Well this morning was all well and good. I got up a ridiculous time to curl my hair and accidentily chose an amazing outfit. So I looked really nice today and got lots of lovely comments which made me feel a zillion times gorgeous.
First thing was philosophy. I'm beginning to like having this first. It's quiet and relaxing and sets me up to be calm and collect my thoughts for the day. So I came out of that in a good mood. And as a plus I found that Curltop, Fungi and P.Diddy were waiting so I was smug. Then I had snazzy Psychology which was good because we watched Criminal minds and i did a minute bit of revision. Teach also mentioned that she would like some help with some year 7's who were making messy Zen gardens in fourth so I volenteered to help with that, like a good girl.
Then in third it was English which was a pretty lazy lesson. Had a bit of a laugh with the girls and teased Coopdogg. Lunch was a laugh as we talked about jumping out on people to scare them. Apparently Cheshire hid under a bed for hours just to scream and scare her sister. That is commitment to humour right there. Oh Yah.
Fourth I grabbed the wonderful Goldilocks and we went to scoop up sand with Year 7's. It was really nice because at the end of it they all shouted "Thannkkkyyyooouuu" and it was adorable because they all actually listen! Love teaching the younger years. It makes year 9's and 10's seem so much worse though. Urgh.
Then last it was a Bio test which I got a D in again, but I care very little. Sir showed us that last topic we had the same pattern of improving from bad to good so we just need to continue revising, and I hadn't done any revision at all so it was just all guesses. It was cute to see Him so hard at work too, his thinking face is adorable.
On the way home I had an...interesting bus journey. Found out Handsome One is actually cought in a difficult situation with the girl he wants, it's painful for him. Bless. Oh and we also managed to tell each other that we like each other a bit much. Well at least we know and we both don't want to do anything. Awesome.
Walking home was a laugh because we found out my hair goes crazy when my umbrella is up. It floats. What do you know. Got home, had some tea, read some book, did some workout, ate some choccy to negate effects of workout. All good.
I'm off! Byyeee
Friday, 30 April 2010
My Day - Episode Twenty Five
Handsome One,
my day,
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Eventful Bus Journeys
My bus journeys are THE MOST enjoyable they have ever been. I have people on there I can look forward to seeing instead of dread having to deal with. There aren't any super annoying girls with tendancies to shag whatever moves. *Cough* Pushpop *Cough*. I love them
On the bus there is Headphone man, Handsome One, Owl Boy and Ferret Boy, Ballsforbrains and Rugbyboy. All guys, as you might tell. So obviously they appreciate me as the only female there. I do have breasts after all, which come up in daily conversation. Today it was debating whether they are small or not. Handsome One says yes, Headphone man says no just to let you know. So these guys are awesome, they make my day.
Then we have the games we play. Headphone man hates his knees being touched so obviously at every unsuspecting moment I have to grab them. Handsome one hates his ears being flicked, so you know what I do. Oh and Rugbyboy gets really into playing YellowGreenCarSmartCarMiniSlagOldman. Which is our newly improved version of Yellow Mini which frankly is too boring. Oh and you tickle for smart cars, not punch.
Then there is yawn rape. This is just between me and Headphone man, who is my morning buddy usually. Just stick your fingers in someones mouth when they yawn. I'm awesome at it but he keeps getting me off guard.
And finally the guys play that circle game where you make a circle and if they look then you get to punch them, if they pop it then they get two and if you catch them then you get one and one to the head. I don't really get that one, I much prefer YellowGreenSmartCarMiniSlagOldman. Way more fun.
So that is my bus journeys recently!
On the bus there is Headphone man, Handsome One, Owl Boy and Ferret Boy, Ballsforbrains and Rugbyboy. All guys, as you might tell. So obviously they appreciate me as the only female there. I do have breasts after all, which come up in daily conversation. Today it was debating whether they are small or not. Handsome One says yes, Headphone man says no just to let you know. So these guys are awesome, they make my day.
Then we have the games we play. Headphone man hates his knees being touched so obviously at every unsuspecting moment I have to grab them. Handsome one hates his ears being flicked, so you know what I do. Oh and Rugbyboy gets really into playing YellowGreenCarSmartCarMiniSlagOldman. Which is our newly improved version of Yellow Mini which frankly is too boring. Oh and you tickle for smart cars, not punch.
Then there is yawn rape. This is just between me and Headphone man, who is my morning buddy usually. Just stick your fingers in someones mouth when they yawn. I'm awesome at it but he keeps getting me off guard.
And finally the guys play that circle game where you make a circle and if they look then you get to punch them, if they pop it then they get two and if you catch them then you get one and one to the head. I don't really get that one, I much prefer YellowGreenSmartCarMiniSlagOldman. Way more fun.
So that is my bus journeys recently!
ferret boy,
Handsome One,
headphone man,
Owl Boy,
Monday, 26 April 2010
Back on Track
Mainly there are two things back on track.
1. My school work. As you know this really gets me down when I get a bad grade. So to make up for it I've been taking all the bad grades, rewriting and throwing them back at teachers and demanding a remark. This makes me feel better in the mean time. I also got an A in my English coursework which is a big whoop for me. :)
2. My emotions. I was feeling a rollercoaster, with one minute I'd be on top of the world and the next in the pits of despair. Himmelhoch jauchzend und zum tode betrübt. Up one minute and down the next. Now I feel generally up apart from a few hiccups to do with Him. He's so easy to offend, I feel I have to be wary.
