along. I had so much fun. I mainly spoke to Natalie, Edwards and Harry because I can't stand many drunk in enclosed spaces. We bounced on the trampoline, beat each other up and performed skitz to entertain. It was pretty darn awesome. Best party I've been to in a long time.
Saturday So I wake up at dads, bright and early because both of the dogs have decided to seranade us with howling and barking in synchrony. From around about half six until half seven when we all get sick of it and get up. So I have a lovely chat to Papi and Carole and Rachael since she came with me Pops. One of the rare moments we're all around when it isn't 3am.
Made breakfast (Beans and sausage on toast if you were curious). Then got showered and walked to town where the delightful Joe was! (You knew he'd be included didn'tcha). We wandered around town after a quick chat with his sunning mum. Found some new smellies for him, looking forward to sniffing him when they are in use, a present for bekah and a card for her actual birthday. Then we got a lift back to mine where I had to sort out student finance number for papi and grab my outfit for later.
When we got to Joes his mum made us some delicious chicken pasta ( I love his mum's cooking nomnom) and we sat in the garden. (Read: I sat in the garden while Joe ran around getting his outfit for later perfected). After lunch me and Joe watched tv until it was time to get dresed. Then as I was going as a boxer we may have got into a bit of a play fight with the gloves. I tried to hit him, missed and hurt my arm. Once dressed, I tried to make a black eye but it got too convincing and it was subtle enough so people got actually concerned if they noticed it. Woops. :D Arriving at Bekah's we were one of the first, with only Laura Keebs there before us. She was an adorably small Big Bird and the mask she'd made was awesome. Then other people started arriving like Brendon as a Battery which was by far the best constume and various others I can't remember. I know Hoier's outfit was too small so his bits were literally just outlined for the whole night. I should probably mention that Bekah's outfit baffled me because I'm practically a Pokemon virgin and she was Bulbasaur? I don't know. She was a plant bulb to me. Still, it was an impressive bulb thing. :)
So it was awesome seeing everyone dressed up, especially when you get a builder talking to a black widow or Bob Marley leading a sing along. I had so much fun. I mainly spoke to Natalie, Edwards and Harry because I can't stand many drunk in enclosed spaces. We bounced on the trampoline, beat each other up and performed skitz to entertain. It was pretty darn awesome. Best party I've been to in a long time.
Monday, 4 April 2011
Sunday, 3 April 2011
WWW = World Wide Welcome
Okay, so finally made the decision to go public again. You all know it was private to hide certain things from certain people but I've taken a new turn and now I'm not a hider. I don't feel the need to rip into other and I've made my peace with the others who would have ripped into me so hopefully (this time) everything will go fine. For you guys, it just means being able to check at school and not having to sign in to see.
So welcome I suppose! I kind of want to do some sort of very late introduction but that would be silly since the only people actually reading are still my belovlies. :) New word yay.
I'll do a quick my day. This morning I was carted out of bed at half seven by my sister because it it mothers day and mum was already up. So we got up, fixed her a coffe, gave her gifts (Sanctuary bath stuff and Adele CD which rocks) as well as cards with lovely words, breakfast and hugs. After that we got ready for the day and visited my nana so my mum could do her mothers day thing.
Nana was being hilariously dirty. On seeing Freddie Flintoff on an advert she was like "He can party with me. A private party." and my aunty said "Mmm cover him in chocolate and cream" and mum said "Spread him on a cracker" and nana was like "Oh no, I'd take him how he is. He's lovely..mmmm" I was very disturbed. Then she managed to bring kinky bondage outfits into conversation later on. We were in shock. Someone has taken my nana and replaced her with an elderly frisky cougar.
Then we hopped home, I ate a pear outside in the sunshine and then ripped some music from CD's with my Sissy who is home for Easter. Then Mum was off to the Pub and we decided to tag along. Yes, I went to the pub. It was so dead in there it's hilarious. So I got my lovely coki-coli as I call it. Actually was Pepsi. Bollocks, right? Anyways, then we played on the interactive pub game thing. We won £6! and spent £9. Woops. On the way back me and Rach decided to pick a bunch of Daffodils for Mum from the public park (dodgy geesers we are). It was out of good nature! Mum found that hilarious.
Then I've basically chilled at home with new music, hanging out with sissy and the fam. It's been nice. Tomorrow I'm off to Dad's to wish him happy birthday and give Carole some Step-mum's day haribo. See how nice I am?
And that must have been the first My Day episode without a mention of Joe or School. :)
So welcome I suppose! I kind of want to do some sort of very late introduction but that would be silly since the only people actually reading are still my belovlies. :) New word yay.
I'll do a quick my day. This morning I was carted out of bed at half seven by my sister because it it mothers day and mum was already up. So we got up, fixed her a coffe, gave her gifts (Sanctuary bath stuff and Adele CD which rocks) as well as cards with lovely words, breakfast and hugs. After that we got ready for the day and visited my nana so my mum could do her mothers day thing.
Nana was being hilariously dirty. On seeing Freddie Flintoff on an advert she was like "He can party with me. A private party." and my aunty said "Mmm cover him in chocolate and cream" and mum said "Spread him on a cracker" and nana was like "Oh no, I'd take him how he is. He's lovely..mmmm" I was very disturbed. Then she managed to bring kinky bondage outfits into conversation later on. We were in shock. Someone has taken my nana and replaced her with an elderly frisky cougar.
Then we hopped home, I ate a pear outside in the sunshine and then ripped some music from CD's with my Sissy who is home for Easter. Then Mum was off to the Pub and we decided to tag along. Yes, I went to the pub. It was so dead in there it's hilarious. So I got my lovely coki-coli as I call it. Actually was Pepsi. Bollocks, right? Anyways, then we played on the interactive pub game thing. We won £6! and spent £9. Woops. On the way back me and Rach decided to pick a bunch of Daffodils for Mum from the public park (dodgy geesers we are). It was out of good nature! Mum found that hilarious.
Then I've basically chilled at home with new music, hanging out with sissy and the fam. It's been nice. Tomorrow I'm off to Dad's to wish him happy birthday and give Carole some Step-mum's day haribo. See how nice I am?
And that must have been the first My Day episode without a mention of Joe or School. :)
Thursday, 24 March 2011
How to live life
A random advice for life thing I found online. I've commented in italics on some a la hutchy stylee.
1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like beggar.
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is
manufactured in plants.
4. Live with the 3 E’s — Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy.
5. Make time to meditate.
6. (Breathe)
1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like beggar.
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is
manufactured in plants.
4. Live with the 3 E’s — Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy.
5. Make time to meditate.
6. (Breathe)
7. Read more books than you did.
8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
9. Sleep for 7 hours.
10. Take a 10-30 minute walk daily. And while you walk, smile.
9. Sleep for 7 hours.
10. Take a 10-30 minute walk daily. And while you walk, smile.
11. Comparing our lives to others is fruitless. We have no idea what their journey is about.
12. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones especially about things out of our control. Invest energy in the positive present moment.
13. Try not to over do. Understand limits.
14. Why take ourselves so seriously. No one else does.
15. Gossip drains precious energy.
16. Dream more while we are awake. (Yes!!!)
17. Envy is a waste of time. We already have all we need. (I should remember this when on facebook profiles of gorgeous people)
18. Forget issues of the past. Let go of our partners mistakes of the past. Focus on our present/future happiness.
19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. (I took this one on recently, refreshing)
13. Try not to over do. Understand limits.
14. Why take ourselves so seriously. No one else does.
15. Gossip drains precious energy.
16. Dream more while we are awake. (Yes!!!)
17. Envy is a waste of time. We already have all we need. (I should remember this when on facebook profiles of gorgeous people)
18. Forget issues of the past. Let go of our partners mistakes of the past. Focus on our present/future happiness.
19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. (I took this one on recently, refreshing)
20. Make peace with our past so it won’t spoil the present.
21. No one is in charge of our happiness except us.
22. Realize that life is a school and we are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons we learn will last a lifetime.
23. Smile and laugh more.
24. We don’t have to win arguments. It’s ok to agree to disagree.
SOCIETY:21. No one is in charge of our happiness except us.
22. Realize that life is a school and we are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons we learn will last a lifetime.
23. Smile and laugh more.
24. We don’t have to win arguments. It’s ok to agree to disagree.
25. Call your family often.
26. Each day give something good to others.
27. Forgive everyone for everything. (I totally don't agree with this. >.>)
28. Spend time with people over the age of 70 and under the age of 6.
29. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
30. What other people think of you is insignificant compared to what you think of yourself.
31. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends & family will. Stay in touch.
32. Do the right thing!
33. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful. (This is possibly my favourite)
34. (Higher powers) heal everything.
35. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
36. No matter how we feel, get up, dress up, and show up. (Totally agreed.)
37. The best is yet to come.
38. When we awake alive in the morning, be thankful.
39. Our Inner most is always happy. Release your “Inner Happy” on the world every day!
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
30 Songs - The Lazy Way
day 01 - your favorite song - I don't have one favourite. Current favourite is Born This Way - THE GAGA!
day 02 - your least favorite song - Friday - Rebecca Black
day 03 - a song that makes you happy - Thong Song - Sisqo
day 04 - a song that makes you sad - Bolero - Steve Sharples
day 05 - a song that reminds you of someone - Fields of Gold - Eva Cassidy
day 06 - a song that reminds you of somewhere - Kiss - Prince and the Revolution
day 07 - a song that reminds you of a certain event - Ignition - R Kelly (Driving over the hills on holiday, feeding goats)
day 08 - a song that you know all the words to - Elephant Love Medley - Moulin Rouge
day 09 - a song that you can dance to - She wants to move - N.E.R.D
day 10 - a song that makes you fall asleep - Sleep - Kimya Dawson
day 11 - a song from your favorite band - M!ssundaztood - P!nk
day 12 - a song from a band you hate - Duality - Slipknot
day 13 - a song that is a guilty pleasure - C'est la vie - B*Witched
day 14 - a song that no one would expect you to love - Y'all wanna single - Korn
day 15 - a song that describes you - Expectations - Belle & Sebastian
day 16 - a song that you used to love but now hate - Running up that hill - Placebo
day 17 - a song that you hear often on the radio -Fireworks - Katy Perry
day 18 - a song that you wish you heard on the radio - Anyone else but you - Mouldy Peaches
day 19 - a song from your favorite album - Loose Lips - Kimya Dawson
day 20 - a song that you listen to when you’re angry - Kiss with a fist - Florence and the Machine
day 21 - a song that you listen to when you’re happy - Shake your bootie cutie- Geri Halliwell
day 22 - a song that you listen to when you’re sad - I Try - Macy Gray
day 23 - a song that you want to play at your wedding - Kiss Me - Sixpence none the richer
day 24 - a song that you want to play at your funeral - Here comes the sun - The Beatles
day 25 - a song that makes you laugh - Gay - Stephen Lynch
day 26 - a song that you can play on an instrument - Hot cross buns
day 27 - a song that you wish you could play - Bolero
day 28 - a song that makes you feel guilty - Unfaithful - Rihanna
day 29 - a song from your childhood - 7 Days - Craig David
day 30 - your favorite song at this time last year -I don't know? Probably Bad Things - Jace Everett
day 02 - your least favorite song - Friday - Rebecca Black
day 03 - a song that makes you happy - Thong Song - Sisqo
day 04 - a song that makes you sad - Bolero - Steve Sharples
day 05 - a song that reminds you of someone - Fields of Gold - Eva Cassidy
day 06 - a song that reminds you of somewhere - Kiss - Prince and the Revolution
day 07 - a song that reminds you of a certain event - Ignition - R Kelly (Driving over the hills on holiday, feeding goats)
day 08 - a song that you know all the words to - Elephant Love Medley - Moulin Rouge
day 09 - a song that you can dance to - She wants to move - N.E.R.D
day 10 - a song that makes you fall asleep - Sleep - Kimya Dawson
day 11 - a song from your favorite band - M!ssundaztood - P!nk
day 12 - a song from a band you hate - Duality - Slipknot
day 13 - a song that is a guilty pleasure - C'est la vie - B*Witched
day 14 - a song that no one would expect you to love - Y'all wanna single - Korn
day 15 - a song that describes you - Expectations - Belle & Sebastian
day 16 - a song that you used to love but now hate - Running up that hill - Placebo
day 17 - a song that you hear often on the radio -Fireworks - Katy Perry
day 18 - a song that you wish you heard on the radio - Anyone else but you - Mouldy Peaches
day 19 - a song from your favorite album - Loose Lips - Kimya Dawson
day 20 - a song that you listen to when you’re angry - Kiss with a fist - Florence and the Machine
day 21 - a song that you listen to when you’re happy - Shake your bootie cutie- Geri Halliwell
day 22 - a song that you listen to when you’re sad - I Try - Macy Gray
day 23 - a song that you want to play at your wedding - Kiss Me - Sixpence none the richer
day 24 - a song that you want to play at your funeral - Here comes the sun - The Beatles
day 25 - a song that makes you laugh - Gay - Stephen Lynch
day 26 - a song that you can play on an instrument - Hot cross buns
day 27 - a song that you wish you could play - Bolero
day 28 - a song that makes you feel guilty - Unfaithful - Rihanna
day 29 - a song from your childhood - 7 Days - Craig David
day 30 - your favorite song at this time last year -I don't know? Probably Bad Things - Jace Everett
Saturday, 19 March 2011
The Holidays: A summary
Monday: Played Sims Bustin' out on the Xbox and rocked it. Had a massive kerfuffle trying to contact the ever-busy/ sleeping Dukey to organise stuff.
Tuesday: Pancake day and one of my highlights! I invited Harry, Bekah and Dukey over and we had a boys V girls pancake competition. Ours won obviously. Then when Harry left early (he also arrived early, mad) Dukey and Bekah stayed to help me pack. Then Dukey dropped me and Bekah at hers where we went for a walk in the woods, made her dad dinner and then were re-joined by Dukey. We then ordered a pizza and chatted until about ten when I really did get to my dads. Realised we'd got a new puppy. Then I reconnected with my step-mum Carole when we had a massive hour long chat just like the good old days.
Thursday: Results Day. Harry picked me up reasonably early and we chatted about nervousness. Got my results and they were a little confusing. They weren't the soaring awesome results I had hoped for, but they were doable and mean I can continue on with my dream of Leicester and Psychology. I also started the process hopefully leading to me dropping Philosophy and Ethics. After results me and Harry joined Maisie and Josh for more pancakes and watching Love and Other Drugs. Anne Hathaway flashes her boob, we were agast.
Friday: Bowling! Aimee's birthday was Thursday but I didn't see her. So gave her some necklaces I'd got her, which I also wanted to keep. We bowled. I got the highest score of the night but also came last twice, go figure. Then I came home and made more pancakes (spotting a trend?) for Katie (my sort of step sister), Carole and Dad.
Satuday: Came home to Mum's and chilled here. Found out I had dinner with my estranged cousin Lauren, Leigh and Nicky. That was awkward but bearable, a start I suppose.
Sunday: Joe was home at last! I went round to his and slept over. We argued a lot so I guess that spoiled this day somewhat.
Monday: Woke up at Joes and hung out till about 12 when Harry picked me up. We went back to mine and chilled out. I made him lunch and we went for a walk and then he had to run so I had most of the afternoon to myself.
Tuesday: Firstly I popped round to Joe's house and we argued some more but FINALLY managed to get to the bottom of it and sort out all the worries. Then it was ladies night round Bekahs house. Just the three of us (Aimee too) hung out. Bekah's sister had made cakes so I ate those. A lot. We just chatted about life and read magazines. Amused ourself throwing galaxy buttons at each other.
Wednesday: Woke up at Bekahs, nice slow morning until eventually having to leave. Me and Aimee walked to town together (a long walk) which was okay. Then I got the bus home. Joe came over at about four and we had the usual wednesday afternoon. I made him dinner- steak, chips, fried egg and mushrooms. I'm a culinary magician.
Thursday: Went over to Joes again and we had a very pleasant afternoon. I was feeling a bit weird but better after a syrup sponge pudding. uhhmmmmm yum. Then we went for a dog walk with Hutchy. His dog is truely adorable. Was nice to see him but it felt a little off. Then we all went to Bekahs. That was nice too but again felt a little off... maybe it was just my mood. I just thought they were used to being a trio from their JC nights and I was an intruder.
Friday: Was meant to be hanging with Harry but his Dad fucked things up so I was alone all day. I decided to super clean my room. I organised my wardrobe, shelves and drawers. I cleaned and dusted every surface and ornament. I even bleached my netting and cleaned the windows. I scrubbed it from top to toe and now it's pure lux. Not a coaster out of place - I feel so tranquil and shiz.
Saturday: (Today) Harry is coming over in a while and we'll probably go for a walk because the sky is actually blue and clear! We also said we'd watch a movie, either Brothers Grimm or Candy. (Heath Ledger (L) )
Sunday: (Tommorrow) Mum's given me a tenner if I clean the living room and the kitchen so I'll probably stick the radio and go crazy with sprays and cloths. Own it. :D
All in all my holiday was a firm 9/10. Only damper was the few arguements and friction occasionally but mostly I've not had a boring day and I've seen so many awesome people so I'm super happy with how it's turned out!
