Haven't done a my day blog in a while, I keep wanting to go off topic. So I will, bwahaha.
So today, woke up a bit glum because my throat was killing me and I was absolutely knackered! I was up at 4 again coughing, silly lungs - behave! But anyways, yesterday it was my sisters birthday so we had a barbecue and I met lots of her friends (one I really warmed to and let borrow some manga and she was lovely!) and the rest were nice too, bonkers but nice.
My mum got v drunk and was joining in with festivities and had to meet the boyf's mum whilst tipsy - was hilarious. She was very embarassed though. Poor doll.
Anyways! Today. Woke up, sore throated but looking forward to the day. After I super cleaned the house from all the food and alkie bockles, I had Cheshire over. This was strange, but really nice. First time it was just me and her and round my house so it was like new but in a good way. She complimented my room lots, which is good - I'm not a freak with lots of fans and crap XD So we went for a walk and sat in a tree for like two hours talking about childhood holidays and friends and parties, all sorts. Bitched about a few people, we are human after all and then went home to eat biscuits and watch a chick flick.
It was really nice and chilled and totally what I needed out of a lazy bank holiday monday, so yay! Oh and I'm almost healed! Still got a sore throat from all the coughing but I can almost close my mouth and breathe like a normal person now. (Almost) :D
Monday, 31 May 2010
Friday, 28 May 2010
Inner Monologue Ep. 2
Don't know what to say, la la la la la.
Bus journeys make my life so awesome right now. I love all my dudes on the bussss.
Cough cough cough! God I cough so hard I feel like I might puke, then I usually sniff and realise I am still not healed, despite feeling better. Maybe it's a mental thing, feeling better.
Headphone man is such an amazing person, I found out so much about him recently cause like he totally opened up. He's a lot like me really, able to open up a lot easier over msn or something where I can't see his face.
I hate that feeling in your throat when you have a... my mum just cackled REALLY loud! She laughs really like a maniac, it can catch you off guard and you'll be like MMAAAAA!!
Speaking of mums, I went out of the Bio mock to get a drink and Fungi's mum was there with a visitors badge! I was like WTF? and then we had a chat, apparently she just had some time to kill so was walking around the school. Told Fungi and he was like GODDAMN MOTHER! It was hilarious, which isn't good in exam conditions. That mock really wasn't that bad, I knew quite a lot of it but I have the feeling the second half did not go so well. But c'est la vie. Almost wrote c'est that vie. That makes no sense. XD
Bus journeys make my life so awesome right now. I love all my dudes on the bussss.
Cough cough cough! God I cough so hard I feel like I might puke, then I usually sniff and realise I am still not healed, despite feeling better. Maybe it's a mental thing, feeling better.
Headphone man is such an amazing person, I found out so much about him recently cause like he totally opened up. He's a lot like me really, able to open up a lot easier over msn or something where I can't see his face.
I hate that feeling in your throat when you have a... my mum just cackled REALLY loud! She laughs really like a maniac, it can catch you off guard and you'll be like MMAAAAA!!
Speaking of mums, I went out of the Bio mock to get a drink and Fungi's mum was there with a visitors badge! I was like WTF? and then we had a chat, apparently she just had some time to kill so was walking around the school. Told Fungi and he was like GODDAMN MOTHER! It was hilarious, which isn't good in exam conditions. That mock really wasn't that bad, I knew quite a lot of it but I have the feeling the second half did not go so well. But c'est la vie. Almost wrote c'est that vie. That makes no sense. XD
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
A mixed bag
My life right now is a total mixed bag. It's like a pack of revels. Mostly crappy ones (I hate revels).
Boyfriend is awesome. Friends are awesome, if depressed. My blog is awesome, singular 'cause I ran out of ideas for the other one a long time ago and people judge me and get grossed out by it, great - not. Sorry, I'm moving on to bad already.
Friends are depressed and I feel helpless, no matter how many minutes or little gestures I dedicate to them to make them happy I still feel upset as they suffer, damn sympathy! I feel like a bad person for shoving Him away in order to revise or spend time with needing mates. Also I get annoyed when people tell me that I am only ever one of two, I am not a sock - I can stand alone. I'm angry at a certain obvious someone for still be alive, happy and rubbing his success at living in a lie right in my face. I am angry that people don't care about this, but then get too touched and upset when they do try and care- to talk about it would be to admit my failure and stupidity. I'm nervous to shit about exams, literally they are scaring me more every waking second. Not to mention this illness makes it hard to concentrate, I cannot breathe, I cannot swallow, I cannot think in straight lines - how am I meant to fly through exams when my brain can't get air!?
Cannot write any more for this blog or I will cry after realise how little happiness there is present right now.
Boyfriend is awesome. Friends are awesome, if depressed. My blog is awesome, singular 'cause I ran out of ideas for the other one a long time ago and people judge me and get grossed out by it, great - not. Sorry, I'm moving on to bad already.
Friends are depressed and I feel helpless, no matter how many minutes or little gestures I dedicate to them to make them happy I still feel upset as they suffer, damn sympathy! I feel like a bad person for shoving Him away in order to revise or spend time with needing mates. Also I get annoyed when people tell me that I am only ever one of two, I am not a sock - I can stand alone. I'm angry at a certain obvious someone for still be alive, happy and rubbing his success at living in a lie right in my face. I am angry that people don't care about this, but then get too touched and upset when they do try and care- to talk about it would be to admit my failure and stupidity. I'm nervous to shit about exams, literally they are scaring me more every waking second. Not to mention this illness makes it hard to concentrate, I cannot breathe, I cannot swallow, I cannot think in straight lines - how am I meant to fly through exams when my brain can't get air!?
Cannot write any more for this blog or I will cry after realise how little happiness there is present right now.
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Diary entries
Decided to go through and find interesting diary entries to give you a looky at the original! Wooo!
Yes. I'm ill and bored with too much time. SHH I'll keep the pictures small so the post isn't huge but click them and they are readable! :) I might transcript if it's hard to read.
The first is my second diary entry ever. The first diary entry was ruddy boring, about my sisters hair. It's a little hard to read. "Dear dairy, (cow go moo?) somethings still wrong with my TV. But on the happy note I'm going to a studies drama art thingy with Kathleen and Shona. (YaY) gotta go! bye! Rachaels saying that I have to turn Catz off and she won't give me my money! Grr! I've just been to the activitie thing and it was good but the dancing was not that good but that was probably because I didn't join in. gotta go see ya. Rachael been a bit not nice today, I mean she's he me with a shoe, she would not give me my money! I'm sure it will clear up. bye!"

