I was going to do a general rant but to be honest most of the stuff that I'm going to rant about happened today, so it's a half My Day blog.
Okay so this morning we had a talk to round out about yesterday and the pressure they are putting on us to get things sorted about a year earlier is intense, I don't do well under pressure. Like I break down and cry. (Crying features a lot today by the way.)
Then in English I was close to tears because I was really lagging behind and I feel that in the exam I just won't be able to apply the time limits, I write too much. So when Miss was like "It's alright Becca, you'll get better." I was LITERALLY biting the inside of my cheek so hard so I wouldn't start tearing up.
In IEC today I realised how much I really hate year nines, and also how much I like teaching people who are willing to learn. One guy just never puts pen to paper although he is perfectly capable of doing it and it infuriates me as he is right, I don't have any authority to make him do anything. But then another girl who used to never work now calls me over and I help her, and she finishes the work early and all to a higher level with just me giving the odd prompt.
Then in the second IEC I was teaching, once again year nines, I just felt so useless. All of these kids were milling round me and I felt like a rock in a river, completely out of place and resisting the flow. So I went up to the teacher I was working with, faked a headache and teared up a little and he let me leave. So I ran away in hopes I could find solace in the arms of Him but of course this was one day that he was in there for the whole time and I ended up sitting, alone, upset and completely not doing anything of use. I know it wasn't his fault but I stll get upset at the fact he wasn't there when I needed him. :(
Oh not to mention that I really have lost all leadership within the Krewe. Somebody has completely taken my place, organising events left right and center. Even when I walk away, they don't follow me ONE CORRIDOR to put my lunchthing away. And I'm betting it was because They didn't move. I even had to squeeze through Him and Snake(Totally changing his name sometime.)
Then on the way home I almost got ran over by an old lady on a bike and I got sand in my eye and walked straight into a lamppost. I bumped my head on the counter in the garage and REALLY hurt myself. Then my sister kept making me feel really nervous about me Uni choices although she is only trying to keep me cautious.
So today was a shit day.
P.s The only positive thing today was my sister falling down the decking stairs which was HILARIOUS. I did my real laugh for AGES and realised how long it has been since I have actually laughed that real-ly....which then depressed me.
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
My Day - Episode Eighteen
Today the evil genius Belle went to the Uni thing! (I'll explain why I am evil genius later, mwahaha)
This morning was a very very rushed morning. I was oddly very late, and had to run about half a mile to catch the bus. Twig Legs at the bus stop had to run too and I feared that her matchstick legs might break! But she was okay, bless her. I finally got on the bus and when i run I get incredibly hot, really really hot. So everyone else has dawdled and was very cold and I am sat there sweating my ass off with my pile of coats and things on the seat next to me. It was kind of embarassing but I couldn't think about that at the time as I was too busy concentrating on how to get cool.
Then the morning was normal. Had Psychology with Darling One and we watched this very interesting documentary about the Mylai massacre that happened in the sixties, shocking. Although it was kind of ruined by the fact miss clicked on the wrong link midway and it switched to "I said the bird bird bird, the bird is the word!". Then I had English which was only interesting in the fact that I was completely rejected by someone, but other than that was completely uneventful.
Then we went to this University gathering thing at the Uni of Northampton. So I got on the bus, sat next to Wallflower and Darling One sat behind. I hated the bus ride because I was in close proximity to Dickface who has a very loud, annoying, carrying voice and nothing to say that would ever interest me. Ever. Whatacock. So then got off the bus and wandered around a billion different Uni stalls, I'm aiming to do Psychology at a sort of AAB entry level uni if you're interested. Oh and my sister has decided on Loughbrough. (Pronounced Luffbruh weirdly.)
So then I had a really nice day relaxing with Darling One and Wallflower and felt much happier at being involved in their lives a bit more. And I've decided that me and Wallflower might go in to do some late night shopping on a Thursday and have a brownie as Costa Coffee.Then I switched friendship group to the Krewe. I've been getting only better with Curltop the last few days, I don't know, I feel as awkward around him as much. Had a nice snuggle with Him. Then it was a quick hop on to the bus home where I had a very nice flirty conversation with Handsome One and walked home with Owl Boy. Lovely.