Tuesday: Pancake day and one of my highlights! I invited Harry, Bekah and Dukey over and we had a boys V girls pancake competition. Ours won obviously. Then when Harry left early (he also arrived early, mad) Dukey and Bekah stayed to help me pack. Then Dukey dropped me and Bekah at hers where we went for a walk in the woods, made her dad dinner and then were re-joined by Dukey. We then ordered a pizza and chatted until about ten when I really did get to my dads. Realised we'd got a new puppy. Then I reconnected with my step-mum Carole when we had a massive hour long chat just like the good old days.
Ziva and the new Puppy, Pippi (a little boy believe it or not)
Wednesday: I was at Dads now. Dukey was going to hang out but he was busy but luckily Harry cancelled on Bekah too so I got the pleasure of her company. We went to Costa Coffee where I was mistaken for a strangers daughter and therefore ignored, and me and Bekah overcame our fears of the Dentist and booked appointments. Rather, I did and Bekah laughed in shock because they didn't know what type she needed because she hadn't been in that long!Thursday: Results Day. Harry picked me up reasonably early and we chatted about nervousness. Got my results and they were a little confusing. They weren't the soaring awesome results I had hoped for, but they were doable and mean I can continue on with my dream of Leicester and Psychology. I also started the process hopefully leading to me dropping Philosophy and Ethics. After results me and Harry joined Maisie and Josh for more pancakes and watching Love and Other Drugs. Anne Hathaway flashes her boob, we were agast.
Friday: Bowling! Aimee's birthday was Thursday but I didn't see her. So gave her some necklaces I'd got her, which I also wanted to keep. We bowled. I got the highest score of the night but also came last twice, go figure. Then I came home and made more pancakes (spotting a trend?) for Katie (my sort of step sister), Carole and Dad.
Satuday: Came home to Mum's and chilled here. Found out I had dinner with my estranged cousin Lauren, Leigh and Nicky. That was awkward but bearable, a start I suppose.
Sunday: Joe was home at last! I went round to his and slept over. We argued a lot so I guess that spoiled this day somewhat.
Monday: Woke up at Joes and hung out till about 12 when Harry picked me up. We went back to mine and chilled out. I made him lunch and we went for a walk and then he had to run so I had most of the afternoon to myself.
Tuesday: Firstly I popped round to Joe's house and we argued some more but FINALLY managed to get to the bottom of it and sort out all the worries. Then it was ladies night round Bekahs house. Just the three of us (Aimee too) hung out. Bekah's sister had made cakes so I ate those. A lot. We just chatted about life and read magazines. Amused ourself throwing galaxy buttons at each other.
Wednesday: Woke up at Bekahs, nice slow morning until eventually having to leave. Me and Aimee walked to town together (a long walk) which was okay. Then I got the bus home. Joe came over at about four and we had the usual wednesday afternoon. I made him dinner- steak, chips, fried egg and mushrooms. I'm a culinary magician.
Thursday: Went over to Joes again and we had a very pleasant afternoon. I was feeling a bit weird but better after a syrup sponge pudding. uhhmmmmm yum. Then we went for a dog walk with Hutchy. His dog is truely adorable. Was nice to see him but it felt a little off. Then we all went to Bekahs. That was nice too but again felt a little off... maybe it was just my mood. I just thought they were used to being a trio from their JC nights and I was an intruder.
Friday: Was meant to be hanging with Harry but his Dad fucked things up so I was alone all day. I decided to super clean my room. I organised my wardrobe, shelves and drawers. I cleaned and dusted every surface and ornament. I even bleached my netting and cleaned the windows. I scrubbed it from top to toe and now it's pure lux. Not a coaster out of place - I feel so tranquil and shiz.
Saturday: (Today) Harry is coming over in a while and we'll probably go for a walk because the sky is actually blue and clear! We also said we'd watch a movie, either Brothers Grimm or Candy. (Heath Ledger (L) )
Sunday: (Tommorrow) Mum's given me a tenner if I clean the living room and the kitchen so I'll probably stick the radio and go crazy with sprays and cloths. Own it. :D
All in all my holiday was a firm 9/10. Only damper was the few arguements and friction occasionally but mostly I've not had a boring day and I've seen so many awesome people so I'm super happy with how it's turned out!
Monday, 14 March 2011
It's Raining Men
Okay, I actually just put that as the title because I'm listening to it and I love it. Basically, I've got a new best male buddy around, it's been a while since I've had a really close guy friend - for some reason the old ones seem to not really give two shits anymore, not bothing to get in contact anymore.
Basically I've been feeling I need a bessy, and although I've got my girlies - they don't cover all the bases. I can't do banter with them or simple, easy advice like "Fuck it" it's always analysis and tiring conspiracy theories. Love it sometimes but sometimes I want to make bacon and pasta and eat it out the pan with someone who doesn't secretly judge my shit cooking. So I did that today and it was awesome, loving having a dude to lean upon - even if it causes a few arguments and brings a few new relationship malfunctions to light but that needed to happen so they could be dealt with.
Overall. awesome. And I get to hang out with a select few of my girlies tomorrow to recover from over-manning it today. SUPERPLUSGOOD!
Basically I've been feeling I need a bessy, and although I've got my girlies - they don't cover all the bases. I can't do banter with them or simple, easy advice like "Fuck it" it's always analysis and tiring conspiracy theories. Love it sometimes but sometimes I want to make bacon and pasta and eat it out the pan with someone who doesn't secretly judge my shit cooking. So I did that today and it was awesome, loving having a dude to lean upon - even if it causes a few arguments and brings a few new relationship malfunctions to light but that needed to happen so they could be dealt with.
Overall. awesome. And I get to hang out with a select few of my girlies tomorrow to recover from over-manning it today. SUPERPLUSGOOD!
Saturday, 12 March 2011
It's when you're having a bad day or a crisis and you turn to your group of friends do you realise who honestly cares. For one thing, you realise you can't tell some of them about it because they aren't close enough. Then you realise that some of them won't even take time out of playing on a computer or Xbox to offer a shoulder for you to lean on.
Honestly, some of my friends can be utter SHITHEADS.
Honestly, some of my friends can be utter SHITHEADS.
Friday, 4 March 2011
Random Thoughts of the Evo
First thing, someone on facebook mentioned the Departed which is probably the only mafia/gangster/thriller movie I have no only endured, but repeatedly watched because I love it. Seriously, it is packed with huge names which I can't remember because I'm a faces not names person and it's such black humour too. Jack Nicholson. Can't remember the rest. I want to say Matt Damon but it's probably not, let's face it.
Next would be...something important...Went home early today. I literally did less interesting things than I would have done at school. I watched loose women, I watched Leap Year and I read Cosmo. My life could not be any more mundane.
I feel fat and unhealthy.
Chocolate milkshake is one of the worst things to spill onto your clothes or hands, it's the most foul smelling residue I've had to sit with. It was just really funky smelling and didn't come off my hands for ages. Be careful with your shakes people!
Oh, Evo. That was the important thing. Okay it wasn't, but to me it was. People do not understand my use of the words Morn, Avo and Evo. Simple answer - nobody created shortened versions of Morning, Afternoon and Evening (which are pretty long words for common use or texting) so behold, Morn, Avo, Evo. Great aren't they, they look so adorable when written in a set!
My computer gave me a heart attack earlier. I (gently) threw it onto the bed to go get a drink and it decided to turn off. Then it wouldn't turn back on. I had to shuffled the battery in and out twice, press the power button about fourty times and shake it like a polaroid picture before it showed any signs of life. But we're okay now aren't we lappy?
And lastly, I think I was hypnotised when not paying attention to have a wildly erratic reaction to doorbells. If a doorbell goes I literally jump out of my skin and want to answer it more than I want to live. I cannot stand people who are slow to the door. Don't try and stop me! That little bing-bong just sends me into a little fit of despair and frantic scrabbling. Urgh.
That is all, goodnight!
P.s Should I make this blog public? Don't have to comment, just tell me in one way or another. Commenting is effort to check XD
Next would be...something important...Went home early today. I literally did less interesting things than I would have done at school. I watched loose women, I watched Leap Year and I read Cosmo. My life could not be any more mundane.
I feel fat and unhealthy.
Chocolate milkshake is one of the worst things to spill onto your clothes or hands, it's the most foul smelling residue I've had to sit with. It was just really funky smelling and didn't come off my hands for ages. Be careful with your shakes people!
Oh, Evo. That was the important thing. Okay it wasn't, but to me it was. People do not understand my use of the words Morn, Avo and Evo. Simple answer - nobody created shortened versions of Morning, Afternoon and Evening (which are pretty long words for common use or texting) so behold, Morn, Avo, Evo. Great aren't they, they look so adorable when written in a set!