But all is getting better. Touch wood.
1. My school work. As you know this really gets me down when I get a bad grade. So to make up for it I've been taking all the bad grades, rewriting and throwing them back at teachers and demanding a remark. This makes me feel better in the mean time. I also got an A in my English coursework which is a big whoop for me. :)
2. My emotions. I was feeling a rollercoaster, with one minute I'd be on top of the world and the next in the pits of despair. Himmelhoch jauchzend und zum tode betrübt. Up one minute and down the next. Now I feel generally up apart from a few hiccups to do with Him. He's so easy to offend, I feel I have to be wary.
But all is getting better. Touch wood.
Sunday, 25 April 2010
My Day - Episode Twenty Four
Right, I haven't done one of these for ages because I became really worried that my days are actually boring as hell. But this weekend was reasonably eventful so I'll do a two day - my day coverage for you.
Friday day I had a really awesome day, my bus journeys get better and better as I familiarise myself with everyone and get comfortable. We've been having a lot of fun recently playing our version of yellow car which is yellow-green-car-slut-oldman. Trust me, it's way more fun. I may introduce a rule where you have to tickle if you see a smart car.
So I got in from school, radio blaring, dancing whilst packing to go to my dads. As soon as I got in the car my mood plummeted, my dad was bitching and whining for the whole car journey and refused me having friends over for the Saturday. Not to mention I was plagued with the feeling I had forgotten something vitally important.
So when I got in and then I had another tiff with Dad and I went upstairs, on the verge of tears. I searched for my phone to try and text Him to cheer me up. Only it wasn't there. Or anywhere, I had totally forgotten it. So naturally, I broke down feeling cut off from the world (the internet was also spazzing out) and cried for a while. Eventually I had to show my face and soon Dad and his Girlf caught on and cheered me up with tea and words of courage.
I slept well and in the morning I was feeling a heck of a lot better. It was the weekend officially I wanted to cheer up - a clean slate. I was even boring myself with my soaring emotions and rollercoaster of moods. So I spent the day with Him. It was amazing and a bit daunting in a way. Amazing because I was totally at ease, playing and laughing with Him. I can't even remember what we were laughing about (Donkey balls...something like that) but it was so funny he had coke coming out of orifices it shouldn't.
Then he left and I played on the Wii for a while and then read New Moon (I finished Twilight for the third time now). Saturday night I spent bonding with Dad's girlf until one in the morning which was awesome. Then today I went shopping with her and gave her my student discounts and she treated me to a new top. I practically paid for it myself in the dicounts I got her, awesomesauce.
So now I should be feeling a lot better, but only if my grades improve.
OH WAIT. I forgot to mention why hanging with Him was daunting. Right, we had our first 'us' talk. We had to discuss what might happen when we get to Uni. It's complicated because I can't predict how I will feel then, I only know what's happening right here, right now. And that might change. So hey, we're gonna take it how it comes. :)
That's really it now. Ciao! :D
Friday day I had a really awesome day, my bus journeys get better and better as I familiarise myself with everyone and get comfortable. We've been having a lot of fun recently playing our version of yellow car which is yellow-green-car-slut-oldman. Trust me, it's way more fun. I may introduce a rule where you have to tickle if you see a smart car.
So I got in from school, radio blaring, dancing whilst packing to go to my dads. As soon as I got in the car my mood plummeted, my dad was bitching and whining for the whole car journey and refused me having friends over for the Saturday. Not to mention I was plagued with the feeling I had forgotten something vitally important.
So when I got in and then I had another tiff with Dad and I went upstairs, on the verge of tears. I searched for my phone to try and text Him to cheer me up. Only it wasn't there. Or anywhere, I had totally forgotten it. So naturally, I broke down feeling cut off from the world (the internet was also spazzing out) and cried for a while. Eventually I had to show my face and soon Dad and his Girlf caught on and cheered me up with tea and words of courage.
I slept well and in the morning I was feeling a heck of a lot better. It was the weekend officially I wanted to cheer up - a clean slate. I was even boring myself with my soaring emotions and rollercoaster of moods. So I spent the day with Him. It was amazing and a bit daunting in a way. Amazing because I was totally at ease, playing and laughing with Him. I can't even remember what we were laughing about (Donkey balls...something like that) but it was so funny he had coke coming out of orifices it shouldn't.
Then he left and I played on the Wii for a while and then read New Moon (I finished Twilight for the third time now). Saturday night I spent bonding with Dad's girlf until one in the morning which was awesome. Then today I went shopping with her and gave her my student discounts and she treated me to a new top. I practically paid for it myself in the dicounts I got her, awesomesauce.
So now I should be feeling a lot better, but only if my grades improve.
OH WAIT. I forgot to mention why hanging with Him was daunting. Right, we had our first 'us' talk. We had to discuss what might happen when we get to Uni. It's complicated because I can't predict how I will feel then, I only know what's happening right here, right now. And that might change. So hey, we're gonna take it how it comes. :)
That's really it now. Ciao! :D
Thursday, 22 April 2010
Inner Monologue
Much too tired to post a real blog.