The next is an entry done just after I started going out with Luke Saville. I was ecstatic. It does say "Dream come true", that's where the true comes from. No idea what my C&L was. XD
The actual full entry is from my loving sister, leaving a gentle note to tell me to hide my diary. :D Bless.

This one is from Sian, a diary with big spots on the front. Btw it's said "Shawn" and it's a girl diary, doesn't make sense to anyone but me.

Just a quick recap of the week of my holidays. It was just after me and Josh had broken up and I was more than a little bitter. See the large "Screw him!"
I didn't really want to give actual entries to some of my diaries because basically there was one that was clean or free of secrets and bitchness so this is the front of John Doe. JD is probably my fav diary purely because he's so understated in looks. Crappy paper, reporters notebook. Yet it has the most drama and secrets than the rest. I love JD. : ) The poem is mine and yes, a little melodramatic.

This one is also a very depressing diary that was way over dramatic, so I'll just show the front. It's depressing enough to look at this really.
The drawings and things are all really meaningful but only if you read it and then know totally what is going on, otherwise the whole front of it is just absolute gobbledegook. :D P.s This diary is called Valentine.
This one is the beloved Lily. It's a bulletpoint record of a party. Woah, scanning went a bit wrong. It starts with me saying that Dickfaces girlfriend was surprisingly nice to me considering what went on, and then it just says main things I remembered from the night. I like bulletpointing things.
Woo it's the name sake Belle! Some people may remember this event, a barbecue round mine and Stag trying on his kilt. Put this in purely because nobody knows what my original reaction was the to the kilt. Bear in mind it wasn't the one he wore to prom, it was a gross green version! Love it purely before of the phrase "beardy weirdy".

Haha! It's Romeo, the romance diary, completely about guys almost! This particular entry should shock a few peeps as I never really told many about this little flirtacious thing that happened with him. I do hope people have interesting reactions. I'd forgotten this even happened. XD
This one is from Beau, the predecessor to my current Candy. This is where I was still dating Stag but I was beginning to have feelings for Fungi, but I didn't want to acknowledge that fact. It's rather cute looking back on it. :3
Yes. I'm ill and bored with too much time. SHH I'll keep the pictures small so the post isn't huge but click them and they are readable! :) I might transcript if it's hard to read.

The next is an entry done just after I started going out with Luke Saville. I was ecstatic. It does say "Dream come true", that's where the true comes from. No idea what my C&L was. XD
The actual full entry is from my loving sister, leaving a gentle note to tell me to hide my diary. :D Bless.

This one is from Sian, a diary with big spots on the front. Btw it's said "Shawn" and it's a girl diary, doesn't make sense to anyone but me.

Just a quick recap of the week of my holidays. It was just after me and Josh had broken up and I was more than a little bitter. See the large "Screw him!"
I didn't really want to give actual entries to some of my diaries because basically there was one that was clean or free of secrets and bitchness so this is the front of John Doe. JD is probably my fav diary purely because he's so understated in looks. Crappy paper, reporters notebook. Yet it has the most drama and secrets than the rest. I love JD. : ) The poem is mine and yes, a little melodramatic.

This one is also a very depressing diary that was way over dramatic, so I'll just show the front. It's depressing enough to look at this really.

Woo it's the name sake Belle! Some people may remember this event, a barbecue round mine and Stag trying on his kilt. Put this in purely because nobody knows what my original reaction was the to the kilt. Bear in mind it wasn't the one he wore to prom, it was a gross green version! Love it purely before of the phrase "beardy weirdy".