My computer gave me a heart attack earlier. I (gently) threw it onto the bed to go get a drink and it decided to turn off. Then it wouldn't turn back on. I had to shuffled the battery in and out twice, press the power button about fourty times and shake it like a polaroid picture before it showed any signs of life. But we're okay now aren't we lappy?
And lastly, I think I was hypnotised when not paying attention to have a wildly erratic reaction to doorbells. If a doorbell goes I literally jump out of my skin and want to answer it more than I want to live. I cannot stand people who are slow to the door. Don't try and stop me! That little bing-bong just sends me into a little fit of despair and frantic scrabbling. Urgh.
That is all, goodnight!
P.s Should I make this blog public? Don't have to comment, just tell me in one way or another. Commenting is effort to check XD
Monday, 28 February 2011
Info Bandits
Oh my god! Info bandits! I knew they'd find me eventually! GODDAMNIT I knew it was you.
Fucking El Nombre.
Fucking El Nombre.
I was going to do a post on how I tried to make cookies and they tasted like salty butter but on searching for cookies I found this!
Which is a million times better
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
Wait, there's more...
As if it wasn't ridiculous enough, apparently I need to get a bigger penis REALLY BADLY. Not only that but coupled with my every growing dissapointment with my manhood is..
My growing need to have an Almighty Bible for Kids

I really ought to sort out my junk mail, but it's just too funny!
Sunday, 20 February 2011
My Life - Official Episode One
Okay I've done these kinds of posts before but I'm deciding to make them like the My Day posts only I go off on a more general rant.
Relationship wise they are fine. But yesterday I got the news that my step-mum Carole has been admitted to hospital with Pneumonia. I spoke to my dad about it and he said it is a cause for worry, but not for praying and panic. She's going through treatment and will get better as long as she doesn't get another infection along with it. I feel kind of annoyed since she was taken into hospital on wednesday and I only heard about it on saturday, this stuff happens all the time. When grandad had cancer I wasn't told, I had to over hear to find out. When he had a stroke I only found out because dad told mum once they'd stopped argueing. I'm 18, I deserve to know about what is happening you know? I'm still shielded from what's happening with Lauren (my cousin whose in a psychiatric institution) and snippets of new information about my uncles attack are still only just coming out and that was years ago. It's frustrating because I want to be included althoguh I know they are only trying to protect me.
Shaky. I hate seeing people drunk which is what happened this weekend. I don't want to judge them and I don't judge them for getting drunk, if anything I judge myself more for not being drunk - I just can't trust myself to be. I feel like I'm cutting myself off from people and I apologise if you agree with me.Oh but thanks for the offers to rush me to Carole when I got the news, it meant a lot that even half-cut people were caring sill. <3
Shaky. Massive concerns coming from one side. Although I feel totally secure and dedicated I know he's feeling doubtful about us going the distance. It's upsetting to hear. Plus we had a mega argument about drinking.
Terrified I'm not going to make the cut, that I'll fail philosophy (again) or that I won't have done enough. I'm afraid that I'll drown in expectations and failure.
Mind, Body, Soul
Right now, Soul is well nourished by some music I recently discovered. (Search The incredible machine on Spotify). Also my mum just brought me a cup of tea without being asked, bless her. But soul took a battering recently when I had a horrid shadowy memories. Literally I feel like this mistake I made is like a huge dark mark on my back - I don't usually see it but when I do it's like "Fuck!" and it takes yet another while to forget. Currently I haven't forgot but I'm stable. In a day or so I'll be back to normal. Mind is currently elsewhere, I just have so much to think and brood over recently. I'm not even sure if I want to share anymore and I am a serial over-sharer. Body is big but happy. I feel kind of flabby and know I could do a lot more to look a lot better but currently I don't have motivation - my boyfriend loves me this way and I've lost interesting in catching other boy's eyes. All the complements I'm getting recently on the hair and it's effect on me have been positive and so amazing. After spending time alone with Joe and his usual spattering of compliments (even the back handed ones) I feel lovely and fuzzy too.
Relationship wise they are fine. But yesterday I got the news that my step-mum Carole has been admitted to hospital with Pneumonia. I spoke to my dad about it and he said it is a cause for worry, but not for praying and panic. She's going through treatment and will get better as long as she doesn't get another infection along with it. I feel kind of annoyed since she was taken into hospital on wednesday and I only heard about it on saturday, this stuff happens all the time. When grandad had cancer I wasn't told, I had to over hear to find out. When he had a stroke I only found out because dad told mum once they'd stopped argueing. I'm 18, I deserve to know about what is happening you know? I'm still shielded from what's happening with Lauren (my cousin whose in a psychiatric institution) and snippets of new information about my uncles attack are still only just coming out and that was years ago. It's frustrating because I want to be included althoguh I know they are only trying to protect me.
Shaky. I hate seeing people drunk which is what happened this weekend. I don't want to judge them and I don't judge them for getting drunk, if anything I judge myself more for not being drunk - I just can't trust myself to be. I feel like I'm cutting myself off from people and I apologise if you agree with me.Oh but thanks for the offers to rush me to Carole when I got the news, it meant a lot that even half-cut people were caring sill. <3
Shaky. Massive concerns coming from one side. Although I feel totally secure and dedicated I know he's feeling doubtful about us going the distance. It's upsetting to hear. Plus we had a mega argument about drinking.
Terrified I'm not going to make the cut, that I'll fail philosophy (again) or that I won't have done enough. I'm afraid that I'll drown in expectations and failure.
Mind, Body, Soul
Right now, Soul is well nourished by some music I recently discovered. (Search The incredible machine on Spotify). Also my mum just brought me a cup of tea without being asked, bless her. But soul took a battering recently when I had a horrid shadowy memories. Literally I feel like this mistake I made is like a huge dark mark on my back - I don't usually see it but when I do it's like "Fuck!" and it takes yet another while to forget. Currently I haven't forgot but I'm stable. In a day or so I'll be back to normal. Mind is currently elsewhere, I just have so much to think and brood over recently. I'm not even sure if I want to share anymore and I am a serial over-sharer. Body is big but happy. I feel kind of flabby and know I could do a lot more to look a lot better but currently I don't have motivation - my boyfriend loves me this way and I've lost interesting in catching other boy's eyes. All the complements I'm getting recently on the hair and it's effect on me have been positive and so amazing. After spending time alone with Joe and his usual spattering of compliments (even the back handed ones) I feel lovely and fuzzy too.
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
I always thought I didn't really watch that much tv. To be honest, I think that actually if you accumulate all of the programs that I keep up with, it's a considerable amount really.
There is (Heres a list, dontcha love em?)
Big Bang Theory
Americas Next Top Model
Two and a half men
Criminal Minds
IT Crowd
True blood
Take me out
Secret diary of a Call Girl
and probably more which I will add as I remember them.
When I say I watch these programs I don't mean that I religiously have sat and watched every single episode but whenever I spot new episodes that appear on demand or as I'm channel hopping, I watch. Is this a reasonable amount of TV to be trying to juggle? Do I watch too much? How much do you watch?
There is (Heres a list, dontcha love em?)
Big Bang Theory
Americas Next Top Model
Two and a half men
Criminal Minds
IT Crowd
True blood
Take me out
Secret diary of a Call Girl
and probably more which I will add as I remember them.
When I say I watch these programs I don't mean that I religiously have sat and watched every single episode but whenever I spot new episodes that appear on demand or as I'm channel hopping, I watch. Is this a reasonable amount of TV to be trying to juggle? Do I watch too much? How much do you watch?
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
My Day - Episode Forty Five
Well today I feel shit and nice at the same time.
Well I feel shit because in Biology I'm struggling, a lot of the stuff we're doing right now is closely linked to chemistry. I feel awful sat next to Joe who not only grasps electron movement like it was how to boil an egg but also has done most of this before because he fast tracked science.
And I'm reading a book at the minute which I am TOTALLY associating with when I don't want to. Basically this girl has the dream of marrying an italian guy, moving to italy to be embraced by family and then raise a few bambinos of her own. When she gets the guy, they are unexplainedly infertile and when moving to italy, his mother hates her and she doesn't like it. As her suspicions of her dark italian stallions infidelity rise she finds solace in talking to a green eyed, blonde haired tall musclar American man. :| You understand my reluctance to associated. But I can't help it, I get sucked in. So now my mind wanders where-ever I forbid it and I'm left day dreaming about things I don't really want, then feeling guilty. I hate myself. And I feel fat. And it's really cold.
Today I shocked even more people with my hair. Best reaction goes to.... Miss Lincoln.
"God, it's so hot in here I need to .... OH MY GAWWDD!! THAT SHORT!" It was hilarious for me. :D Sweetest reaction was Miss Annabel who said she recognised my voice but didn't know me until she finally realised. Both went on to compliment profusely. Also Cassie, Amy, Imo Mann, Jean Marc, my mum (again) and Becki all said that they love it. That's on top of the countless ones from yesterday. So in that way, self confidence is sky high! (Despite the fact I feel kind of lazy and fat for not exercising in ages.)
