Previously Curltop will now be Llama
Llamas have curly fur, I think, so that will help me remember. I like llamas, but not when they spit. And this guy can spit some pretty nasty stuff but bless him he doesn't mean it. And they have pretty long legs?
Goldilocks is very much Puppy
I say puppy because she is loyal if a little naive, fun if a little ditzy and may need to be toilet trained. Joke. And it would be a golden retreiver puppy if you want to be specific.

Boyfriend is difficult...H would want me to say wolf but I don't think he is. He's a Stag.
Stags just remind me of like pure male power and yet they are graceful, much like Boyf and his dancing. And I love them in general. They are horny too....gettit!?
The Thin One is a Giraffe
Thin for one thing and a little kooky looking but most people love giraffes despite their weirdness. What animal looks like a giraffe exactly?! So individual. Blue tongues too. Oh and they can't make a noise.
Darling One is a Cat
Sh'e so small she could fit into tiny spaces like cats and she's just precious! Lazy, likes lying in the sun and yet she'll play like a kitten.
Creep is probably a Snake
Nothing too dangerous though! He's smart and very determined to get what he wants like academic goals and things and strangling prey... And they are a little creepy- but in a good way.
Wall Flower is definately a Racoon
Just her eyes remind me so much of a racoon, but fluffy tail but agitated and on edge, you just want to hug them - or is that just me?
Fungi is absolutely 100% a Bear

Cheshire is a Lynx
She'd definately a cat because I just love all cats but my favourite is the lynx, untamable wild cat that can also be ginger.
P. Diddy is an Orangutan
Who doesn't love them? They are weird but strangely nifty with their hands - I mean fast typing skills nothing suspect you dirty gits!
Anyone that I have missed and wants an animal can comment! (l)
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