OH and I am an evil genius because I found a 4GB pen drive today and unfortunately, I know exactly who's it is and give it back right away. Only I don't really like them. They embarassed me really badly back in year 8 and made me cry. So fuck them. I made a new email account and sent them an email saying "Anything you want off this pendrive?" and I'll send them it. They aren't getting it back though. I'm not that nice after all. >:)
This morning was a very very rushed morning. I was oddly very late, and had to run about half a mile to catch the bus. Twig Legs at the bus stop had to run too and I feared that her matchstick legs might break! But she was okay, bless her. I finally got on the bus and when i run I get incredibly hot, really really hot. So everyone else has dawdled and was very cold and I am sat there sweating my ass off with my pile of coats and things on the seat next to me. It was kind of embarassing but I couldn't think about that at the time as I was too busy concentrating on how to get cool.
Then the morning was normal. Had Psychology with Darling One and we watched this very interesting documentary about the Mylai massacre that happened in the sixties, shocking. Although it was kind of ruined by the fact miss clicked on the wrong link midway and it switched to "I said the bird bird bird, the bird is the word!". Then I had English which was only interesting in the fact that I was completely rejected by someone, but other than that was completely uneventful.
Then we went to this University gathering thing at the Uni of Northampton. So I got on the bus, sat next to Wallflower and Darling One sat behind. I hated the bus ride because I was in close proximity to Dickface who has a very loud, annoying, carrying voice and nothing to say that would ever interest me. Ever. Whatacock. So then got off the bus and wandered around a billion different Uni stalls, I'm aiming to do Psychology at a sort of AAB entry level uni if you're interested. Oh and my sister has decided on Loughbrough. (Pronounced Luffbruh weirdly.)
So then I had a really nice day relaxing with Darling One and Wallflower and felt much happier at being involved in their lives a bit more. And I've decided that me and Wallflower might go in to do some late night shopping on a Thursday and have a brownie as Costa Coffee.Then I switched friendship group to the Krewe. I've been getting only better with Curltop the last few days, I don't know, I feel as awkward around him as much. Had a nice snuggle with Him. Then it was a quick hop on to the bus home where I had a very nice flirty conversation with Handsome One and walked home with Owl Boy. Lovely.
OH and I am an evil genius because I found a 4GB pen drive today and unfortunately, I know exactly who's it is and give it back right away. Only I don't really like them. They embarassed me really badly back in year 8 and made me cry. So fuck them. I made a new email account and sent them an email saying "Anything you want off this pendrive?" and I'll send them it. They aren't getting it back though. I'm not that nice after all. >:)
Handsome One,
my day,
Owl Boy,
Monday, 29 March 2010
Early Easter Eggness
I just ate a mini caramel egg and a creme egg.
I like to bite off the top and lick out the insides, how do you eat yours?!
I like to bite off the top and lick out the insides, how do you eat yours?!
Sunday, 28 March 2010
A Little Update
Or so I think it will be, could go on a bit knowing me.
This is all going well. I get a bit more time to spend around them as now the new boyf isn't quite so close, I even went to the shops with my dad today. We got him B'day pressies even though it's a week early. Twas quite funny. My sister started writing Happy Birthday but it turned into "Hab" so I was like "Just switch the p and b" So we wrote "Habby Pirthday" on his card and then commented that Sissy shouldn't be allowed to write any more cards.
Once again, pretty well. The few that annoy me will always annoy me but my power as a leader has completely slipped and now I have no say on who comes and goes, not that I ever did really. It's kind of gutting now that I have to take a back seat at times, I feel a little useless to be frank.
AWESOME! Him came over (That sounds like a caveman speaking, I should change Him's name.) anyways, He came over yesterday and it was amazing as usual. I managed to get him really hyper on coke, and that was hilarious. We just messed around (in both senses of the word ;) ) and it rocked.
Girl Rant
I finally bought curling tongs! But I curled my hair earlier, I love it curly but it never stays like that cause my hair is so heavy. Oh! And I got some cute red dolly shoes for 6 squid in Asda. Yum.
I guess I'm healthy. I keep missing my multivitamins so that's my New Years Resolution gone!