I had a really nice Valentines Day with Joey and he got my five chocolate roses which I am eating one a day of so I can have a 5 day long appreciation of it. Nomnomnom. I've almost finished my Lindt and my kitty purse is now my school purse for odd change. ^ ^
So there you go, not the typical my day post but that's what's going on in my head. Currently the balance is mostly in favour of Nice but if any more piles on my shit, then I'll feel shit instead - so be lovely to me please :)
Well I feel shit because in Biology I'm struggling, a lot of the stuff we're doing right now is closely linked to chemistry. I feel awful sat next to Joe who not only grasps electron movement like it was how to boil an egg but also has done most of this before because he fast tracked science.
And I'm reading a book at the minute which I am TOTALLY associating with when I don't want to. Basically this girl has the dream of marrying an italian guy, moving to italy to be embraced by family and then raise a few bambinos of her own. When she gets the guy, they are unexplainedly infertile and when moving to italy, his mother hates her and she doesn't like it. As her suspicions of her dark italian stallions infidelity rise she finds solace in talking to a green eyed, blonde haired tall musclar American man. :| You understand my reluctance to associated. But I can't help it, I get sucked in. So now my mind wanders where-ever I forbid it and I'm left day dreaming about things I don't really want, then feeling guilty. I hate myself. And I feel fat. And it's really cold.
Today I shocked even more people with my hair. Best reaction goes to.... Miss Lincoln.
"God, it's so hot in here I need to .... OH MY GAWWDD!! THAT SHORT!" It was hilarious for me. :D Sweetest reaction was Miss Annabel who said she recognised my voice but didn't know me until she finally realised. Both went on to compliment profusely. Also Cassie, Amy, Imo Mann, Jean Marc, my mum (again) and Becki all said that they love it. That's on top of the countless ones from yesterday. So in that way, self confidence is sky high! (Despite the fact I feel kind of lazy and fat for not exercising in ages.)
I had a really nice Valentines Day with Joey and he got my five chocolate roses which I am eating one a day of so I can have a 5 day long appreciation of it. Nomnomnom. I've almost finished my Lindt and my kitty purse is now my school purse for odd change. ^ ^
So there you go, not the typical my day post but that's what's going on in my head. Currently the balance is mostly in favour of Nice but if any more piles on my shit, then I'll feel shit instead - so be lovely to me please :)
Sunday, 13 February 2011
My Day - Episode Forty four
Hello from Pixie-Becca (as my dad has taken to call me). I'm sat watching Wife Swap and it's a blurry good one. I love wife swap, it's not just swapping the mums over but it's finding the two most opposite people and then swapping their wives over. Right now it's this camo-clad mum who has rough and tumble boys and eats alligator for lunch swapping with a culture-crazed ballet teacher mum who has a husband and boy who moisturise and are also dancers. HILARIOUS.
Okay on to my topic. Let's do yesterday because it was interesting. I woke up driven out of bed by hunger and nerves. I knew that today was the day, I wanted to be drastic and spontaneous and mad. So I got out of bed, made myself bacon and tatty scones. Then I had to feed the dog for the first time, her food smells disgusting and even one whiff made me want to retch. I was literally heaving with every sniff. Then I showered, dressed and walked to town. It was a nice day so I felt good about my decision, more reserved about everyone elses reaction to it.
So I walked into the hairdressers. It was the one with long blonde hair that was in at the desk.
"Hey. How can I help you?"
"Hi. I'm looking for....a drastic restyle."
"Okay, take a seat and we'll get started. What length are you looking for? Shoulder? A bob?"
"Um... all off. Pixie short."
"Ah! That is drastic. Let's get some magazines."
So then we grabbed some hair mags and then pointed out a couple of super cropped styles. Then she started cutting. She worked from the back to the front so I wouldn't have to deal with the trauma of cutting off a pony tail. Doing it gradually helped but it did mean she did the shortest bit first. Literally she razered it right at the back so it's not even an inch long. Gasp.
When she was done I didn't like how boofy it was on the top so she took it even shorter and then shortened the fringe cause it was sitting at a point right into my eye. I was kind of happy with the outcome but I could barely speak, it was such a huge change.
Then it was meeting Joe. When he first saw me he just shook his head. I was nervous most about this because he'd said before he doesn't like girls with short hair. Luckily he did (sort of) like it, just taking lots of adjusting. Then I shocked Jess and Aimee who both said they liked it. Since then loads of people have said nice things but some responses have been "I preferred your long hair.". That's okay. I've still got to learn how to style it and apparently it's "going to take a while to learn how to sit" according to blondy-hairdresser.
Then I came home and hung out with Joey. We walked the dog and played Spyro (which he actually tolerated <3 ). Then when he went I got pizza for dinner with a pancake beforehand. Oh and I put pictures on facebook. In fact, here's one for you! Yayy I can hear you cheering.
So that was my day. Buhbyyee!
Okay on to my topic. Let's do yesterday because it was interesting. I woke up driven out of bed by hunger and nerves. I knew that today was the day, I wanted to be drastic and spontaneous and mad. So I got out of bed, made myself bacon and tatty scones. Then I had to feed the dog for the first time, her food smells disgusting and even one whiff made me want to retch. I was literally heaving with every sniff. Then I showered, dressed and walked to town. It was a nice day so I felt good about my decision, more reserved about everyone elses reaction to it.
So I walked into the hairdressers. It was the one with long blonde hair that was in at the desk.
"Hey. How can I help you?"
"Hi. I'm looking for....a drastic restyle."
"Okay, take a seat and we'll get started. What length are you looking for? Shoulder? A bob?"
"Um... all off. Pixie short."
"Ah! That is drastic. Let's get some magazines."
So then we grabbed some hair mags and then pointed out a couple of super cropped styles. Then she started cutting. She worked from the back to the front so I wouldn't have to deal with the trauma of cutting off a pony tail. Doing it gradually helped but it did mean she did the shortest bit first. Literally she razered it right at the back so it's not even an inch long. Gasp.
When she was done I didn't like how boofy it was on the top so she took it even shorter and then shortened the fringe cause it was sitting at a point right into my eye. I was kind of happy with the outcome but I could barely speak, it was such a huge change.
Then it was meeting Joe. When he first saw me he just shook his head. I was nervous most about this because he'd said before he doesn't like girls with short hair. Luckily he did (sort of) like it, just taking lots of adjusting. Then I shocked Jess and Aimee who both said they liked it. Since then loads of people have said nice things but some responses have been "I preferred your long hair.". That's okay. I've still got to learn how to style it and apparently it's "going to take a while to learn how to sit" according to blondy-hairdresser.
Then I came home and hung out with Joey. We walked the dog and played Spyro (which he actually tolerated <3 ). Then when he went I got pizza for dinner with a pancake beforehand. Oh and I put pictures on facebook. In fact, here's one for you! Yayy I can hear you cheering.
So that was my day. Buhbyyee!
Saturday, 12 February 2011
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
The Netbooks First Death
Earlier all of my progams closed and my scanner thing popped up going "HOLY SHIT EVERYTHING IS INFECTED WITH A HORRIBLE MALIGNANT TUMOUR VIRUS HYBRID BITCH FROM HELL!" and basically NO progams would open, even the one used to kill the virus wouldn't open. It was horrid. wish I could remember the name.
So anyways rang my pops like "Oh noes, helps me!" And he said "There's no hope, we'll have to terminate." and that was that, the computer was killed and restored to factory settings for the first time. Pictures, music and saved passwords (more vital than first thought) were all deleted. Shite. Basically I've had to re-do my whole set up from turning my taskbar back to silver to redownloading every program ever used. Super annoying. Luckily I sort of lived like a technological nun and only had the basics saved onto the computer and most was either online or elsewhere. Music on my phone, pictures on facebook, passwords on paper! Yayy! \^o^/ I can live once more and within an hour was basically back to what I already had. How wonderful.
And that was my evening. A death and rebirth in a matter of hours.
Over and out!
P.s Wish people could sort their personal lives out so I don't have to worry on their behalf.
So anyways rang my pops like "Oh noes, helps me!" And he said "There's no hope, we'll have to terminate." and that was that, the computer was killed and restored to factory settings for the first time. Pictures, music and saved passwords (more vital than first thought) were all deleted. Shite. Basically I've had to re-do my whole set up from turning my taskbar back to silver to redownloading every program ever used. Super annoying. Luckily I sort of lived like a technological nun and only had the basics saved onto the computer and most was either online or elsewhere. Music on my phone, pictures on facebook, passwords on paper! Yayy! \^o^/ I can live once more and within an hour was basically back to what I already had. How wonderful.