Haha! It's Romeo, the romance diary, completely about guys almost! This particular entry should shock a few peeps as I never really told many about this little flirtacious thing that happened with him. I do hope people have interesting reactions. I'd forgotten this even happened. XD
This one is from Beau, the predecessor to my current Candy. This is where I was still dating Stag but I was beginning to have feelings for Fungi, but I didn't want to acknowledge that fact. It's rather cute looking back on it. :3
The People
Bonjour readers. I am bored. So lets go! These are the things I would advise you or just tell you or things I think but don't say.
I can see your scalp! Well not right now, but I could yesterday!
Anyways, you're super funny and super nice. Hope it's going well with that girly, I wish we talked more one on one. It seems that we are only ever together in groups.
Thin One
I'm really sorry I call you Thin One on here, I know you don't like it. I just couldn't think of anything interest...I JUST HAD AN EPIPHANY! Peter Rabbit. Do you know Peter Rabbit? You should know Peter Rabbit, he wore a waistcoat! Unfortunately I cannot be arsed to change the name, people will only be like "But I thought... so who is... What?!" At me and I don't like that. You're hiwawious man. I love talking to you, best person ever to chat with on msn. And I love your doggy. :D
Curltop Aka Newly-bathed-in-shame-boy
He won't read this because he's too busy being a tard. I don't see we bother even trying to include you in anything when all you do is pull away. You can be really nice when you want to be, so charming and funny, but that's not often. Most of the time you cancel plans, make cruel jokes and mock people without reason. Not to mention making silly foolish decisions without any valid reason apart from to protect yourself. You are a whelk.
Mr Electric Meter Man
You just came to my door to read the electric meter but I think I may be in love with you. Gorgeously tall, tanned and ripped beyond belief. You even make that stupid red Npower shirt look sexy. Take me to bed please Mr EMM. ;)
You haven't spoken to me in ages WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY.
Your trauma recently was really bad and although you are pretty weird, I will be here to lend an ear. (Rhyme!) I shall try not to judge you on preconcieved ideas that I created when you hated me for months, they aren't the nicest judgements. Clean slate boyo.
Awight. XD It's nice that we've kept things so lovely between us, you have no idea how afraid I was to loose that. You are the most selfless giving person ever and the depths of your forgiveness are unbelieveable. I can't say anything more than Thankyou. And update me more on girl-hunting! I like to be in the know. :)
My dear Fungi, Him.
Don't be so paranoid about your looks, you're gorgeous to me. I get blown away by how lovely you are and all the tiny thoughtfullnesses aren't forgotten. Trying extra hard to make weaker tea, giving me a rose without reason, massive easter egg when I asked for nothing and bearing with having the heater on when you might die from overheating already. I love you.
And now my girlies!
You are so like an iceberg! Not in the sense that you are cold at all because you are so warm and bright, but because you have the most beautiful tip of the iceberg that people see but then all that is hidden is even more interesting. I feel like I'm finally getting to know you really, and not just the funny public side that makes weird faces across lunch tables and then makes a Scottish face before the accent. :D We click so well and you're so easy to get along with, much love my dear!
Oh goldi goldi goldi. What can I say? The best person to shop with and one that will also sit and get fat with me in McDonalds. Your antics are hilarious and I can't wait to see you again every time and hear the latest story of what's going on in your mind, be it the Arctic Tundra or how to cure world hunger with cannibalism. XD
Mr dearest rock. So solid and dependable. If I ever need a cry about another silly heartbreaking boy it's to you. Our only problem is being too alike so when we argue we ARGUE. But still, I wouldn't change a smidge. Love the new hair by the way, you're a killer redhead. :D
There are moments when I will sit across from you and think...Good god this woman is actually mental... and I love it! You're wonderfully paranoid and I love being able to give someone advice and feel all wisened and whatnot. You are a wonderful addition to the girl power side of the Krewe and definately provide much needed entertainment in my otherwise bland days.
I wish we could talk more! I miss the days of pretending to do lengths in the pool so we could catch up whilst bobbing. We ought to go for tea and cake sometime, I right fancy a brownie in the avo. I hope all your life is okay, you never really let much on during the brief times we speak but you seem well enough to fuss over big and small bags. Love you deary.
And onto the ones who are gone from my life, be that a good thing or not.
Go die, throw yourself down a ditch with your skinny bitch of a girlfriend and I hope a large shard of metal peirces your stupid head. : )
I miss you right now. Our choc and chats were so deep and soul-healing. I'm in mental agony at the minute and I wish I could bring back the old you for a good suger-filled chat. You know exactly what I'm feeling right now in certain areas and I can only wish that you were here to talk reason into me.
I miss having one person to rely on, you were that one for so long in my life. You really helped me through that time where I lost almost everything and I never thanked you enough for that. I hope your new life is treating you well and that your exams go swimmingly. : )
Hope I have not insulted anyone during this, love you all except one and a half : D
I can see your scalp! Well not right now, but I could yesterday!
Anyways, you're super funny and super nice. Hope it's going well with that girly, I wish we talked more one on one. It seems that we are only ever together in groups.
Thin One
I'm really sorry I call you Thin One on here, I know you don't like it. I just couldn't think of anything interest...I JUST HAD AN EPIPHANY! Peter Rabbit. Do you know Peter Rabbit? You should know Peter Rabbit, he wore a waistcoat! Unfortunately I cannot be arsed to change the name, people will only be like "But I thought... so who is... What?!" At me and I don't like that. You're hiwawious man. I love talking to you, best person ever to chat with on msn. And I love your doggy. :D
Curltop Aka Newly-bathed-in-shame-boy
He won't read this because he's too busy being a tard. I don't see we bother even trying to include you in anything when all you do is pull away. You can be really nice when you want to be, so charming and funny, but that's not often. Most of the time you cancel plans, make cruel jokes and mock people without reason. Not to mention making silly foolish decisions without any valid reason apart from to protect yourself. You are a whelk.
Mr Electric Meter Man

You haven't spoken to me in ages WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY.
Your trauma recently was really bad and although you are pretty weird, I will be here to lend an ear. (Rhyme!) I shall try not to judge you on preconcieved ideas that I created when you hated me for months, they aren't the nicest judgements. Clean slate boyo.
Awight. XD It's nice that we've kept things so lovely between us, you have no idea how afraid I was to loose that. You are the most selfless giving person ever and the depths of your forgiveness are unbelieveable. I can't say anything more than Thankyou. And update me more on girl-hunting! I like to be in the know. :)

Don't be so paranoid about your looks, you're gorgeous to me. I get blown away by how lovely you are and all the tiny thoughtfullnesses aren't forgotten. Trying extra hard to make weaker tea, giving me a rose without reason, massive easter egg when I asked for nothing and bearing with having the heater on when you might die from overheating already. I love you.
And now my girlies!

Oh goldi goldi goldi. What can I say? The best person to shop with and one that will also sit and get fat with me in McDonalds. Your antics are hilarious and I can't wait to see you again every time and hear the latest story of what's going on in your mind, be it the Arctic Tundra or how to cure world hunger with cannibalism. XD
Mr dearest rock. So solid and dependable. If I ever need a cry about another silly heartbreaking boy it's to you. Our only problem is being too alike so when we argue we ARGUE. But still, I wouldn't change a smidge. Love the new hair by the way, you're a killer redhead. :D
There are moments when I will sit across from you and think...Good god this woman is actually mental... and I love it! You're wonderfully paranoid and I love being able to give someone advice and feel all wisened and whatnot. You are a wonderful addition to the girl power side of the Krewe and definately provide much needed entertainment in my otherwise bland days.
I wish we could talk more! I miss the days of pretending to do lengths in the pool so we could catch up whilst bobbing. We ought to go for tea and cake sometime, I right fancy a brownie in the avo. I hope all your life is okay, you never really let much on during the brief times we speak but you seem well enough to fuss over big and small bags. Love you deary.
And onto the ones who are gone from my life, be that a good thing or not.