I love Twilight. Or rather I love the romance side of Twilight and not the action part, I want to skip that bit and just read the tantilising tension between Bella and Edward.
I wish I had more energy, more time in the day.
Stress levels are at an all time high.
I think too much.
I criticise too much, stick in reverie and self-analysis all the time.
I realised at last where all my clothes were going - my sister managed to steal about 5 pairs of undies, 3 shirts and 3 socks. Yes. Three socks, none of them matched. How annoying. She gave me some old tops though. Green, that's a new concept for me.
I wish I wore more colours.
I need sellotape to stick that bus ticket to the growing line of bus tickets. I'm pretty sure it's not normal to stick bus tickets in a line, side by side. Oh how I wish they were chronological. That was the word I lost the other day! Found it. Yay.
Oh, I organised my t-shirt draw today by style. I have vest top and tank top pile, normal tees pile and then collared or long top style. What fun, it make me so happy.
I saw my cousins today. One has put on loads of weight because of the medication she is on and the other has lost it by eating McDonalds. Crazyballs. Watch out for them.
I love Twilight. Or rather I love the romance side of Twilight and not the action part, I want to skip that bit and just read the tantilising tension between Bella and Edward.
I wish I had more energy, more time in the day.
Stress levels are at an all time high.
I think too much.
I criticise too much, stick in reverie and self-analysis all the time.
I realised at last where all my clothes were going - my sister managed to steal about 5 pairs of undies, 3 shirts and 3 socks. Yes. Three socks, none of them matched. How annoying. She gave me some old tops though. Green, that's a new concept for me.
I wish I wore more colours.
I need sellotape to stick that bus ticket to the growing line of bus tickets. I'm pretty sure it's not normal to stick bus tickets in a line, side by side. Oh how I wish they were chronological. That was the word I lost the other day! Found it. Yay.
Oh, I organised my t-shirt draw today by style. I have vest top and tank top pile, normal tees pile and then collared or long top style. What fun, it make me so happy.
I saw my cousins today. One has put on loads of weight because of the medication she is on and the other has lost it by eating McDonalds. Crazyballs. Watch out for them.
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Self Expectations
I have come to realise that perhaps I am too hard on myself. I wouldn't class my self-expectations of myself to be too high, they are all achievable, but I really do beat myself up about it when I'm nowhere near them or heading off track.
I got another bad grade, I swear the quality of my work has gone down very very far in the past month and that could be due to many things. I'm guessing it's down to laziness, stress and being distracted by the new boyf. But I'm working on it.
Right now I have rewarded myself for doing homework with a cup of tea and some chocolate covered Oreogasms. Yum.
I got another bad grade, I swear the quality of my work has gone down very very far in the past month and that could be due to many things. I'm guessing it's down to laziness, stress and being distracted by the new boyf. But I'm working on it.
Right now I have rewarded myself for doing homework with a cup of tea and some chocolate covered Oreogasms. Yum.
Monday, 19 April 2010
Twilight Vs Life
Round One.
The boyfriends. My own is currently amazing, despite the fact he doesn't sparkle in the sunlight. He bought me a rose for no apparent reason and I'm sure if he was immortal he would not hesitate to bring me into it with him. I feel so comfortable around him, I even fell asleep for a good twenty minutes in his arms which has only happened once before at three o'clock in the morning and this was like the middle of the day!
Round Two.
Personal characteristics. Well for one thing Bella is more generous and the way she thinks is amusing and insightful. My meandering thoughts are no-where near as entertaining and the most insightful I get is "Has my garage been painted?" (Yes by the way.)
Round Three.
Mood. My mood recently has been getting a lot better. I was in a mega bad mood and people around me were in awful moods and this really affects me. Now, Owl Boy is in a much better mood and the step-dad even made me a cup of tea today. I'm currently at the bit in Twilight when Bella is hating Forks and hasn't yet discovered Edwards permeating magnificence.
Life wins! This was a longwinded and pointless way of saying that I'm in a much better mood thank you very much. :D
The boyfriends. My own is currently amazing, despite the fact he doesn't sparkle in the sunlight. He bought me a rose for no apparent reason and I'm sure if he was immortal he would not hesitate to bring me into it with him. I feel so comfortable around him, I even fell asleep for a good twenty minutes in his arms which has only happened once before at three o'clock in the morning and this was like the middle of the day!
Round Two.
Personal characteristics. Well for one thing Bella is more generous and the way she thinks is amusing and insightful. My meandering thoughts are no-where near as entertaining and the most insightful I get is "Has my garage been painted?" (Yes by the way.)
Round Three.
Mood. My mood recently has been getting a lot better. I was in a mega bad mood and people around me were in awful moods and this really affects me. Now, Owl Boy is in a much better mood and the step-dad even made me a cup of tea today. I'm currently at the bit in Twilight when Bella is hating Forks and hasn't yet discovered Edwards permeating magnificence.