And that was my evening. A death and rebirth in a matter of hours.
Over and out!
P.s Wish people could sort their personal lives out so I don't have to worry on their behalf.
Sunday, 6 February 2011
My Day - Episode Fourty Three
Okay, I'm not going to do today apart from a little bit. Let's rewind to Saturday
We arrived at the anime convention doors going "We're here, paying on the door folk?" and they go "Oh, we sent out an email saying that since everyone booked ahead, we have no space for paying on the door.Sorry" AAA An email to whom exactly? Since I didn't give my email, because I didn't book. Seeing the loop hole?
Anyways, so me and Joe were pretty annoyed but I decided it was fate's way of saying that we should go see London instead. So we went allll they was around Camden market and all the others nearby and then up around the rivery bit to watch boats and go to the more crafty stalls. Joe met an artist with a wicked mind and awesome paintings and he got him number (grab your coat love. ;D ). We both bought a real four leaved clover trapped in lucite plastic to try and change our luck. Then we hopped on more trainythings to go to Covent Garden and I got ben's cookies which I was dead looking forward to. Not having it with ice cream next time, it makes it cold and hard and not as yummers. Then we watched this funny performer guy and he was like "meh" good throughout until at the very end and very unexpected he pops a melon out of his hat and I was like WUUUHHHHH!! and gave him moneys. He also scarred some kid for life by insisting that it was his son.Then we went home absolutely KNACKERED. I wanted to just curl up and sleep for a day straight but no, no stopping.
ABOUT 6ISHSo me and Joe were home by this time, pooped. We ate some pasta and had tea then it was a matter of running (rather more sauntering slowly) around getting ready. We were totally late due to my hair taking a fucking century to do. Wish I'd brought straighteners but hey, live and learn.Then we headed out to Hoiers.
You guys all know what happened at Hoiers, since you were all there! :D
And now I'm home and soo tired, goodnight!
We arrived at the anime convention doors going "We're here, paying on the door folk?" and they go "Oh, we sent out an email saying that since everyone booked ahead, we have no space for paying on the door.Sorry" AAA An email to whom exactly? Since I didn't give my email, because I didn't book. Seeing the loop hole?
Anyways, so me and Joe were pretty annoyed but I decided it was fate's way of saying that we should go see London instead. So we went allll they was around Camden market and all the others nearby and then up around the rivery bit to watch boats and go to the more crafty stalls. Joe met an artist with a wicked mind and awesome paintings and he got him number (grab your coat love. ;D ). We both bought a real four leaved clover trapped in lucite plastic to try and change our luck. Then we hopped on more trainythings to go to Covent Garden and I got ben's cookies which I was dead looking forward to. Not having it with ice cream next time, it makes it cold and hard and not as yummers. Then we watched this funny performer guy and he was like "meh" good throughout until at the very end and very unexpected he pops a melon out of his hat and I was like WUUUHHHHH!! and gave him moneys. He also scarred some kid for life by insisting that it was his son.Then we went home absolutely KNACKERED. I wanted to just curl up and sleep for a day straight but no, no stopping.
ABOUT 6ISHSo me and Joe were home by this time, pooped. We ate some pasta and had tea then it was a matter of running (rather more sauntering slowly) around getting ready. We were totally late due to my hair taking a fucking century to do. Wish I'd brought straighteners but hey, live and learn.Then we headed out to Hoiers.
You guys all know what happened at Hoiers, since you were all there! :D
And now I'm home and soo tired, goodnight!
Friday, 28 January 2011
My Day - Episode Fourty Two
So today was the last exam day. I woke up extremely nervous and about twenty minutes ealier than usual. Dressed too fast and breakfast didn't take long, leaving me extra time in the morning to not only revise but panic.
One second, my multivitamin is stuck in my throat, I hate that feeling when you dry swallow something and it just sticks about under your collarbone. Yuk. Okay I got some water and I'm fine now.
Then I had breakfast and I got a horrible bit of gristle in my food that only heightened the need to be sick. I didn't because I'm very good at not being sick (haven't for 3 years). Then I set out to school, met George on the way who very nicely dealt with my huge nervousness. God even thinking about it is making my tummy flip over. Revised on the bus, revised at school.
Finally made it into the exam feeling well prepared. Mind mapping helped loads and I managed to never get stuck, even writing for the whole 90 minutes. It went well but I could still get a bad grade, hopefully not though.Got out feeling totally elated. We went over answers and I wasn't totally shit scared that I put the wrong thing, so that's a plus. Visited Ms James and she seemed pleased with what we wrote. God I hope it's a good mark.
I was in a free when I came out so I didn't do anything. Then in Psych we watched a documentary about mind control which was interesting and I practically did nothing in my frees as well after realising that actually I didn't let too much slip during exam season. Then got on bus, messed about with Georgie and the boys, walked him having a laugh with George again (he's such a staple!) and got home. First thing I did was read a section of my favourite book, then I moved on to catching up with all the tv I missed - Skins, true blood, glee (which was so sad I cried my eyes out through the whole thing although I was due a cry really). And now I've just made a playlist of romantic and calm songs for background music for me and my Josie. :D
NIGHT xx happy.
One second, my multivitamin is stuck in my throat, I hate that feeling when you dry swallow something and it just sticks about under your collarbone. Yuk. Okay I got some water and I'm fine now.
Then I had breakfast and I got a horrible bit of gristle in my food that only heightened the need to be sick. I didn't because I'm very good at not being sick (haven't for 3 years). Then I set out to school, met George on the way who very nicely dealt with my huge nervousness. God even thinking about it is making my tummy flip over. Revised on the bus, revised at school.
Finally made it into the exam feeling well prepared. Mind mapping helped loads and I managed to never get stuck, even writing for the whole 90 minutes. It went well but I could still get a bad grade, hopefully not though.Got out feeling totally elated. We went over answers and I wasn't totally shit scared that I put the wrong thing, so that's a plus. Visited Ms James and she seemed pleased with what we wrote. God I hope it's a good mark.
I was in a free when I came out so I didn't do anything. Then in Psych we watched a documentary about mind control which was interesting and I practically did nothing in my frees as well after realising that actually I didn't let too much slip during exam season. Then got on bus, messed about with Georgie and the boys, walked him having a laugh with George again (he's such a staple!) and got home. First thing I did was read a section of my favourite book, then I moved on to catching up with all the tv I missed - Skins, true blood, glee (which was so sad I cried my eyes out through the whole thing although I was due a cry really). And now I've just made a playlist of romantic and calm songs for background music for me and my Josie. :D
NIGHT xx happy.
Monday, 24 January 2011
My life at the moment
Okay, I haven't opened up about what's going on in my head or my life for a while so it's time for another MEGA UPDATE! Okay
Well Mum and Nigel have set a date ( be it only a year) for their wedding, and a place! THE SEAA! They'll be getting married on a cruise ship not next year but the year after, ya get me? Anyways, it's going to be wonderful (if I can afford it.) Other than that, Rach is at Uni again doing various arty farty things. She had a fall out with Carole and Dad but that should be okay by now. Dad and C are cool, the dog is driving them mad so I act like an angel and take it on massive walks.
All is well. I kind of feel like I'm losing touch although I think that might just be the exam season.
Okay, the drama of the moment as actually a reversal of a big drama. I'm sure you all know what went on with Slick and that whole bag of worms. Basically I decided to stop being childish and forgive and forget, now we are on talking terms and as I write I'm nattering away with his ex, Cassie. So there you go. Total undrama.
Nothing to report, I haven't been sick since I was 15 and now that fear is kind of growing. I am really cautious with drinking and I practically turn any meat I cook to ash. Deary me.Oh, mum's dieting which means I am too and today we did 1 hour of straight exercise of the new DVD. Absolutely killed by far the worst move is the butt stuff... I'll find a picture. Right, you do this one and then you put your leg out to your side and make circles with it. KILLER!
Mental health
Wavering. I go from being so content, usually when I'm taken off guard by someones kindness or closeness to being completely downheartened and sitting...staring...feeling completely alone. I'm dreaming vividly about all sorts recently and I'm going to guess it's because of stress.Keeping my sanity includes reading Alice in Wonderland and listening to old Pink and Natasha Bedingfield CD's. Oh and singing, I'm singing almost constantly.
Me and Joe are cool. Under pressure because exams mean we aren't super happy and we can't see each other much. I was a crabby bitch last week and treated him a little harshly but I'm making up for it this week. I feel he doesn't trust me enough though, at a time when I feel the most secure and trustworthy.
