Well. I am officially off the market, again. I know, I know.

"I thought you were going to stay single for a while... what happened to that idea?" - I was going to. But I really have liked this guy for a while, as previous blogs and my diary tell. I'm not one to wait around. I had been over Stag before we even broke up, so in my mind it's been much more time. I guess this guy is just too great to ignore while I play the scene.
"So you're starting a new relationship?" - Yes. It's much more lighthearted this time. I'm going into it with an idea of how fast I want to take things, and nothing is in a rush to get it all one, I can savour things this time around.
"Won't this just get serious fast as well?" - Hopefully not. It's a different guy and we have spoken about it before. He's happy to wait until I want to and he's in no rush himself. Although he was the first to say that he thinks he's in love with me. So I guess that is pretty serious.
"What is he like?" - He's lovely. Pure loveliness. He's sweet and cute but sexy too and without realising it. Oh and super smart, determined. I'm really falling for him hard.
"Oh that's so cute! So who is it?" - It's Him. It's Fungi. It's New Crush. All the same person.
"So how is it going so far?" - Well... we had a really minor hiccup but it was just me being picky and paranoid. Other than that it's been smooth sailing. I try not to compare him to Stag, but there's always going to be a part of me that wants to.
"How is Stag with all of this? Aren't they friends?" - Yeah, and really good ones too. Well I've spoken to Stag and he pretty much had already guessed. He blogged about it a while ago giving his permission but we weren't sure about him being over us. We kept it quiet for a while until we were absolutely sure that he was okay, which he is - hence the new honesty.
"Well, I wish you luck!" - Aww thankyou, you guys are all so nice.
See you!