Go die, throw yourself down a ditch with your skinny bitch of a girlfriend and I hope a large shard of metal peirces your stupid head. : )
I miss you right now. Our choc and chats were so deep and soul-healing. I'm in mental agony at the minute and I wish I could bring back the old you for a good suger-filled chat. You know exactly what I'm feeling right now in certain areas and I can only wish that you were here to talk reason into me.
I miss having one person to rely on, you were that one for so long in my life. You really helped me through that time where I lost almost everything and I never thanked you enough for that. I hope your new life is treating you well and that your exams go swimmingly. : )
Hope I have not insulted anyone during this, love you all except one and a half : D
Thin One,
Epic Blog Update
Oh Yes, I'm heading back to the traditional Belle style of catagorising things. :D
Starting with the worst so you'll forget it by the end. I have the worst, cough/cold combo I have ever suffered. I'm currently on three different types of drugs, still can't breathe through my nose and feel like I swallowed a binbag full of ash. It's so dry and scratchy in the my throat right now, I'd rather chop a toe off than sneeze.... okay I lie. Only if the toe grew back perfect. I really hate one of my toes alright!
New catagory! Coming into summer I am becoming incredibly body conscious. I don't think it's conscious... more aware. More body aware. I am aware I have a pinch of a belly - do I care...that's another matter. I have been eating shit for the past two weeks and also dropped four pounds. I'm going to blame revision and worry for that, so go you!
Of course I had to do mind if I had body! Well basically half of me feels like it's been bit off, chewed up, swallowed, sicked out and shat on by a panda. The other half is so elated it's like a helium balloon pulling on the depressed strings that attach it to the other half of my mind. OW I JUST COUGHED
One of my bessies has just suffered a loss which may hit her hard or softly. Either way, it's hit her and I am hoping to act as temporarily air bag to pain. I don't like my mates being hurt so I shall be doing my best to rally forth with too-soon jokes and texts filled with love and support! Yay! Other friends seem to be fine, none have any beef with me, which is lucky 'cause I feel like chicken tonight. :D Admit it, that joke was awesome. I don't feel awfully close to any one particular person recently and it's bothering me. It means that I have to turn to a different person for every crisis. Forbidden boy crisises go to DarlingOne whereas boyfriend crisis are shared between her, C and Cheshire. Then if I have a family crises I go to C as she is the voice of adult reason. And then if I have a body crisis I run straight to Cheshire again. What a palava. Almost wrote pavlova then which is totally different.
Skip if you don't want to hear gooey happy sweet sickness because I'm afraid to say it's going rather well. We haven't argued properly in a long while and the little tiffs are easier to brush off because I can see now when I'm overreacting. The only thing coming between us is a few crush issues which I am personally ironing out. I miss him when he's away, when we are together there is no pressure to be an amazing girlfriend or attractive, I can just slump in his arms and he will still love me. He might ask me to move cause I'm crushing his arms but that's reality for you.
WAAAHHHH my darling headphone man will be leaving after his exams are done! He may only be here for a while longer and I'm gutted. We really got closer over the past few weeks and I loved chatting with him, trying to make him awkward in the mornings and beating him in the avo. He's promised to give me a bracelet when he leaves, bless the poor sod. XD
Exams are coming. Looming over me like a massive black hairy cloud with tentacles. I shall try and keep my cool but the closer I get, the more the Mind and Health departments will suffer. I am an absolute horror for nervous illnesses. Even meeting with the Krewe can send me bolting for the bathroom if it's an 'event'. Hate my own reflexes. I'll get through it though, with or without a cold. Grrr!
So that's my mega update and I still have hours left to kill before anyone is online. Do I revise or write an analysis of each person....? I KNOW!
Starting with the worst so you'll forget it by the end. I have the worst, cough/cold combo I have ever suffered. I'm currently on three different types of drugs, still can't breathe through my nose and feel like I swallowed a binbag full of ash. It's so dry and scratchy in the my throat right now, I'd rather chop a toe off than sneeze.... okay I lie. Only if the toe grew back perfect. I really hate one of my toes alright!
New catagory! Coming into summer I am becoming incredibly body conscious. I don't think it's conscious... more aware. More body aware. I am aware I have a pinch of a belly - do I care...that's another matter. I have been eating shit for the past two weeks and also dropped four pounds. I'm going to blame revision and worry for that, so go you!
Of course I had to do mind if I had body! Well basically half of me feels like it's been bit off, chewed up, swallowed, sicked out and shat on by a panda. The other half is so elated it's like a helium balloon pulling on the depressed strings that attach it to the other half of my mind. OW I JUST COUGHED
One of my bessies has just suffered a loss which may hit her hard or softly. Either way, it's hit her and I am hoping to act as temporarily air bag to pain. I don't like my mates being hurt so I shall be doing my best to rally forth with too-soon jokes and texts filled with love and support! Yay! Other friends seem to be fine, none have any beef with me, which is lucky 'cause I feel like chicken tonight. :D Admit it, that joke was awesome. I don't feel awfully close to any one particular person recently and it's bothering me. It means that I have to turn to a different person for every crisis. Forbidden boy crisises go to DarlingOne whereas boyfriend crisis are shared between her, C and Cheshire. Then if I have a family crises I go to C as she is the voice of adult reason. And then if I have a body crisis I run straight to Cheshire again. What a palava. Almost wrote pavlova then which is totally different.
Skip if you don't want to hear gooey happy sweet sickness because I'm afraid to say it's going rather well. We haven't argued properly in a long while and the little tiffs are easier to brush off because I can see now when I'm overreacting. The only thing coming between us is a few crush issues which I am personally ironing out. I miss him when he's away, when we are together there is no pressure to be an amazing girlfriend or attractive, I can just slump in his arms and he will still love me. He might ask me to move cause I'm crushing his arms but that's reality for you.
WAAAHHHH my darling headphone man will be leaving after his exams are done! He may only be here for a while longer and I'm gutted. We really got closer over the past few weeks and I loved chatting with him, trying to make him awkward in the mornings and beating him in the avo. He's promised to give me a bracelet when he leaves, bless the poor sod. XD
Exams are coming. Looming over me like a massive black hairy cloud with tentacles. I shall try and keep my cool but the closer I get, the more the Mind and Health departments will suffer. I am an absolute horror for nervous illnesses. Even meeting with the Krewe can send me bolting for the bathroom if it's an 'event'. Hate my own reflexes. I'll get through it though, with or without a cold. Grrr!
So that's my mega update and I still have hours left to kill before anyone is online. Do I revise or write an analysis of each person....? I KNOW!
Friday, 21 May 2010
The Mexican Child
There is a kid in the house behind us and he screams...like a mexican. Instead of going "AAAAA" He goes "AAAIIII AAAAIIII" And don't get me wrong, it's hilarious, but it's a bit freaky.