Life wins! This was a longwinded and pointless way of saying that I'm in a much better mood thank you very much. :D
Sunday, 18 April 2010
I am so tired and in so much pain yet I would not have changed a thing about this weekend. Never have I had so much fun at a party. Never have a really been to a party that was even remotely similar to Cheshire's. Picking up cereal boxes without hands or falling over, sticking your face in a bowl of flour to get 2p, playing an epic fail game of truth or dare.
Also I had my first real 'date' with Him. He got me a rose and we went to see a cute chick flick. Highlight of my day was walking around in the sunshine hand in hand, smug all round.
So yeah, I had an awesome weekend. May describe it in more detail but I'm so physically exausted I actually can't. I even fell asleep at His. That's how tired I am. Oh and I look like a total numskull with this fuck off huge plaster smacked on the side of my face. All so that hopefully it won't scar over. Goddamn burn.
Also I had my first real 'date' with Him. He got me a rose and we went to see a cute chick flick. Highlight of my day was walking around in the sunshine hand in hand, smug all round.
So yeah, I had an awesome weekend. May describe it in more detail but I'm so physically exausted I actually can't. I even fell asleep at His. That's how tired I am. Oh and I look like a total numskull with this fuck off huge plaster smacked on the side of my face. All so that hopefully it won't scar over. Goddamn burn.
Friday, 16 April 2010
Currently in Psychology we are doing stress and it's various effects. Needless to say, it made me evaluate just how stressed I am and it turned out to be a lot more than I expected. Little things got on top of me recently and I just broke down, tears and all. To top it off I really burnt my face and this literally has made me freak out.
One big fear that I have is that my looks will be ruined. I'm not saying like "Oh my god if I got a bad haircut I would DIE!" I mean if I was caught in an accident or something and ended up disfigured, I know that it would change me forever and I don't want that to happen. So I'm usually pretty careful with hot things around my face and now I have a huge brown mark on my cheek and no idea how long it will last. So that's a bummer, but I'm attempting to look on the bright side.
Hopefully this weekend should make me happier but I'm really nervous about it because it's just not quite organised to perfection and I worry when it's not. Ah well... life goes on I suppose.
One big fear that I have is that my looks will be ruined. I'm not saying like "Oh my god if I got a bad haircut I would DIE!" I mean if I was caught in an accident or something and ended up disfigured, I know that it would change me forever and I don't want that to happen. So I'm usually pretty careful with hot things around my face and now I have a huge brown mark on my cheek and no idea how long it will last. So that's a bummer, but I'm attempting to look on the bright side.
Hopefully this weekend should make me happier but I'm really nervous about it because it's just not quite organised to perfection and I worry when it's not. Ah well... life goes on I suppose.
Thursday, 15 April 2010
Pile of Steaming...
Crap. It's how I feel. Utter shite. Little hints and messages from people literalyl make me feel shite. Also I did really badly in Biog recently, probably resulting in a less than perfect grade which gets me abnormally upset. And Owl Boy was upset and wouldn't tell me why, I'm guessing because it was me who did it.
Only highlight of my day was something that is like strictly forbidden. So I feel guilty. And Shit.
P.s Listen to this song.
Only highlight of my day was something that is like strictly forbidden. So I feel guilty. And Shit.
P.s Listen to this song.
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
There was a rather overdramatised drama including me recently, I shall elaborate.
I had a barbecue and was aware that a few people wouldn't be able to make it as they were visiting family or had other plans. One of those people was Curltop. I was under the impression he was off visiting family or something and had accepted that.
When he rang Marshal at the barbecue and said that he needed to meet up, I was a little confused, but chalked it down the fact that he must have gone earlier and got home already. I got annoyed because when suggested he should come to the barbecue he said "I don't want to come to the fucking barbecue." (This has all been said before, repeating so this post makes sense) but okay, I was only a little annoyed - he had done this before after all.
So then when I got into school and he says that he was actually home all day and actually he just 'couldn't be bothered' to come I really got annoyed. I had taken time out of my day to organise it, and it was all his friends there - so why not come? So fears that he may hate me rose up again. Then at the lockers the next day P.Diddy tells me that yes, he does hate me. And also he has the impression that I hate him. WHAT? I do not hate him, I'm too busy trying to get him to like me or fight for his goddamn approval which I have never seemed to gain. So I asked Fungi to have a word and went home and cried, like I do.
Then the next day I was told that apparently he only hates me because he thinks I hate him.
1. I don't hate him.
2. What would that achieve? "You hate me? Okay, I hate you" Yeah, that fixes a friendship.
3. Why has he not spoken to me about this, in fact, not spoken to me at all in the past week?
So I confronted him. Upset, angry, confused. I wasn't the nicest person about it I will admit.
Then Cheshire says "Oh you could have been nicer about that" and Goldilocks says "Oh, you should just apologise." Why can nobody see that I am not in the wrong here?
You cannot say that if you thought a so called friend had the impression you hated them, and therefore hated you back, you would not be a nice person about it!
Gees. Rant over people.
I had a barbecue and was aware that a few people wouldn't be able to make it as they were visiting family or had other plans. One of those people was Curltop. I was under the impression he was off visiting family or something and had accepted that.