Looking into Universities. Really worried about this thing on Tuesday because I'll be going to random talks and nobody has actually said "Oh, I'll come with you" to any of it, so I might end up walking around like a loser, getting lost and ending up in the middle of Northampton, very confused.
This is all going well. I get a bit more time to spend around them as now the new boyf isn't quite so close, I even went to the shops with my dad today. We got him B'day pressies even though it's a week early. Twas quite funny. My sister started writing Happy Birthday but it turned into "Hab" so I was like "Just switch the p and b" So we wrote "Habby Pirthday" on his card and then commented that Sissy shouldn't be allowed to write any more cards.
Once again, pretty well. The few that annoy me will always annoy me but my power as a leader has completely slipped and now I have no say on who comes and goes, not that I ever did really. It's kind of gutting now that I have to take a back seat at times, I feel a little useless to be frank.
AWESOME! Him came over (That sounds like a caveman speaking, I should change Him's name.) anyways, He came over yesterday and it was amazing as usual. I managed to get him really hyper on coke, and that was hilarious. We just messed around (in both senses of the word ;) ) and it rocked.
Girl Rant
I finally bought curling tongs! But I curled my hair earlier, I love it curly but it never stays like that cause my hair is so heavy. Oh! And I got some cute red dolly shoes for 6 squid in Asda. Yum.
I guess I'm healthy. I keep missing my multivitamins so that's my New Years Resolution gone!
Looking into Universities. Really worried about this thing on Tuesday because I'll be going to random talks and nobody has actually said "Oh, I'll come with you" to any of it, so I might end up walking around like a loser, getting lost and ending up in the middle of Northampton, very confused.
Friday, 26 March 2010
I have had the two most constrasting compliments today.
"You are the sweetest and most amzing girlfriend ever!"
"Nah she's a dark horse. You, are you dirty?"
"In what way..?"
"I bet you are. I can see you in a porno. I've got a stiffy."
Told you they were contrasting. I don't even know if the second one was a compliment but I'm taking it that way. XD
"You are the sweetest and most amzing girlfriend ever!"
"Nah she's a dark horse. You, are you dirty?"
"In what way..?"
"I bet you are. I can see you in a porno. I've got a stiffy."
Told you they were contrasting. I don't even know if the second one was a compliment but I'm taking it that way. XD
Thursday, 25 March 2010
I am obsessed with modelling. My one dream as a kid was to be a model, I loved posing for pictures and being on camera. But of course, this dream was completely crushed by a few things. I am too small, in every way except figure wise. And of course I have no sense of fashion and trends and am not photogenic whatsoever. Not to mention living nowhere near the fashion captitallee of London.
So instead of going into modelling which is of course impossible for me, I obsess over it. I love watching runway shows, reading fashion magazines and most of all America's Next Top Model. Yes it's melodramatic and completely about Tyra Banks, but I LOVE IT!
Seriously, people should watch it. The challenges are awesome, the medical emergencies are tense and the catfights get bigger and better every cycle! Not to mention there is always one girl who freaks out when they have to do an underwater/dangerous creatures/heights photoshoot.
Love it. Watch it.
P.s the two at the side are my two favourite pictures. The first is Allison from cycle 12 and the second is Lauren Brie from cycle 3.

Seriously, people should watch it. The challenges are awesome, the medical emergencies are tense and the catfights get bigger and better every cycle! Not to mention there is always one girl who freaks out when they have to do an underwater/dangerous creatures/heights photoshoot.
Love it. Watch it.
P.s the two at the side are my two favourite pictures. The first is Allison from cycle 12 and the second is Lauren Brie from cycle 3.
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
My Day - Episode Seventeen
Today was what one might call a normal day, but it was full of little things I want to talk about, which is my usual reasoning for a My Day.
This morning I woke up, set in my mind what I wanted to wear. Put it on, looked awful. Changed, put something else on, looked even worse. Tried first outfit with different tights. Nope. Tried old tights and new shoes. Nope. Old shoes. Nope. GODAMNIT. So eventually I just threw on what I first had on with different tights and said "Fuck it if I look weird."
Turns out everybody loved my outfit today. I had about five English teachers chatting about how nice I looked and admiring my 'strut' in heels. New heels, wonderful. Then three of the kids I teach were adoring my shoes. And more friends are in love with them too. God bless shoes for making my day better.