He was chasing his dog around with a stone trying to hit it the other day, screaming like a mexican child would. Then today he got caught on the climbing frame and was mexican hollaring as loud as his lungs would let him.
He was chasing his dog around with a stone trying to hit it the other day, screaming like a mexican child would. Then today he got caught on the climbing frame and was mexican hollaring as loud as his lungs would let him.
The one thing that taints the beautiful time of summer. Flies. Everywhere. Millions of 'em. Just gross.
I was walking around my house the other day and a fat fly was hovering low to the ground.
So I ninjaed kicked it and it was gone. Mwahaha. Took a few steps. Buuzzz... Look around, no fly. Buzz... Did something just touch my calf?
I ripped off my trousers and threw them on the ground with considerable force, running in the opposite direction, screaming of course - it's lethal. Then after hyperventilating in my sisters room I walked back to the offending trousers.... and stamped on them shouting "DIE DIE DIE YOU BIG FAT FLY!" Then I shook them out, checked them and the carpet - no fly. So I put them back on and didn't return to my room all day.
That fly has managed to teleport itself out of my room, I'm freaked.
Totally traumatising. Any funny fly stories for you guys?
I was walking around my house the other day and a fat fly was hovering low to the ground.
So I ninjaed kicked it and it was gone. Mwahaha. Took a few steps. Buuzzz... Look around, no fly. Buzz... Did something just touch my calf?
I ripped off my trousers and threw them on the ground with considerable force, running in the opposite direction, screaming of course - it's lethal. Then after hyperventilating in my sisters room I walked back to the offending trousers.... and stamped on them shouting "DIE DIE DIE YOU BIG FAT FLY!" Then I shook them out, checked them and the carpet - no fly. So I put them back on and didn't return to my room all day.
That fly has managed to teleport itself out of my room, I'm freaked.
Totally traumatising. Any funny fly stories for you guys?
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Like tiredness it creeps over you. You know it's going to happen, its inevitable. Unavoidable but boy did you try. Procrastinating with books, computers, cleaning, friends, family, eating and blogging.
But it's too late. You can feel it, that niggle in the back of your mind. Starting like a feather tickling behind your ear progressing to a brain crushing, heart pounding fear that makes you curl your fists so tight you leave cresent nail marks in your palms.
It's okay though. You'll get through it and you know that. Sit down, breathe. Although it might seem futile this late, do it. Get on with it. Panicking will only stop your body still but you need to move, you need to get the ball rolling and fast.
Get ready.
But it's too late. You can feel it, that niggle in the back of your mind. Starting like a feather tickling behind your ear progressing to a brain crushing, heart pounding fear that makes you curl your fists so tight you leave cresent nail marks in your palms.
It's okay though. You'll get through it and you know that. Sit down, breathe. Although it might seem futile this late, do it. Get on with it. Panicking will only stop your body still but you need to move, you need to get the ball rolling and fast.
Get ready.
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
April Summarised
I'm stealing this idea from Thin Ones blog, summarising diary entries. Mine is a little more regular and I'm not going to go way back. I'll do all of april today, be prepared it may be long.
It was mufty day. Mentions Stag and interesting conversations about naughty things. Oh and I broke some embarassing news to Him that day. XD LOL
Long weekend, it was the saturday after Cheshires girly sleepover where I got to know Skootch. We went to see Kick ass which was awesome. Oh and Him had bought me an easter egg that he was hiding from me, I'm sorry but I actually saw it before you gave it to me. I'm good at acting. "Twas Skootchs first Krewe day. Bit forced but she's most defo a keeper." Talked about when we watched the footy and OH I thought that hadn't happened yet... How confusing. Talks about me and him *Ahem*
Him was upset and he wouldn't tell me why and it absolutely infuriated me that he didn't trust me enough.
I cried myself to sleep and barely slept because of the Him thing. He rang me early in the morning and told me what was up. The night before we had argued pretty badly and it was mainly my fault so both of us were horribly upset. And talks about a very special day with Him. (You might notice a trend, it's mainly about him)
It ends with <3 Kelly Clarkson <3 Oreos
I got bored in a Philosophy lesson and started doodling so I stuck it in. Lots of stick figured. The night before me and Him changed our fb statuses, big move obv.
I was annoyed with Cheshire, felt she was being heartless. Had a nice chat with the two Adams and they cheered me up on a shit day. I started my other blog a few days before.
Another stuck in piece of paper from Philosophy. I was really bored with those lessons. I just elaborated on what happened the day before. "My nails have really strong white nails at the ends, tis very good - cheers me up" Oh and my terrible online habit was at risk of returning but I was a good girl and didn't do anything. I watched Amelie. Great film. Had loads of compliments that day.
I was very very angry with Curltop and slightly at Cheshire, but that was mere annoyance. I was also annoyed that nobody noticed I had like 4 inches chopped off my hair. I was also angry at Him because he was being a dick.
Me and Cheshire had a nice chat and sorted things out. Another stuck in peice of paper from Philos. Him was more cheerful. I wrote him a letter.
Curltop thought I hated him and so he hated me back. I was wishing he had the guts and decency to speak to me face to face about it.
Bus journeys are more fun. Switched to teaching year tens which was scary, mainly because I teach a girl who hates my guts. Oh and I learned that I could reach the big O. Mystery solved.
Some people close to me were in awful moods and it upst me. My mum finally stopped obsession about my eating. Him is perfect. I moaned about him shutting down when he's angry as usual. Bad grades really hit me hard. Oh! It says "I want to clean" but it looks like "I want to die" So I panicked for a second XD I had a mega cry for various reasons (All listed)
Cheshires bday party was absolutely amazing, I rant about that for a while. Notes first date with Him. I moan about being female, lol.
I had my first doubts about me and Him
Me and Him had some time apart so I could think. Not deliberately, he was just at Cambridge.
Bad grades bugged me insanely. I had a break down at my dads, the whole family was involved. Even the dog came to see what was wrong, she went upstairs which is like totally absurd.Me and Him had our first 'us' talk and it upset me that he thought I was going to bail.
Not much to say. I needed sticky tape apparantly.
Grades were looking up. I started revision. In April? That is prepared...
I spoke about Headphone Man having a crush on me, teaching becoming better and I was down because I was blogging about deep shit on my other one.
I had a really long and twisted conversation with Handsome one. It was half joking and half serious. Lucky it amounted to nothing really.
And that was April. You don't have to read it, it's boring really. :)
It was mufty day. Mentions Stag and interesting conversations about naughty things. Oh and I broke some embarassing news to Him that day. XD LOL
Long weekend, it was the saturday after Cheshires girly sleepover where I got to know Skootch. We went to see Kick ass which was awesome. Oh and Him had bought me an easter egg that he was hiding from me, I'm sorry but I actually saw it before you gave it to me. I'm good at acting. "Twas Skootchs first Krewe day. Bit forced but she's most defo a keeper." Talked about when we watched the footy and OH I thought that hadn't happened yet... How confusing. Talks about me and him *Ahem*