When he rang Marshal at the barbecue and said that he needed to meet up, I was a little confused, but chalked it down the fact that he must have gone earlier and got home already. I got annoyed because when suggested he should come to the barbecue he said "I don't want to come to the fucking barbecue." (This has all been said before, repeating so this post makes sense) but okay, I was only a little annoyed - he had done this before after all.
So then when I got into school and he says that he was actually home all day and actually he just 'couldn't be bothered' to come I really got annoyed. I had taken time out of my day to organise it, and it was all his friends there - so why not come? So fears that he may hate me rose up again. Then at the lockers the next day P.Diddy tells me that yes, he does hate me. And also he has the impression that I hate him. WHAT? I do not hate him, I'm too busy trying to get him to like me or fight for his goddamn approval which I have never seemed to gain. So I asked Fungi to have a word and went home and cried, like I do.
Then the next day I was told that apparently he only hates me because he thinks I hate him.
1. I don't hate him.
2. What would that achieve? "You hate me? Okay, I hate you" Yeah, that fixes a friendship.
3. Why has he not spoken to me about this, in fact, not spoken to me at all in the past week?
So I confronted him. Upset, angry, confused. I wasn't the nicest person about it I will admit.
Then Cheshire says "Oh you could have been nicer about that" and Goldilocks says "Oh, you should just apologise." Why can nobody see that I am not in the wrong here?
You cannot say that if you thought a so called friend had the impression you hated them, and therefore hated you back, you would not be a nice person about it!
Gees. Rant over people.
Monday, 12 April 2010
My Day - Episode Twenty Three
What a curious day!
Firstly the bad. I found out that Curltop actually didn't want to come to the barbecue, even though he could have because he was sat at home. He purely just didn't want to come because he hates me. Don't blame him really, I'm obvious the most grotesque being ever.
Now the good. People finally complimented my hair without being prompted! Yeah, four inches off should be way more dramatic. Gutted. Ah well. And got complimented on clothes too.
Funny event of the day was actually my dinner exploding. Yes. Exploding. We had chicken, pork and vegetables all cooking in the oven when suddenly the glass dish EXPLODED. Glass shattered and went everywhere, all in the food so we couldn't risk eating it. So we had to clear that up and just went out for dinner. I had a yummers steak and the most delicious chocolate cake ever. Like 'Oh God' kind of cake - you know the one girlies!
Had a very interesting conversation with Handsome One on the way home on the bus about sex. What he have, haven't and plan to do. Funny experiences. Gave me a lot of ideas for my other blog. Funsies!
So that's all that happened today. :D
Firstly the bad. I found out that Curltop actually didn't want to come to the barbecue, even though he could have because he was sat at home. He purely just didn't want to come because he hates me. Don't blame him really, I'm obvious the most grotesque being ever.
Now the good. People finally complimented my hair without being prompted! Yeah, four inches off should be way more dramatic. Gutted. Ah well. And got complimented on clothes too.
Funny event of the day was actually my dinner exploding. Yes. Exploding. We had chicken, pork and vegetables all cooking in the oven when suddenly the glass dish EXPLODED. Glass shattered and went everywhere, all in the food so we couldn't risk eating it. So we had to clear that up and just went out for dinner. I had a yummers steak and the most delicious chocolate cake ever. Like 'Oh God' kind of cake - you know the one girlies!
Had a very interesting conversation with Handsome One on the way home on the bus about sex. What he have, haven't and plan to do. Funny experiences. Gave me a lot of ideas for my other blog. Funsies!
So that's all that happened today. :D
Saturday, 10 April 2010
My Day - Episode Twenty Two
Today was so busy! I am absolutely knackered now but so fulfilled, my day was almost perfect.
So this morning I woke up pretty early and had an undisturbed morning - my favourite kind. Managed to get to the hairdressers for half nine, which meant I only had to wait for a while. I used to have a real problem trusting hair dressers though, the order they do things in really panics me and I start to stress, but today I was relaxed and confident that it would be okay. Which worked out. Eve when I ended up loosing a good 3/4 inches off my hair instead of the 2 I intended, it looks much better this way.
So then it was about quarter past ten, I was finished with my errands and I had to wait in town until about 12ish when P.Diddy arrived with the sis, K.Diddy. So the three of us wandered a bit more, bought some meat and just chillaxed until we caught up with Goldilocks. We then bid adieu to K.Diddy and she went off home. Eventually we gained a Thin One and Stag who had turned up at my house before us.
We then had some coke in the sun, listening to music and chatting. Eventually got the barbie going which was a clamity but actually a success in the end - chicken buffalo wings were a win. The only thing that bugged me was later on we got a call from Curl Top who had refused the offer earlier on account of other plans but when re-offered to come, he said "I don't want to come to the fucking barbecue." Ouch man, is my presence really that painful? Not you can't come, or there is no point, don't want to. Ouch.
Then when the barbie died down and we had also gained a Marshal we went indoors to where the Sis and her friend was and we played on the legendary Dance game on the Wii. Awesome songs, awesome moves and awesome wins. The guys beat the girls but I won in almost every game I played, mainly because that's the kind of thing I love doing when I am alone and I get way into it.
So as the evening wore on, people started leaving and I am left here, with the netbook perched on my weak lap, forcing myself to blog about my day because it was so damn fucking awesome in every way.