So then in my free I was being really cuddly and lovely with Him and I felt really bad 'cause Stag was there and later on I found out that he had blogged saying he felt bad for being around us when we act like that. So I felt awful about that. I asked Him to have a word but no doubt he will forget so this is me saying "Oh my god, I'm so sorry for stealing your friend! You guys can spend time together and I won't be there and you don't interrupt anything at all! <3".
Teaching went reasonably well considering I was in so much pain from gorgeous shoes. I managed to suffer through it and survive my first day with them though, woo! Sorry, that's the last shoe mention I swear. So anyways I got given this bingo thing to round off the lesson with in my bio class. So I did that and felt really pathetic because no-one listens to me and I don't have the confidence to control them as a class. Not to mention Mr Gobbyarse who constantly chats, how do you handle that? Then in the English class I teach I got given Blondie and Ginger to take care of. Both of whom hate me. Both of whom still did no work.
Still it makes my day when I come out of that lesson and I see Him waiting for me with P.Diddy, Cheshire and Curltop. It brings a smile to my face just to see them. I think that's really what's getting me through this insane patch where I randomly feel god awful without reasoning. So thanks people. :D
This morning I woke up, set in my mind what I wanted to wear. Put it on, looked awful. Changed, put something else on, looked even worse. Tried first outfit with different tights. Nope. Tried old tights and new shoes. Nope. Old shoes. Nope. GODAMNIT. So eventually I just threw on what I first had on with different tights and said "Fuck it if I look weird."
Turns out everybody loved my outfit today. I had about five English teachers chatting about how nice I looked and admiring my 'strut' in heels. New heels, wonderful. Then three of the kids I teach were adoring my shoes. And more friends are in love with them too. God bless shoes for making my day better.
So then in my free I was being really cuddly and lovely with Him and I felt really bad 'cause Stag was there and later on I found out that he had blogged saying he felt bad for being around us when we act like that. So I felt awful about that. I asked Him to have a word but no doubt he will forget so this is me saying "Oh my god, I'm so sorry for stealing your friend! You guys can spend time together and I won't be there and you don't interrupt anything at all! <3".
Teaching went reasonably well considering I was in so much pain from gorgeous shoes. I managed to suffer through it and survive my first day with them though, woo! Sorry, that's the last shoe mention I swear. So anyways I got given this bingo thing to round off the lesson with in my bio class. So I did that and felt really pathetic because no-one listens to me and I don't have the confidence to control them as a class. Not to mention Mr Gobbyarse who constantly chats, how do you handle that? Then in the English class I teach I got given Blondie and Ginger to take care of. Both of whom hate me. Both of whom still did no work.
Still it makes my day when I come out of that lesson and I see Him waiting for me with P.Diddy, Cheshire and Curltop. It brings a smile to my face just to see them. I think that's really what's getting me through this insane patch where I randomly feel god awful without reasoning. So thanks people. :D
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
What I hate
There are a few things that I hate right now. One of them is just this big past event that is following me around like a huge suffocating black cloud. It was a mega mistake and I'm currently spending every waking moment wishing I had taken a different route. It's really getting to me, I can't even see this one person without biting my lip so hard just to avoid crying like a douche.
I hate these moods, where I feel so helpless to emotions that don't even make sense. One minute I'll be rolling around in happiness like a pig in poo. The next moment I feel like I'm in poo and just suddenly feel isolated and depressed.
I hate that the Krewe has grown. I've always like intimate groups of friends but now we have a few tagalongs that I wish we could like just shake off and have some proper Krewe time like the good old days. Let's face it, I'm pretty antisocial. I've always hated crowds, groups, parties and gatherings of more than a few people and up until a major fallout with Darling One a year ago, I only ever had like 3 good friends. Everybody else didn't like me. It was a black and white thing, either or love or hate, there was no inbetween. Now I have loads of people in my white, who I adore, billions (Exagguration) in my grey and a good handful in the deepest pits of black.
I hate my skin. I hate being a teenager with raging hormones that decide to make my forehead once again slip into a minefield of gross open pores and spots. I want to hide in a room with only facial treatments for company right now.