Him was upset and he wouldn't tell me why and it absolutely infuriated me that he didn't trust me enough.
I cried myself to sleep and barely slept because of the Him thing. He rang me early in the morning and told me what was up. The night before we had argued pretty badly and it was mainly my fault so both of us were horribly upset. And talks about a very special day with Him. (You might notice a trend, it's mainly about him)
It ends with <3 Kelly Clarkson <3 Oreos
I got bored in a Philosophy lesson and started doodling so I stuck it in. Lots of stick figured. The night before me and Him changed our fb statuses, big move obv.
I was annoyed with Cheshire, felt she was being heartless. Had a nice chat with the two Adams and they cheered me up on a shit day. I started my other blog a few days before.
Another stuck in piece of paper from Philosophy. I was really bored with those lessons. I just elaborated on what happened the day before. "My nails have really strong white nails at the ends, tis very good - cheers me up" Oh and my terrible online habit was at risk of returning but I was a good girl and didn't do anything. I watched Amelie. Great film. Had loads of compliments that day.
I was very very angry with Curltop and slightly at Cheshire, but that was mere annoyance. I was also annoyed that nobody noticed I had like 4 inches chopped off my hair. I was also angry at Him because he was being a dick.
Me and Cheshire had a nice chat and sorted things out. Another stuck in peice of paper from Philos. Him was more cheerful. I wrote him a letter.
Curltop thought I hated him and so he hated me back. I was wishing he had the guts and decency to speak to me face to face about it.
Bus journeys are more fun. Switched to teaching year tens which was scary, mainly because I teach a girl who hates my guts. Oh and I learned that I could reach the big O. Mystery solved.
Some people close to me were in awful moods and it upst me. My mum finally stopped obsession about my eating. Him is perfect. I moaned about him shutting down when he's angry as usual. Bad grades really hit me hard. Oh! It says "I want to clean" but it looks like "I want to die" So I panicked for a second XD I had a mega cry for various reasons (All listed)
Cheshires bday party was absolutely amazing, I rant about that for a while. Notes first date with Him. I moan about being female, lol.
I had my first doubts about me and Him
Me and Him had some time apart so I could think. Not deliberately, he was just at Cambridge.
Bad grades bugged me insanely. I had a break down at my dads, the whole family was involved. Even the dog came to see what was wrong, she went upstairs which is like totally absurd.Me and Him had our first 'us' talk and it upset me that he thought I was going to bail.
Not much to say. I needed sticky tape apparantly.
Grades were looking up. I started revision. In April? That is prepared...
I spoke about Headphone Man having a crush on me, teaching becoming better and I was down because I was blogging about deep shit on my other one.
I had a really long and twisted conversation with Handsome one. It was half joking and half serious. Lucky it amounted to nothing really.
And that was April. You don't have to read it, it's boring really. :)
Monday, 17 May 2010
Another weird trait...
I have a very extreme reaction to the door going, especially doorbells. I HAVE to answer the door quicker than is humanly possible. If I see them coming up the drive I wait behind the door until they knock then immediately open it. Or open it and wave as they arrive. I must freak people out.
Do not stop me from my door opening. Must. Answer.
Do not stop me from my door opening. Must. Answer.
Sunday, 16 May 2010
Dear Candy - 4/5/10
"You're kidding me. Actually not happening.
I just got him out of my head.
I search for a song on Spotify and the artist.
Charlie Slick.
comes up. This is not a joke.
I am going insane
What. The. Fuck."
Just an odd moment oh pure coincidence and insanity that was best summed up in my diary. Thought I'd share it with you. Aka, too lazy to think of something to write today.
I just got him out of my head.
I search for a song on Spotify and the artist.
Charlie Slick.
comes up. This is not a joke.
I am going insane
What. The. Fuck."
Just an odd moment oh pure coincidence and insanity that was best summed up in my diary. Thought I'd share it with you. Aka, too lazy to think of something to write today.
Saturday, 15 May 2010
Boy is it gorgeous out here. Nothing beats morning sun. It's fresher and not as dry, I love humid heat that wraps your up in a cushion of warm wet air.
Today it was the absolute epitome of gorgeous in my garden. I came outside, sat down and I could hear the church wedding bells sounding in the distance. They are off again now, congrats Strangers. And then the garden was covered by blossom off the apple tree and the morning sun always hits the top of the garden with the ornate iron chairs and table. So I'm sat there with my sexy trackies rolled up so I can ever so slowly tan my legs.
Anyway, I have to get back to revising. Just letting you know that I am unconditionally and irrevocably in love with Him. And yes, that was a reference to Twilight. Booya.
Today it was the absolute epitome of gorgeous in my garden. I came outside, sat down and I could hear the church wedding bells sounding in the distance. They are off again now, congrats Strangers. And then the garden was covered by blossom off the apple tree and the morning sun always hits the top of the garden with the ornate iron chairs and table. So I'm sat there with my sexy trackies rolled up so I can ever so slowly tan my legs.
Anyway, I have to get back to revising. Just letting you know that I am unconditionally and irrevocably in love with Him. And yes, that was a reference to Twilight. Booya.
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
My Holidays So Far
Was going to be a my day post but no doubt I'll do a diary thing where I jump back and forth through days and things.
Well the other day... Sunday, Fungi, my darling Him, came over. We mainly played on Sims 3 and I am totally addicted now. The two of us are on there and are living together with four kids, lots of dying plants and still no wedding. It's rather funny. I accidentily killed Him once but I went back to the last save and all was well. Wouldn't it be awesome if you could do that in everyday life? AAA I'm embarassed, CTRL + Z. That's better, avoid tripping on curb and all is well! I guess it would get annoyed, you'd get someone propose and keep rewinding until you said yes, you'd never move on with life.
I've been working diligently on my revision. I'm over halfway through in Philosophy, two thirds in Bio and Psych and getting started on English Language. You can't really revise that I suppose, but I try. I just wanted to brag.
I was feeling really restless earlier when I woke up and feeling podgy. (In the holidays I barely move and overeat so tend to slam on weight like crazy, between year 11 and 12 I gained a stone. It was stupid.) So I went for a jog.
No, really. I really went for a jog. It was nice actually, despite the fact I can only run in three minute bursts and I have to stop after about 15 minutes out. I took the route through the old park I used to hang about in, past my old house then looped round through the jitty (which is an alleyway to all you posh readers) and back through past an old friends house. I see going out as an opportunity to go down memory lane so I tend to haunt the same places.