Love my Krewe. <3 Only gutted that Him couldn't come as he was visiting releatives SUCKS.
So this morning I woke up pretty early and had an undisturbed morning - my favourite kind. Managed to get to the hairdressers for half nine, which meant I only had to wait for a while. I used to have a real problem trusting hair dressers though, the order they do things in really panics me and I start to stress, but today I was relaxed and confident that it would be okay. Which worked out. Eve when I ended up loosing a good 3/4 inches off my hair instead of the 2 I intended, it looks much better this way.
So then it was about quarter past ten, I was finished with my errands and I had to wait in town until about 12ish when P.Diddy arrived with the sis, K.Diddy. So the three of us wandered a bit more, bought some meat and just chillaxed until we caught up with Goldilocks. We then bid adieu to K.Diddy and she went off home. Eventually we gained a Thin One and Stag who had turned up at my house before us.
We then had some coke in the sun, listening to music and chatting. Eventually got the barbie going which was a clamity but actually a success in the end - chicken buffalo wings were a win. The only thing that bugged me was later on we got a call from Curl Top who had refused the offer earlier on account of other plans but when re-offered to come, he said "I don't want to come to the fucking barbecue." Ouch man, is my presence really that painful? Not you can't come, or there is no point, don't want to. Ouch.
Then when the barbie died down and we had also gained a Marshal we went indoors to where the Sis and her friend was and we played on the legendary Dance game on the Wii. Awesome songs, awesome moves and awesome wins. The guys beat the girls but I won in almost every game I played, mainly because that's the kind of thing I love doing when I am alone and I get way into it.
So as the evening wore on, people started leaving and I am left here, with the netbook perched on my weak lap, forcing myself to blog about my day because it was so damn fucking awesome in every way.
Love my Krewe. <3 Only gutted that Him couldn't come as he was visiting releatives SUCKS.
Friday, 9 April 2010
Good weather
- Can do wonders for your mood
- Can do wonders for your skin
- Always makes people pull funnier faces
- Makes people act like a caveman seeing sun for the first time
- Gets people talking
- Always gets a warm welcome
- Makes the day seem better already
- Allows me to wear my beloved summer wardrobe
So today it was sunny again, as you may have noticed. This was the highlight of my day. Other things were little annoyances though and they ruined my day. Some people were being rather selfish today and inconsiderate and that bugged me and then that left me in a bad enough mood to be bothered by things I usually would have brushed off without a moments hestitation. But overall it was a good day, people should listen to the radio, it was the wonderyears a-z and it was awesome.
Thursday, 8 April 2010
Positive Comments of the Day
Decided to focus on what made my day today which were the few positive comments that I got.
"Your eyes are huge!"
"Your eyes look really nice today." (I did different eye makeup, obv this will become the usual.)
"I like your outfit today."
"You look really tall today for some reason... "X2
That was it, but that's all I ask for! Have a lovely day you beautiful people. :)
"Your eyes are huge!"
"Your eyes look really nice today." (I did different eye makeup, obv this will become the usual.)
"I like your outfit today."
"You look really tall today for some reason... "X2
That was it, but that's all I ask for! Have a lovely day you beautiful people. :)
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
My Day - Episode Twenty One
I can never remember if numbers are one word or hyphoned or separate. Don't bother telling me, I prefer to separate them anyways.
So today! I woke up this morning and spent a fuck long time on my hair which was totally worth it for the two comments I got today, seriously, just a few passing words make the effort of the mornings and night time worth it. Then first I got into a really icky mood because Tweedle-dee was there and I can't relax with them around. They aren't krewe, they aren't my friend and they also are not very interesting to me so I kind of just clam up and spend the whole time plotting their demise.
Then I had a structured study. Since I started dating Him I walk him to German and say a reasonable goodbye and stumble on down to my SS a little late, but nothing major. It was maybe 4/5 minutes into the lesson when I got to our usual meeting place. So I thought, "oh they must of gone into the library" so I went in, did a lap of it and stopped to chat to Wallflower and Darling One. No sign. So next option was bottom red, I went there, nothing. Seating areas? Checked them all. Checked all of the study areas and the new block just in case. Nothing, no sign. I got my phone, texted Goldilocks as sometimes she would inform me where they were. Did another lap just for one last check and then decided they had just given up and gone off without me. So I settled down in bottom red, now half an hour wasted on looking for the fuckers. Then I emailed them as a last resort and got down to work in a foul temper.
Yes it's petty to get annoyed that they didn't wait, but I was a mere 5 minutes late at most and they couldn't be arsed to wait.
Then I found out they had apparently been in the library for the whole time, doing jack shit by the look of it. But in the 30 minutes I was missing not one suggested, "Oh, maybe we should text/email/find Becca so she's not walking around like a complete FUCKFACE!"
Then when I finally got in a good enough mood to join them, my arrival was barely even acknowledge, no apology, no "Hey, you look kinda pissed off, sup?", not even a "Woops". Needless to say, I was more than a little annoyed.
