Sunday, 14 March 2010

5 Random Facts

Well I'm pretty happy at the moment, life is good. So I'm too fat with content to think up my own ideas. Here are five random facts that some of you may know and some of you may not. Enjoy!

1. I have three computers to my name. Sad! I know, but it partly stems from the whole parents being split up. I have one in my room at each house and I bought the netbook I'm using all by myself! So I'm pretty dependant on my computers but when my computer once broke and I couldn't use any of them, I did survive for almost two weeks. I read a heck of a lot of books but I survived!

2. I collect bus tickets. I don't think this is that random, but at the moment I have stuck them all together in a chain that is too long for me to hold with my arms spread wide. It's pretty cool actually. If anyone has bus tickets, please give them to me! I really like making ticket chains. Ha, weird.

3. My favourite place in the world is Skegness. It's trampy, it's cheap, it's cheesy. I love it to bits. I went there every year as a kid on holiday and my best memories were made there, I still remember the layout of the holiday park! I have had such great times there, I wish I could just go back whenever I liked.

4. I keep a diary because I can't keep secrets. I can't not tell people things. If I've done something, I find it incredibly hard to keep it from people and one of the only ways I can actually keep things from slipping is to write everything down. Even so, I tend to just word-puke my secrets all over people I barely know. It's so impossible for me to keep things when I was very awful and did something bad, I couldn't even write it in my diary or tell a soul. So I wrote it on a conker. I still have that conker as well.

5. My favourite drink is ice cold water. Water so cold it hurts your teeth, I love it. I drink so much cold water I end up shivering, it's amazing. Try it! Hence I find it insanely weird when Cheshire drinks hot water, it's like the complete opposite of amazing.

So there you go. You proabably could have figured all of those out in two minutes, but as I said - I blurt everything to people. This makes it incredibly hard to think of things that nobody knows!
Sucks. :D


  1. Can i just say that hot water is like getting a hug on the inside, it's refreshing, it's tasty and it's soooo nice.

  2. Cool blog. I feel I should write one... but I don't have anything interesting about me that no-one really knows.
    I'll try my best :)