Frodo has stolen my love Thin One and Fungi and taken them captive in a static caravan in great yarmouth! Aka, they've gone on holiday. Luckily, Thin One has a dongle! (Suspect giggle...) So I could talk to them via webcams so I felt in on the action. Mostly it was Fungi complaining about Frodo's farts and background noises of halo but it was still nice to talk to my babe while he's away. He's over again on thursday, but in the meantime I'm going to revise and then shopping with Goldilocks tommorow. Which I still need to organise.
I watched Bride Wars this morning, made me sad because I don't have a best girl friend. Not one where it is mutual anyway. I have many really good friends but if I asked them who was their best friend I have no doubt that they woud say someone elses name. I wish that I had one really good childhood friend that would stick with me and go where I go in life... :'(
Ah well, I have lots of really good friends and a sense of close knit family ( be it with those odd uncle and aunties that we all wish we could get rid of) and there aren't many people that can say that.
So overall life is going pretty well. I guess I should have called this an update, but I would have to scroll back up to do that and you don't know the extent of my laziness. :) CIAO
Well the other day... Sunday, Fungi, my darling Him, came over. We mainly played on Sims 3 and I am totally addicted now. The two of us are on there and are living together with four kids, lots of dying plants and still no wedding. It's rather funny. I accidentily killed Him once but I went back to the last save and all was well. Wouldn't it be awesome if you could do that in everyday life? AAA I'm embarassed, CTRL + Z. That's better, avoid tripping on curb and all is well! I guess it would get annoyed, you'd get someone propose and keep rewinding until you said yes, you'd never move on with life.
I've been working diligently on my revision. I'm over halfway through in Philosophy, two thirds in Bio and Psych and getting started on English Language. You can't really revise that I suppose, but I try. I just wanted to brag.
I was feeling really restless earlier when I woke up and feeling podgy. (In the holidays I barely move and overeat so tend to slam on weight like crazy, between year 11 and 12 I gained a stone. It was stupid.) So I went for a jog.
No, really. I really went for a jog. It was nice actually, despite the fact I can only run in three minute bursts and I have to stop after about 15 minutes out. I took the route through the old park I used to hang about in, past my old house then looped round through the jitty (which is an alleyway to all you posh readers) and back through past an old friends house. I see going out as an opportunity to go down memory lane so I tend to haunt the same places.
Frodo has stolen my love Thin One and Fungi and taken them captive in a static caravan in great yarmouth! Aka, they've gone on holiday. Luckily, Thin One has a dongle! (Suspect giggle...) So I could talk to them via webcams so I felt in on the action. Mostly it was Fungi complaining about Frodo's farts and background noises of halo but it was still nice to talk to my babe while he's away. He's over again on thursday, but in the meantime I'm going to revise and then shopping with Goldilocks tommorow. Which I still need to organise.
I watched Bride Wars this morning, made me sad because I don't have a best girl friend. Not one where it is mutual anyway. I have many really good friends but if I asked them who was their best friend I have no doubt that they woud say someone elses name. I wish that I had one really good childhood friend that would stick with me and go where I go in life... :'(
Ah well, I have lots of really good friends and a sense of close knit family ( be it with those odd uncle and aunties that we all wish we could get rid of) and there aren't many people that can say that.
So overall life is going pretty well. I guess I should have called this an update, but I would have to scroll back up to do that and you don't know the extent of my laziness. :) CIAO
Monday, 10 May 2010
Saturday, 8 May 2010
My Day - Episode Twenty Six
Well this morning I woke up completely nervous. I knew that pain-tballing, (no that was not accidental, emphasis on the PAIN) later so then I was absolutely kacking myself. Literally I was in and out of the bathroom with nerves.
So I got up, weighed myself and I was under eight stone weirdly. I think I managed to worry away four pounds during the night. Don't worry guys, I put it back on in chilli, rice and chocolate. I got breakfast, egg and gammon, and then washed the dishes, generally did things that would put off having to think about people shooting me.
Then C gave me a lift and picked up Goldilocks then we went to P.Diddys. FUNNIEST PART OF THE DAY!
As I was getting out the car my jumped got trapped in the door and C started driving off with my attached and I had to do that thing where you chase it and shout, whilst running to keep up with the accelerating car. Apparently when I finally got her to stop she had to stop driving after she left again because she was laughing too hard to drive. It was BRILLIANT!
Then we went paintballing and it was not that bad, I really enjoyed it.
Blah blah blah.
End of story. Goodnight
So I got up, weighed myself and I was under eight stone weirdly. I think I managed to worry away four pounds during the night. Don't worry guys, I put it back on in chilli, rice and chocolate. I got breakfast, egg and gammon, and then washed the dishes, generally did things that would put off having to think about people shooting me.
Then C gave me a lift and picked up Goldilocks then we went to P.Diddys. FUNNIEST PART OF THE DAY!
As I was getting out the car my jumped got trapped in the door and C started driving off with my attached and I had to do that thing where you chase it and shout, whilst running to keep up with the accelerating car. Apparently when I finally got her to stop she had to stop driving after she left again because she was laughing too hard to drive. It was BRILLIANT!
Then we went paintballing and it was not that bad, I really enjoyed it.
Blah blah blah.
End of story. Goodnight
Thursday, 6 May 2010
A Baby Update
Don't get confused. This is not an update on the status of my baby. It's a small update on my life, just thought I needed to clear that up.
So, I'm motherless and step-father-thingless for two weeks as they have gone off to Florida for a fortnight. It's alright though, she's stocked us up on food and left notes around the house to remind us of things that need to be done like locking doors. Which I have not done... I'll get there. I'm going to stay with my dad for the first week of the holidays so I'm not too phased, little bit afraid to leave my sissy alone in the house for a week. She will actually turn into a nocturnal hermit crab.
In that time though I will be revising, shopping and spending time with friends and the dada. So it's not all bad. I'm feeling vaguely confident about the exams as I'm well into my two struggling subjects so it's not unfeasible to actually get a good grade.
One of my teachers emailed my tutor to say that me and Him are too 'amorous' in lessons and it was disrupting and distracting so we had to stop. So as a test (I do love my little self tests) I told Him to not touch me affectionately for the whole day, well almost. So he did and then the hug at the buses felt amazing. :D Annoying though that I couldn't remind him I was there with a small touch if he was busy. Grr. Worth it though, we will be cutting back on the amorousness to let you know.
Other than that, all is well. I'm fit and healthy apart from crippling pains in odd and stupid places.
So, I'm motherless and step-father-thingless for two weeks as they have gone off to Florida for a fortnight. It's alright though, she's stocked us up on food and left notes around the house to remind us of things that need to be done like locking doors. Which I have not done... I'll get there. I'm going to stay with my dad for the first week of the holidays so I'm not too phased, little bit afraid to leave my sissy alone in the house for a week. She will actually turn into a nocturnal hermit crab.