So I went into tutor time in a really shite mood but luckily two random half-friends were there to act like fools, tease me with gossip and cheer me up. God bless randomers who make you day. I had a nice English lesson though, growing ever closer to SkootchyDollFace. Then my IEC wasn't as bad today. Did some one on one in each lesson which is easier for me as they tend to be a lot nicer when they don't have to show off to a crowd. Annoys me that they can't be that angelic in every lesson though.
So that was my day, minidramas and all. I'm good now, had pizza for dinner and did the workout dvd which always makes me happy. :)
So today! I woke up this morning and spent a fuck long time on my hair which was totally worth it for the two comments I got today, seriously, just a few passing words make the effort of the mornings and night time worth it. Then first I got into a really icky mood because Tweedle-dee was there and I can't relax with them around. They aren't krewe, they aren't my friend and they also are not very interesting to me so I kind of just clam up and spend the whole time plotting their demise.
Then I had a structured study. Since I started dating Him I walk him to German and say a reasonable goodbye and stumble on down to my SS a little late, but nothing major. It was maybe 4/5 minutes into the lesson when I got to our usual meeting place. So I thought, "oh they must of gone into the library" so I went in, did a lap of it and stopped to chat to Wallflower and Darling One. No sign. So next option was bottom red, I went there, nothing. Seating areas? Checked them all. Checked all of the study areas and the new block just in case. Nothing, no sign. I got my phone, texted Goldilocks as sometimes she would inform me where they were. Did another lap just for one last check and then decided they had just given up and gone off without me. So I settled down in bottom red, now half an hour wasted on looking for the fuckers. Then I emailed them as a last resort and got down to work in a foul temper.
Yes it's petty to get annoyed that they didn't wait, but I was a mere 5 minutes late at most and they couldn't be arsed to wait.
Then I found out they had apparently been in the library for the whole time, doing jack shit by the look of it. But in the 30 minutes I was missing not one suggested, "Oh, maybe we should text/email/find Becca so she's not walking around like a complete FUCKFACE!"
Then when I finally got in a good enough mood to join them, my arrival was barely even acknowledge, no apology, no "Hey, you look kinda pissed off, sup?", not even a "Woops". Needless to say, I was more than a little annoyed.
So I went into tutor time in a really shite mood but luckily two random half-friends were there to act like fools, tease me with gossip and cheer me up. God bless randomers who make you day. I had a nice English lesson though, growing ever closer to SkootchyDollFace. Then my IEC wasn't as bad today. Did some one on one in each lesson which is easier for me as they tend to be a lot nicer when they don't have to show off to a crowd. Annoys me that they can't be that angelic in every lesson though.
So that was my day, minidramas and all. I'm good now, had pizza for dinner and did the workout dvd which always makes me happy. :)
Monday, 5 April 2010
Sunday, 4 April 2010
My Day - Episode Twenty
This book knows all, so today we decided to follow yet another recipe and make BUNNY CAKES! Which you will see the result of in a minute...
In other news, I bought my favourite treat in the whole wide world! Chocolate coated oreos. These things are the most delicious thing known to mankind I swear, if you ever see them then you have to try them. They are orgasms in a box guys.

The bunny cakes! Adorable aren't they! I would brag about culinary genius but I already revealed we copied off a book. FAIL.
We've been redoing the garden for a while and today I had to hop over the back fence and go get some bricks that we threw into the wasteland between the houses. The fence only comes up to your hip on the garden side but standing on the wasteland side it comes up to my nose. So I sort of got stuck and my pathetic and short mother was the only hand I had so I had to do a rather awesome hop between this pole and the fence and flip myself over. It was AWESOME. If only my life was filmed. You totally missed it. Urgh. But the picture is of my favourite place to have tea and oreo-orgasms. It's a beautiful set, no?
And that is my day so far!
This book knows all, so today we decided to follow yet another recipe and make BUNNY CAKES! Which you will see the result of in a minute...
The bunny cakes! Adorable aren't they! I would brag about culinary genius but I already revealed we copied off a book. FAIL.
We've been redoing the garden for a while and today I had to hop over the back fence and go get some bricks that we threw into the wasteland between the houses. The fence only comes up to your hip on the garden side but standing on the wasteland side it comes up to my nose. So I sort of got stuck and my pathetic and short mother was the only hand I had so I had to do a rather awesome hop between this pole and the fence and flip myself over. It was AWESOME. If only my life was filmed. You totally missed it. Urgh. But the picture is of my favourite place to have tea and oreo-orgasms. It's a beautiful set, no?
And that is my day so far!
Names Reel
The Krewe Members!
Him - The Current Boyfriend who was also known as Fungi when he was just in friendship status.
Stag- The Ex boyfriend who was reverted to informant and good friend. Was 'Boyf'
Goldilocks - Struggled for a name for her but at last! We have a winner for A.G.
Cheshire - The smiley beloved girl B.H
Curltop - Originally named for his hair, which he then CUT!! :O It's H.S!
Thin One - Derived from his stature it's the one and only P.H
P.Diddy - The only one that keeps his initials! P.D
Skootch - Fellow blogger and new Krewe member, S.H
Marshal - Previously Creep and Snake and even Crush at one point, It's T.H
And the others!
