Saturday, 20 February 2010

Gooood Moorrning!

Hello you lovely people, it's 10:05 and the weather is mostly miserable. Snow has coating the ground all over leaving me with a sense of dread of having to wait for the bus to town. But it is all for a good cause! I am going over to Cheshires house today to sleep over.

It's all a bit weird really. The Ex is going to be there and there is another drama unfolding within the bowels of the Krewe. Should be a laugh. I find it a bit random that we've all been invited to sleep over. The only two times we actually all slept together (oii, innocent way you dirty buggars) was because once they were two drunk to leave and the other because it was new years. So yeah we're not really used to the company of that many people at night. I'm not looking forward to people seeing me sleep, I have odd habits.

I have been told by some lovely friend that one, I snore sometimes when I sleep. That's embarassing enough in its self but no, it doesn't end there. From a report from cousins and sister I may also talk. Once I said "I'm Sonya and I'm pregnant. (One moment, being kicked out of the living room.) ((Haha I managed to stay)) And the last embarassing thing I do in my sleep is twitch, sometimes quite violently. Like a dog will dream about running and move it's legs I dream about random things and move around as well. I've headbutted a wall before, kicked my friend in the face, elbowed, kicked, punched and all sorts the Ex. It's very dangerous to be next to me while I'm unconscious.

So don't say I didn't warn you!

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