In that time though I will be revising, shopping and spending time with friends and the dada. So it's not all bad. I'm feeling vaguely confident about the exams as I'm well into my two struggling subjects so it's not unfeasible to actually get a good grade.
One of my teachers emailed my tutor to say that me and Him are too 'amorous' in lessons and it was disrupting and distracting so we had to stop. So as a test (I do love my little self tests) I told Him to not touch me affectionately for the whole day, well almost. So he did and then the hug at the buses felt amazing. :D Annoying though that I couldn't remind him I was there with a small touch if he was busy. Grr. Worth it though, we will be cutting back on the amorousness to let you know.
Other than that, all is well. I'm fit and healthy apart from crippling pains in odd and stupid places.
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
I love having a bold colour to decide my mood for the day. As you may notice, I wear red a lot.
Red is good, it's emotional and eccentric. Bold, brash and attention seeking. You can't ignore red. It gives me the confidence to do what I like.
Yellow is a sturdy happy colour but it's also the colour of stress so I can't wear a lot of it. It gives me headaches in large doses. Hence why yellow underwear is best.
Pink is too cute and sweet, I find myself acting like a child with it on. Even today everyone simultaneously 'awwed' me when I got upset at swallowing my mint whole. Douche. But it's kind of nice to be childish and sweet and not mind. Today was a pink day.
Blue is shy and calm, predictable in a way. This is good sometimes, good for exams or unfamiliar situations. Bedrooms are good in blue.
Purple is royal and an understated confidence. It's a quiet confidence that whispers encouragement and reassurance. Nice for parties, not too shouty but still a pretty gorgeous colour.
Orange is angry and I don't like it. Mainly because it doesnt suit me. I don't suit angry.
Green is calm I suppose. I'm not sure about green. I know that's it natural and easy, approachable. Maybe if I was trying to make friends I'd be in green.
White is risky but sexy. It's a summer colour of course and in my mind it's incredibly warm, not cold like most think. I wear this when I have a tan...which I don't. So it's not a huge part unless it has an accompanying colour. It's easily overpowered see.
Then there's trusty black. The stable, safe black. Flattering and slinky, I wear it almost every day. It's the palette I paint my mood of colours on. Like my chalkboard.
Red is good, it's emotional and eccentric. Bold, brash and attention seeking. You can't ignore red. It gives me the confidence to do what I like.
Yellow is a sturdy happy colour but it's also the colour of stress so I can't wear a lot of it. It gives me headaches in large doses. Hence why yellow underwear is best.
Pink is too cute and sweet, I find myself acting like a child with it on. Even today everyone simultaneously 'awwed' me when I got upset at swallowing my mint whole. Douche. But it's kind of nice to be childish and sweet and not mind. Today was a pink day.
Blue is shy and calm, predictable in a way. This is good sometimes, good for exams or unfamiliar situations. Bedrooms are good in blue.
Purple is royal and an understated confidence. It's a quiet confidence that whispers encouragement and reassurance. Nice for parties, not too shouty but still a pretty gorgeous colour.
Orange is angry and I don't like it. Mainly because it doesnt suit me. I don't suit angry.
Green is calm I suppose. I'm not sure about green. I know that's it natural and easy, approachable. Maybe if I was trying to make friends I'd be in green.
White is risky but sexy. It's a summer colour of course and in my mind it's incredibly warm, not cold like most think. I wear this when I have a tan...which I don't. So it's not a huge part unless it has an accompanying colour. It's easily overpowered see.
Then there's trusty black. The stable, safe black. Flattering and slinky, I wear it almost every day. It's the palette I paint my mood of colours on. Like my chalkboard.
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Reliving the Good Old Days
One of the best ways to make you happy and to make you sad.
I have my old diaries, letters, a memory box and two scrapbooks as well as countless photo albums. I keep practically everything meaningful. And that's just the physical stuff. I love discovering old songs that you can flick through and remember when you last heard it and what you were doing.
But that's a bit of a sidetrack. Recently I've been getting happier. More good grades coming back in English Lang. My other blog has had...20 visitors with 47 pageviews today so far which is a new record for me. :) Probably due to the fact I posted on a very touchy subject that was a bit taboo. Friends are awesome, angry at Stag because he blurted a load of personal shit when he had absolutely no right. Family is awesome, mum and N are going to Florida soon so we get two weeks without them. But for one I'm going to my dads so that'll be okay. I need to ring him actually.
Other than that, totally cool!
I have my old diaries, letters, a memory box and two scrapbooks as well as countless photo albums. I keep practically everything meaningful. And that's just the physical stuff. I love discovering old songs that you can flick through and remember when you last heard it and what you were doing.
But that's a bit of a sidetrack. Recently I've been getting happier. More good grades coming back in English Lang. My other blog has had...20 visitors with 47 pageviews today so far which is a new record for me. :) Probably due to the fact I posted on a very touchy subject that was a bit taboo. Friends are awesome, angry at Stag because he blurted a load of personal shit when he had absolutely no right. Family is awesome, mum and N are going to Florida soon so we get two weeks without them. But for one I'm going to my dads so that'll be okay. I need to ring him actually.
Other than that, totally cool!
Monday, 3 May 2010
Alice in Wonderland
I'm really obsessed with this. Like within one day I'll think about Alice in Wonderland probably like three times. I love the idea of having your own personal world to retreat to with crazy creatures and stories and everything being insane but making total sense.
I love the book. I have special edition books and also a pop-up one and a jigsaw one which is awesome. I want my own personal Cheshire cat. My favourite character by the way. In both films and the books. Oh and I want to dress and look like Alice. The old Alice. She was so young and naive but totally stuck out like a sore thumb in the real world.
I swear I enter my own haven on a daily basis. It's alot whiter than this world I know that. In my dreams nothing is grey, it's white or bright or black. No grey or beige. Why would anyone want a half-way undecided colour? Make your mind up, are you black or white? Are you orange or pink? Are you blue or purple? Of course there are such colours as Blurple and Orink.
I should sleep, I have to get up before I even close my eyes.
I love the book. I have special edition books and also a pop-up one and a jigsaw one which is awesome. I want my own personal Cheshire cat. My favourite character by the way. In both films and the books. Oh and I want to dress and look like Alice. The old Alice. She was so young and naive but totally stuck out like a sore thumb in the real world.
I swear I enter my own haven on a daily basis. It's alot whiter than this world I know that. In my dreams nothing is grey, it's white or bright or black. No grey or beige. Why would anyone want a half-way undecided colour? Make your mind up, are you black or white? Are you orange or pink? Are you blue or purple? Of course there are such colours as Blurple and Orink.
I should sleep, I have to get up before I even close my eyes.
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