Handsome One - It's the resident flirt on the bus, C.P
Darling One - My oldest and dearest friend, my darling J.L
Pants - Named for the snazzy running gear, D.E

Wallflower - My gorgeous and yet quiet baby, H.P
Headphone Man - It's the dimples! It's the bus man, J.P
Owl Boy - Whom I walk with every night little G.C
Frodo - He looks like a hobbit and is just as hairy, J.H
Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee - Can never tell which is which but it's the L's!
Dickface - Previously Flame, we ALL know who this is!
Pushpop - I won't disclose who this is, but it was the person I offended..Hehe.
N.G - The advisor to my life and my favourite author by far. Nikki Gemmell.
((I've added a new Best Of Belle twigget thing and would like you to suggest some of the best posts you've read on here, where they might be funny or even just interesting gossip, comment away!))
Him - The Current Boyfriend who was also known as Fungi when he was just in friendship status.
Stag- The Ex boyfriend who was reverted to informant and good friend. Was 'Boyf'

Cheshire - The smiley beloved girl B.H
Curltop - Originally named for his hair, which he then CUT!! :O It's H.S!
Thin One - Derived from his stature it's the one and only P.H

Skootch - Fellow blogger and new Krewe member, S.H
Marshal - Previously Creep and Snake and even Crush at one point, It's T.H
And the others!
Handsome One - It's the resident flirt on the bus, C.P
Darling One - My oldest and dearest friend, my darling J.L
Pants - Named for the snazzy running gear, D.E

Wallflower - My gorgeous and yet quiet baby, H.P
Headphone Man - It's the dimples! It's the bus man, J.P
Owl Boy - Whom I walk with every night little G.C
Frodo - He looks like a hobbit and is just as hairy, J.H
Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee - Can never tell which is which but it's the L's!
Dickface - Previously Flame, we ALL know who this is!
Pushpop - I won't disclose who this is, but it was the person I offended..Hehe.
N.G - The advisor to my life and my favourite author by far. Nikki Gemmell.
((I've added a new Best Of Belle twigget thing and would like you to suggest some of the best posts you've read on here, where they might be funny or even just interesting gossip, comment away!))
Handsome One,
headphone man,
Owl Boy,
Thin One,
Easter So Far....
Has been AWESOME! I love four day weekends. Thursday night I would stay up late to talk to MSN haunters, which I did. Then Friday could be going out with friends day number one, sleepover at mates and then Saturday going to other friends and doing new things, like dabbling in football. Then Sunday is my day, where I update howbelleislife and facebook and my diary and the various things I keep track of. ((My MSN is screwed up at the moment so I can't go on...Darn)).
Then Monday is Him time.
Although I cheated because I had some Him time with Him last night which was amazing. :) Nice just to hang out.
Football was fun...sort of. More just chilling and having something to stare at is what I like. I fell over really badly on the decking when playing mini football with Thin One, Him and P.Diddy. It was HILARIOUS but effing painful. I have such a sort arse as well because P.Diddy kneed me when playing trampoline football. XD Not to mention a painful shoulder where I was barged by Him and then slept incredibly uncomfortably on it. ALL WORTH IT!
Right now I'm cursing MSN for not working, browsing twitter. (I'm Belleallday by the way) and Facebook.
Got Radio One on, it's the top 40 soon, so tune in!
P.s Just going to do a Names Reel blog to update all on pretty much all the codenames I can remember, then people can find themselves, order me to change or give ideas for new ones!
Then Monday is Him time.
Although I cheated because I had some Him time with Him last night which was amazing. :) Nice just to hang out.
Football was fun...sort of. More just chilling and having something to stare at is what I like. I fell over really badly on the decking when playing mini football with Thin One, Him and P.Diddy. It was HILARIOUS but effing painful. I have such a sort arse as well because P.Diddy kneed me when playing trampoline football. XD Not to mention a painful shoulder where I was barged by Him and then slept incredibly uncomfortably on it. ALL WORTH IT!
Right now I'm cursing MSN for not working, browsing twitter. (I'm Belleallday by the way) and Facebook.
Got Radio One on, it's the top 40 soon, so tune in!
P.s Just going to do a Names Reel blog to update all on pretty much all the codenames I can remember, then people can find themselves, order me to change or give ideas for new ones!
Thursday, 1 April 2010
I have laughed SO MUCH today. My face hurts. My abs hurt. My knees hurt because when I laugh too hard I curl up on the floor.
It started when we were reminiscing about times that people have fallen over. Then me and the sis were laughing about random hilarious moments we can remember. I would sit here and tell you them but they are embarassing ones about the both of us so I'm sworn to secrecy on fear of death. :)
But today was a funny day. Much better than yesterday.
Although I did feel totally shit because I was randomly really mean to Him and apparently he really felt shit about it. But that's kind of made me feel nice as Cheshire pointed out that it just means he really really cares. :D
It started when we were reminiscing about times that people have fallen over. Then me and the sis were laughing about random hilarious moments we can remember. I would sit here and tell you them but they are embarassing ones about the both of us so I'm sworn to secrecy on fear of death. :)
But today was a funny day. Much better than yesterday.
Although I did feel totally shit because I was randomly really mean to Him and apparently he really felt shit about it. But that's kind of made me feel nice as Cheshire pointed out that it just means he really really cares. :D
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