I hate my thighs. One, because they hurt like shit. And Two, because they hurt like shit because I hate them and got a little bit too motivated to change that fact. Madness.
But anyways, enough of that shite. Sorry for the depression, just not feeling too great. Hugs, tissues and someone to trust would be of great use right now.
I hate these moods, where I feel so helpless to emotions that don't even make sense. One minute I'll be rolling around in happiness like a pig in poo. The next moment I feel like I'm in poo and just suddenly feel isolated and depressed.
I hate that the Krewe has grown. I've always like intimate groups of friends but now we have a few tagalongs that I wish we could like just shake off and have some proper Krewe time like the good old days. Let's face it, I'm pretty antisocial. I've always hated crowds, groups, parties and gatherings of more than a few people and up until a major fallout with Darling One a year ago, I only ever had like 3 good friends. Everybody else didn't like me. It was a black and white thing, either or love or hate, there was no inbetween. Now I have loads of people in my white, who I adore, billions (Exagguration) in my grey and a good handful in the deepest pits of black.
I hate my skin. I hate being a teenager with raging hormones that decide to make my forehead once again slip into a minefield of gross open pores and spots. I want to hide in a room with only facial treatments for company right now.
I hate my thighs. One, because they hurt like shit. And Two, because they hurt like shit because I hate them and got a little bit too motivated to change that fact. Madness.
But anyways, enough of that shite. Sorry for the depression, just not feeling too great. Hugs, tissues and someone to trust would be of great use right now.
Sunday, 21 March 2010
What I love
Right now there are a heck of things I love.
I was going to do a list but I'm just too god darn happy right now! Him came over yesterday and it was AMAZING! Just... wow. :D:D
I'm listening to uplifting Glee music (I've been converted into a Gleek). ((I suggest the Halo/Walking on Sunshine mash-up for an amazing pick me up.)
I'm really falling, it's like the first time all over again. I even choked just because he unexpectedly came round the corner the other day. That was hilarious but also pretty darn embarassing. I was really nervous when he was round as well so I babbled loads and probably bored him to death talking about books and movies and things. Just filler talk, I really ought to have shut up. Oh well, can't take it back now.
In other news I like being a main member of the 'blue one back of the bus downstairs crew." I have my own offical place and people talk to me and I get total rights over the other kids, woot! I have a place on the bus that matters. It's such a nice change from upstairs where Goggles would mouth off the whole time and annoy the shit out of me, and Dickface would sit there all smug about getting away with things and then Donkey would just like ignore me until he needed something, such an ass. Not to mention Frodo with his life dramas every two minutes that got very repetitive and pathetic. *Sigh*
I love thinking up names for people! But I've now swapped Goggles, Dickface, Donkey and Frodo for Headphone Man, Owl boy and Giggles. Who are awesome! I love Headphone man, he's like the only person in the year above I talk to and he's just so surprising, I didn't expect him to be like he is. Mainly because he sits there with headphones on every morning and ignores the world, but actually he's dead funny and very outgoing. Big up to him, shabba!
So ciao y'all, I have happiness to feel and smiles to give. :D
I was going to do a list but I'm just too god darn happy right now! Him came over yesterday and it was AMAZING! Just... wow. :D:D
I'm listening to uplifting Glee music (I've been converted into a Gleek). ((I suggest the Halo/Walking on Sunshine mash-up for an amazing pick me up.)
I'm really falling, it's like the first time all over again. I even choked just because he unexpectedly came round the corner the other day. That was hilarious but also pretty darn embarassing. I was really nervous when he was round as well so I babbled loads and probably bored him to death talking about books and movies and things. Just filler talk, I really ought to have shut up. Oh well, can't take it back now.
In other news I like being a main member of the 'blue one back of the bus downstairs crew." I have my own offical place and people talk to me and I get total rights over the other kids, woot! I have a place on the bus that matters. It's such a nice change from upstairs where Goggles would mouth off the whole time and annoy the shit out of me, and Dickface would sit there all smug about getting away with things and then Donkey would just like ignore me until he needed something, such an ass. Not to mention Frodo with his life dramas every two minutes that got very repetitive and pathetic. *Sigh*
I love thinking up names for people! But I've now swapped Goggles, Dickface, Donkey and Frodo for Headphone Man, Owl boy and Giggles. Who are awesome! I love Headphone man, he's like the only person in the year above I talk to and he's just so surprising, I didn't expect him to be like he is. Mainly because he sits there with headphones on every morning and ignores the world, but actually he's dead funny and very outgoing. Big up to him, shabba!