The exam today was Bio and it was atrocious. There was degree level stuff and things from other papers and nobody told us it was going to be synoptic. I almost cried at the first question because I felt I didn't know it. My last two exams before Bio were Psych and Ethics retakes. On the same day, it was knackering to be in there for so long but I managed and I revised so much more than I did the first time around. I hope I got better grades even though I didn't feel as if I was doing much more than the first time in the exam.
Well Mum and Nigel have set a date ( be it only a year) for their wedding, and a place! THE SEAA! They'll be getting married on a cruise ship not next year but the year after, ya get me? Anyways, it's going to be wonderful (if I can afford it.) Other than that, Rach is at Uni again doing various arty farty things. She had a fall out with Carole and Dad but that should be okay by now. Dad and C are cool, the dog is driving them mad so I act like an angel and take it on massive walks.
All is well. I kind of feel like I'm losing touch although I think that might just be the exam season.
Okay, the drama of the moment as actually a reversal of a big drama. I'm sure you all know what went on with Slick and that whole bag of worms. Basically I decided to stop being childish and forgive and forget, now we are on talking terms and as I write I'm nattering away with his ex, Cassie. So there you go. Total undrama.
Nothing to report, I haven't been sick since I was 15 and now that fear is kind of growing. I am really cautious with drinking and I practically turn any meat I cook to ash. Deary me.Oh, mum's dieting which means I am too and today we did 1 hour of straight exercise of the new DVD. Absolutely killed by far the worst move is the butt stuff... I'll find a picture. Right, you do this one and then you put your leg out to your side and make circles with it. KILLER!
Mental health
Wavering. I go from being so content, usually when I'm taken off guard by someones kindness or closeness to being completely downheartened and sitting...staring...feeling completely alone. I'm dreaming vividly about all sorts recently and I'm going to guess it's because of stress.Keeping my sanity includes reading Alice in Wonderland and listening to old Pink and Natasha Bedingfield CD's. Oh and singing, I'm singing almost constantly.
Me and Joe are cool. Under pressure because exams mean we aren't super happy and we can't see each other much. I was a crabby bitch last week and treated him a little harshly but I'm making up for it this week. I feel he doesn't trust me enough though, at a time when I feel the most secure and trustworthy.
The exam today was Bio and it was atrocious. There was degree level stuff and things from other papers and nobody told us it was going to be synoptic. I almost cried at the first question because I felt I didn't know it. My last two exams before Bio were Psych and Ethics retakes. On the same day, it was knackering to be in there for so long but I managed and I revised so much more than I did the first time around. I hope I got better grades even though I didn't feel as if I was doing much more than the first time in the exam.
Sunday, 9 January 2011
Monday, 3 January 2011
Martians and Venusians
This is going to be an extremely boring post for all of you not curious as to what this book says, so skip it if ya want. :D
Righty, anyone who has read Men are from Mars and Woman are from Venus will know where I'm going with this. I'm here to teach you all it's wonderous knowledge! Now, men. Do not cringe and go "oh it's going to be so innacurate and horrid because it's written by some feminism he-woman" Oh no. It's written by a very understanding and particularly accurate married man. And according to my male source, it's quite agreeable.
Okay, so points it makes.
This is where problems arise. As you can see, men don't want help that isn't asked for - they feel like the woman is accusing them of being incapable of doing it themselves. And when women share their feelings, they don't want solutions like a man, they want listening and understanding. Women won't like men going to their caves, they will bug them and ask to understand and talk - making men angry. This is when women get burned by the 'dragon' guarding the 'cave'. (The writer likes to make a whole separate world for Martians and Venusians, it's pretty effective.)
You all following? It's pretty simple that bit, that's mostly the jist of it. Oh there's one bit called Men are like Rubber Bands. Here's that summarised.
See? That made sense. Right, bored now bye!
Righty, anyone who has read Men are from Mars and Woman are from Venus will know where I'm going with this. I'm here to teach you all it's wonderous knowledge! Now, men. Do not cringe and go "oh it's going to be so innacurate and horrid because it's written by some feminism he-woman" Oh no. It's written by a very understanding and particularly accurate married man. And according to my male source, it's quite agreeable.
Okay, so points it makes.
- Men feel satisfied with progress and competancy, power and skills are what they like to have.
- Women pride themselves on being understanding, perfectionists and compassionate.
- From this, men will need to do things alone, problems are best solved alone and asking for help is mostly uneccessary and even a sign of weakness.
- To solve physical problems, they will do it themselves or ask someone with the intention of getting advice. Emotional problems, they will retreat to 'their cave' in which they can sit and think peacefully.
- Women will often communicate their feelings and their one aim is to understand anothers problems to successfully empathise.
They do not like silence and feel that offering help is a sign of love. Any problems will be talked over until both understand one another, offering advice is not usually helpful.
This is where problems arise. As you can see, men don't want help that isn't asked for - they feel like the woman is accusing them of being incapable of doing it themselves. And when women share their feelings, they don't want solutions like a man, they want listening and understanding. Women won't like men going to their caves, they will bug them and ask to understand and talk - making men angry. This is when women get burned by the 'dragon' guarding the 'cave'. (The writer likes to make a whole separate world for Martians and Venusians, it's pretty effective.)
You all following? It's pretty simple that bit, that's mostly the jist of it. Oh there's one bit called Men are like Rubber Bands. Here's that summarised.
- A male intimacy cycle consists of pulling away and springing back periodically.
- When a woman pulls back because she is hurt or feels unheard whereas a man pulls away to feel independent, he needs to pull away to realise he needs to go back. If you chase him, he'll never stretch the full distance and will keep pulling back.
- When he returns, he will feel no need to get reaquainted, which can be puzzling and intruding for the partially neglected woman so he will need to slow down the process of coming back to save her.
- This is a woman's intimacy cycle and also is linked to her self esteem.
- A woman will feel a gradual soft wave of ups and downs of self esteem, however sometimes she will reach a peak which then naturally crashes and leads to a dip.
- When a woman has a high wave, then she has lots of love to give and when she is low, she needs to be cared for and filled up with love instead.
- That crashing feeling is like descending into a well of subconscious thoughts. Filled with vague and unexplainable bad feelings, you feel hopeless and unsupported.
- When she reaches the bottom of that well, she will automatically come back up again but needs to be heard and vent and talk first.
- A man will mistakenly think it's his fault or is uneccessary. This makes things worse as he explains why she shouldn't feel bad - He's not listening or understanding, he's just giving bad solutions.
- Men assume that big things will get big points and little things will get little points, so he will focus on doing one or two large things like earning a lot of money and buying a holiday.
- Women count points by one for each thing. Size does not matter, every little thing and big thing gets one point. So she will do lots of things, often smaller, and want to get recognition.
- Also, women will always subtract his points from her to see it different. If she thinks she has 30 and him 10, she will conclude it's 20 to 0. But he's not 0, he's given 10!
- And, men will give penalty points. If the woman does something bad or doesn't appreciate him, he make take points back.
See? That made sense. Right, bored now bye!
Sunday, 2 January 2011
Post 199
I like that number. This is going to be a random blog, I can't be arsed with structure today, that's what my whole day lacked.
I've started talking to my diary more again, she's new. Red leather bound and called Cherie, I think she's a new favourite. Gives me wrist cramp to write it but it means I do small bursts throughout the day so I don't miss some of the thoughts that pop into my head. I have addressed many things today such as how revision seems futile in the face of exams, how much my friends mean to me, would I still choose Joe if we were on take me out, would he still choose me, what I'd want to happen if I was brain dead, why Alice in Wonderland is so awesome and soon I'm probably going to write about a few things I want to happen when I'm older.
Those are things like I want to own a chair that is specifically for reading and phone calls, a big comfy one or a Freud lounger or something, and I want a bookcase full of favourites to dip into like never ending chocolates. I'm torn over whether I want to own a cat or not, I don't know if the life I want is suited for pets.
What other things have crossed my mind today?... Hum. Oh another thing I want to own is a big wooden chest, perhaps with a combination lock on. I'm going to store all of my diaries in it like a treasure trove and hopefully stop myself reading back. Maybe one day they'll come in handy. Or at least they'll all be in one place so easy to save in a fire. I won't be having all my darlings burn to a crisp. Poor Sian, Valentine, Romeo, Book of nonsense one and two, Nikki, Mira, Beau, Belle, Cherie and all of the rest.
I've had a few quotes of the day today, ones I tend to fixate on because they come up that day. Todays are "you shape your life, no-one else" "It's never too late to be who you might have been" and "Nothing is achieved with tears". The last was said by the caterpillar in the newest Alice in Wonderland film, which I watched today as you might've guessed. In fact I'll type up that diary entry.
"I love Alice in Wonderland,It's amazing that this mad old story came from one man's mind. It's so clever with it's poetry, riddles and rhymes.The new movie captures all of the magic and madness but none of the cleverness. And it doesn't follow the story line. At least the first movie tries." So there you go, that's my opinions for you.