So ciao y'all, I have happiness to feel and smiles to give. :D
Friday, 19 March 2010
And the drugs don't work...
they just make me very dizzy...
Basically I have had some pretty bad reactions to drugs in my time, I seem to be pretty sensitive to anything over the strength of a couple of paracetamol. And I mean like even feminax and ibuprofen screw me up.
Let me tell you all a story! It's a pretty well known fact that I'm on the pill and have been for a while. The current brand I take (cause apparently there is loads of varying strengths) is called Cilest and it's probably one of the weakest. First of all though I was put on Microgynon 30, the strongest.
When it finally came to taking it I took it and for about an hour I felt fine, although was pretty wary that the side effects list was a good few inches long. Eventually I started to feel dizzy. Dizzy in the sense that I couldn't even lie down without the world spinning like a spin-top. I didn't dare walk for fear of running into a wall. Then it was nausea that came. I felt so horrid, I just lay in bed with my head spinning and my stomach making the worst noises ever. I couldn't sleep but I wasn't sick until about three in the morning and up until then I had just lay there with my head spinning.
At last after I had emptied my stomach of all it's contents, I could sleep. I slept until six and then had to the take the pill for the next day. Not connecting the two (I wasn't aware of my drug sensitivity back then) I took it and went back for a snooze since I was bound to be off school anyways.
Something else odd that happens to me is I get very woozy and close to fainting when I don't eat, something to do with blood sugars. So combined the fact I had no food in me, had just taken a pill that made me dizzy and nauseous I got so so so horrible. I got out of bed and for a few minutes felt fine, so I went to the shower and got undressed and was about to go for a shower when suddenly the dizzyness hit me, and pain so hard in my stomach I just buckled. I lay there, rather embarassingly still naked, on the bathroom floor thinking "If I can't get help, I may just die."
So I pulled myself along the floor and managed to get into the living room doorway, holding a towel round me for somewhat decency. The step-dad was thankfully hope. As soon as he saw me, pale and sickly he jumped up and pure panicked. I began retching and he rushed around me getting a bowl and then making toast, soup, getting a blanket and hot water bottle and masses of water. He was amazing and I can't imagine what I would have done without him. Even when I managed to basically flash all of my body to him whilst mid-puke, he didn't bat an eyelid. Superstar.
So that was my first experience with the pill and when I realised just how sensitive I am to medication, how fun! I brought this up cause I have the biggest headache and had to take brufen and then my head was spinning like crazy. I'm alright now though!
Basically I have had some pretty bad reactions to drugs in my time, I seem to be pretty sensitive to anything over the strength of a couple of paracetamol. And I mean like even feminax and ibuprofen screw me up.
Let me tell you all a story! It's a pretty well known fact that I'm on the pill and have been for a while. The current brand I take (cause apparently there is loads of varying strengths) is called Cilest and it's probably one of the weakest. First of all though I was put on Microgynon 30, the strongest.
When it finally came to taking it I took it and for about an hour I felt fine, although was pretty wary that the side effects list was a good few inches long. Eventually I started to feel dizzy. Dizzy in the sense that I couldn't even lie down without the world spinning like a spin-top. I didn't dare walk for fear of running into a wall. Then it was nausea that came. I felt so horrid, I just lay in bed with my head spinning and my stomach making the worst noises ever. I couldn't sleep but I wasn't sick until about three in the morning and up until then I had just lay there with my head spinning.
At last after I had emptied my stomach of all it's contents, I could sleep. I slept until six and then had to the take the pill for the next day. Not connecting the two (I wasn't aware of my drug sensitivity back then) I took it and went back for a snooze since I was bound to be off school anyways.
Something else odd that happens to me is I get very woozy and close to fainting when I don't eat, something to do with blood sugars. So combined the fact I had no food in me, had just taken a pill that made me dizzy and nauseous I got so so so horrible. I got out of bed and for a few minutes felt fine, so I went to the shower and got undressed and was about to go for a shower when suddenly the dizzyness hit me, and pain so hard in my stomach I just buckled. I lay there, rather embarassingly still naked, on the bathroom floor thinking "If I can't get help, I may just die."
So I pulled myself along the floor and managed to get into the living room doorway, holding a towel round me for somewhat decency. The step-dad was thankfully hope. As soon as he saw me, pale and sickly he jumped up and pure panicked. I began retching and he rushed around me getting a bowl and then making toast, soup, getting a blanket and hot water bottle and masses of water. He was amazing and I can't imagine what I would have done without him. Even when I managed to basically flash all of my body to him whilst mid-puke, he didn't bat an eyelid. Superstar.
So that was my first experience with the pill and when I realised just how sensitive I am to medication, how fun! I brought this up cause I have the biggest headache and had to take brufen and then my head was spinning like crazy. I'm alright now though!
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
A little ridiculous
So this huge drama this got a little out of hand.
I do feel bad for posting it, reading it back without the right tones I had meant to be put across, it was a little (mega) harsh. So I do feel bad. Luckily we have sorted it out between ourselves (finally) but not before her friends got involved.
So that was a bit ridiculous to say the least.
In other news, I am loving Him more and more each day, it's so lovely. Just all these little signs make me so happy. When I stand slightly away form him he'll sort of magnetically draw himself towards me and eventually end up with his arms around me. He's so funny and we haven't lost the fun of when we were friends and beating each other up every two seconds. Although he is less willing to hit me back now cause I can pull the puppy eyes and make him feel bad.
Still loving it though. Other than that, only one thing to update. I'm feeling really motivated about my English. This hasn't happened in a while, probably because coursework was sucking out my soul. But now we are back working again on proper things like conversational theories and this makes me so much happier. So there you go!
I do feel bad for posting it, reading it back without the right tones I had meant to be put across, it was a little (mega) harsh. So I do feel bad. Luckily we have sorted it out between ourselves (finally) but not before her friends got involved.
So that was a bit ridiculous to say the least.
In other news, I am loving Him more and more each day, it's so lovely. Just all these little signs make me so happy. When I stand slightly away form him he'll sort of magnetically draw himself towards me and eventually end up with his arms around me. He's so funny and we haven't lost the fun of when we were friends and beating each other up every two seconds. Although he is less willing to hit me back now cause I can pull the puppy eyes and make him feel bad.
Still loving it though. Other than that, only one thing to update. I'm feeling really motivated about my English. This hasn't happened in a while, probably because coursework was sucking out my soul. But now we are back working again on proper things like conversational theories and this makes me so much happier. So there you go!
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
The Whom It May Concern:
It has come to my attention that I may have caused some offence to an innocent person through this blog. I would like to firstly apologise, I really don't mean for anyone to be outrightly offended by this, or at least not to the extent that you were. Secondly I would like to point out a few things about me and my blog.
1. I overexaggurate. Alot. Like so much, it's ridiculous. I can't even tell you how much I overexaggurate because I overexaggurate the amount I do it. Anything that is said on here is usually tweaked for comedy effect.
2. I tweak the truth. Some of the stuff on here is not quite to the book. It's altered for laughs, and just because if it wasn't then it would be a pretty boring post otherwise, let's face it, my world is not that exciting.
3. I was wrong. Although I had been told by a friend that there was a big drama surrounding said victim, I was wrong. I've been corrected about this and apparently it was only a suspicion, then proved wrong but by then rumours had flown around and got out of hand. I purely was misinformed.
4. I bitch. Yes. I bitch about people, who doesn't? I just tend to do it in a very public way (although that's debatable with only 12 followers and a handful of randomers who secretly follow). I post things on here that people would only dare say to friends and I probably wouldn't say to someones face. In this case, I probably would have said it to their face, but why? I don't know them personally, I knew it was only my opinion, none of my business, totally misinformed and just darn horrid, so I didn't.
5. I didn't name them. Let me just point this out - I didn't actually say anybodies names. Yes, I didn't make it hard to guess but in this case it was kind of hard to describe the situation without a few obvious details. I guess I kind of sucked at it pretty badly this time but I didn't expect that much offence to be caused.