Bored now. Let's play a game! I'll slide a bookmark into my old diary, Nikki and promise to type up whatever I land on. Here goes! Actually, I've done that three times and each one was very private and had a secret thought in so I won't type them. So much for that. Oh well. It was fun for me :D.
Let's play a different game! I'll slide a bookmark into N.G's Pleasure and will type up that page so you have some lovely advice and whatnot to live by. :D Let's go!
"Passion craves quietness, security and calm - states hard to attain in romantic love. And sometimes, as the worm turns, hurting is a way of holding someone. Suicide can be a way of hurting. Why did Ian choose to stain his lover's future so much? Isn't true love a desire for the other person's happiness? Why did I want to do it? Among other things, to stamp my fiance's life forever with the memory what what he'd done to me. I thought, once, that there was something so passionate and brave about what Ian had done. Now I just wish he'd grown up and known other women - journeyed to a point where he could look back and laugh. I wonder, years later, if he could reflect on his actions and he'd think, 'Damn it, why did I do it? For her?'. I suspect he would. And that breaks my heart."
So there you go, don't commit suicide to stain someone elses life. It's a foolish decision. As Bertrand Russell said, love is wise and hatred is foolish. Actually that's no so fitting now I think about it.
Anyways, blog over. I'm satisfied that I have rambled enough.
I've started talking to my diary more again, she's new. Red leather bound and called Cherie, I think she's a new favourite. Gives me wrist cramp to write it but it means I do small bursts throughout the day so I don't miss some of the thoughts that pop into my head. I have addressed many things today such as how revision seems futile in the face of exams, how much my friends mean to me, would I still choose Joe if we were on take me out, would he still choose me, what I'd want to happen if I was brain dead, why Alice in Wonderland is so awesome and soon I'm probably going to write about a few things I want to happen when I'm older.
Those are things like I want to own a chair that is specifically for reading and phone calls, a big comfy one or a Freud lounger or something, and I want a bookcase full of favourites to dip into like never ending chocolates. I'm torn over whether I want to own a cat or not, I don't know if the life I want is suited for pets.
What other things have crossed my mind today?... Hum. Oh another thing I want to own is a big wooden chest, perhaps with a combination lock on. I'm going to store all of my diaries in it like a treasure trove and hopefully stop myself reading back. Maybe one day they'll come in handy. Or at least they'll all be in one place so easy to save in a fire. I won't be having all my darlings burn to a crisp. Poor Sian, Valentine, Romeo, Book of nonsense one and two, Nikki, Mira, Beau, Belle, Cherie and all of the rest.
I've had a few quotes of the day today, ones I tend to fixate on because they come up that day. Todays are "you shape your life, no-one else" "It's never too late to be who you might have been" and "Nothing is achieved with tears". The last was said by the caterpillar in the newest Alice in Wonderland film, which I watched today as you might've guessed. In fact I'll type up that diary entry.
"I love Alice in Wonderland,It's amazing that this mad old story came from one man's mind. It's so clever with it's poetry, riddles and rhymes.The new movie captures all of the magic and madness but none of the cleverness. And it doesn't follow the story line. At least the first movie tries." So there you go, that's my opinions for you.
Bored now. Let's play a game! I'll slide a bookmark into my old diary, Nikki and promise to type up whatever I land on. Here goes! Actually, I've done that three times and each one was very private and had a secret thought in so I won't type them. So much for that. Oh well. It was fun for me :D.
Let's play a different game! I'll slide a bookmark into N.G's Pleasure and will type up that page so you have some lovely advice and whatnot to live by. :D Let's go!
"Passion craves quietness, security and calm - states hard to attain in romantic love. And sometimes, as the worm turns, hurting is a way of holding someone. Suicide can be a way of hurting. Why did Ian choose to stain his lover's future so much? Isn't true love a desire for the other person's happiness? Why did I want to do it? Among other things, to stamp my fiance's life forever with the memory what what he'd done to me. I thought, once, that there was something so passionate and brave about what Ian had done. Now I just wish he'd grown up and known other women - journeyed to a point where he could look back and laugh. I wonder, years later, if he could reflect on his actions and he'd think, 'Damn it, why did I do it? For her?'. I suspect he would. And that breaks my heart."
So there you go, don't commit suicide to stain someone elses life. It's a foolish decision. As Bertrand Russell said, love is wise and hatred is foolish. Actually that's no so fitting now I think about it.
Anyways, blog over. I'm satisfied that I have rambled enough.
Saturday, 1 January 2011
Resolutions Rewind!
Okay I made some resolutions in August last year, WHY? I don't know, for some reason that was a better idea to me. Let's have a look at how I did!
1. Give up fizzy drinks and chocolate. - As I read this, I had a lindt in my mouth and diet coke to my right. Fail, utmost fail.
2.Floss more. I like how the more is general, not like "once a day" or "twice a week". Okay, this isn't a total fail. Now I actually floss sometimes, which I never did before this.
3.Write a diary entry every night. Not a failure. I don't do one every night but there hasn't been a major thing which hasn't been diaried in detail, so I haven't missed a thing I think. :D
4.Take more walks/bikes. Fail, I don't even need to explain this.
5. Set a non-ridiculous, achievable, reasonable workout regime. This is a fail, BUT I will be taking it into this year as a new resolution. Soon as mum's back at work the house is going on a diet (the people in it, not the house itself) and we will be doing something active (swimming, belly dancing, workout dvds, dance games, jogging or power walking) two or three days a week.
So that wasn't so bad. Here are the resolutions I made actually this time last year. -->
1. Be more generous. - I don't know if I've achieved this. I'd like to think so. I feel like I've done a bit more giving than the year before. You tell me?
2. Take multivitamins - Absolute success. I always take my multiV's every night and I feel much more settled for it. ONE SUCCESS! woo
3. Don't take people for a ride. - Ah, this was referencing to my wily ways with men, cheating and philandering and whatnot. This has been not a complete success but towards the end of the year, getting much much better.
4. Try harder with my work. - Okay, that's vague. I think I have, I'm on track for the Uni I want, for the grades I need to be exactly where I want to be. That's pretty committed to it I'd say.
5. Take on more challenges. - I'll step down and say I haven't done that this year. I tried belly dancing, dropped it because we got too busy and that was it. Oops.
So, for the new year what have I learned? Well, I know that I'm good at setting vague goals. I think that for the new year I will try to be a faithful, committed, healthy, active, creative and caring person.
My biggest achievement of the year: Bagging my man.
What's changed me most: My new found love of inspirational quotes. :)
My biggest failure of the year: Being lazy.
What will change next year the most?: Hopefully, my mentality.
Enjoy the new year. :D
1. Give up fizzy drinks and chocolate. - As I read this, I had a lindt in my mouth and diet coke to my right. Fail, utmost fail.
2.Floss more. I like how the more is general, not like "once a day" or "twice a week". Okay, this isn't a total fail. Now I actually floss sometimes, which I never did before this.
3.Write a diary entry every night. Not a failure. I don't do one every night but there hasn't been a major thing which hasn't been diaried in detail, so I haven't missed a thing I think. :D
4.Take more walks/bikes. Fail, I don't even need to explain this.
5. Set a non-ridiculous, achievable, reasonable workout regime. This is a fail, BUT I will be taking it into this year as a new resolution. Soon as mum's back at work the house is going on a diet (the people in it, not the house itself) and we will be doing something active (swimming, belly dancing, workout dvds, dance games, jogging or power walking) two or three days a week.
So that wasn't so bad. Here are the resolutions I made actually this time last year. -->
1. Be more generous. - I don't know if I've achieved this. I'd like to think so. I feel like I've done a bit more giving than the year before. You tell me?
2. Take multivitamins - Absolute success. I always take my multiV's every night and I feel much more settled for it. ONE SUCCESS! woo
3. Don't take people for a ride. - Ah, this was referencing to my wily ways with men, cheating and philandering and whatnot. This has been not a complete success but towards the end of the year, getting much much better.
4. Try harder with my work. - Okay, that's vague. I think I have, I'm on track for the Uni I want, for the grades I need to be exactly where I want to be. That's pretty committed to it I'd say.
5. Take on more challenges. - I'll step down and say I haven't done that this year. I tried belly dancing, dropped it because we got too busy and that was it. Oops.
So, for the new year what have I learned? Well, I know that I'm good at setting vague goals. I think that for the new year I will try to be a faithful, committed, healthy, active, creative and caring person.
My biggest achievement of the year: Bagging my man.
What's changed me most: My new found love of inspirational quotes. :)
My biggest failure of the year: Being lazy.
What will change next year the most?: Hopefully, my mentality.
Enjoy the new year. :D
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