6. I was joking... I wasn't going to go rattling and warning people, I didn't think they were an actual creature with fake talons, I didn't really care what they did. Just an interesting storyline that I altered for a bit of a giggle and letting off steam.
So overall I probably did go too far, too mean and too much. I give my sincerest apologies and will try not to be so harsh again, especially when it's about things that aren't true and aren't my business. If the person wants me to come and apologise to them to their face as well I would gladly do that 'cause this time I recognise that I was in the wrong.
Although it was a bit silly when their friends came down and sat in front of my bitching about me. I get their point, but not the right way to go about it really. Much better when someone told me to person to person that I was out of line. That's what fuelled this.
So, sorry people.
Anyways, more loveliness and less sidetracking from my own life to come!
1. I overexaggurate. Alot. Like so much, it's ridiculous. I can't even tell you how much I overexaggurate because I overexaggurate the amount I do it. Anything that is said on here is usually tweaked for comedy effect.
2. I tweak the truth. Some of the stuff on here is not quite to the book. It's altered for laughs, and just because if it wasn't then it would be a pretty boring post otherwise, let's face it, my world is not that exciting.
3. I was wrong. Although I had been told by a friend that there was a big drama surrounding said victim, I was wrong. I've been corrected about this and apparently it was only a suspicion, then proved wrong but by then rumours had flown around and got out of hand. I purely was misinformed.
4. I bitch. Yes. I bitch about people, who doesn't? I just tend to do it in a very public way (although that's debatable with only 12 followers and a handful of randomers who secretly follow). I post things on here that people would only dare say to friends and I probably wouldn't say to someones face. In this case, I probably would have said it to their face, but why? I don't know them personally, I knew it was only my opinion, none of my business, totally misinformed and just darn horrid, so I didn't.
5. I didn't name them. Let me just point this out - I didn't actually say anybodies names. Yes, I didn't make it hard to guess but in this case it was kind of hard to describe the situation without a few obvious details. I guess I kind of sucked at it pretty badly this time but I didn't expect that much offence to be caused.
6. I was joking... I wasn't going to go rattling and warning people, I didn't think they were an actual creature with fake talons, I didn't really care what they did. Just an interesting storyline that I altered for a bit of a giggle and letting off steam.
So overall I probably did go too far, too mean and too much. I give my sincerest apologies and will try not to be so harsh again, especially when it's about things that aren't true and aren't my business. If the person wants me to come and apologise to them to their face as well I would gladly do that 'cause this time I recognise that I was in the wrong.
Although it was a bit silly when their friends came down and sat in front of my bitching about me. I get their point, but not the right way to go about it really. Much better when someone told me to person to person that I was out of line. That's what fuelled this.
So, sorry people.
Anyways, more loveliness and less sidetracking from my own life to come!
Monday, 15 March 2010
My Day - Episode Sixteen
Hello my darlings. I am in such a lovely mood. Today was the first day back at school, and you know what that means! No? It means I panic beyond normality about having shit loads of work and yet STILL do jack shit about the situation!
I have two core practicals and two coursework peices for English due in very soon. Not to mention more biology homework, psychology reading and philosophy research. So what did I do in my free? Laps. What else?
Blah blah blah, you don't want to hear about me failing at work!
"What about Him?!" I hear you cry.
He is lovely. He is completely sweet, a little shy about being publicly snuggly but so amazing. The day wasn't that far from when we were friends but instead of me clinging to him desperately, it was nice and charming and he clung back. (Yay!) Oh and he's perfected the goodbye kiss, which was a bit of a disaster at first. Like kissing the air in front of me while I make a fish face kind of disaster. XD But now it's wonderful.
Does anyone remember the old Big Baby Pop lollipop adverts? I was trying to search for it to post it cause it was so funny! Anyways, I couldn't find it and I found this random foreign advert instead about Push Pops. Funny in the way it's totally dirty without meaning to be. XD
I have two core practicals and two coursework peices for English due in very soon. Not to mention more biology homework, psychology reading and philosophy research. So what did I do in my free? Laps. What else?
Blah blah blah, you don't want to hear about me failing at work!
"What about Him?!" I hear you cry.
He is lovely. He is completely sweet, a little shy about being publicly snuggly but so amazing. The day wasn't that far from when we were friends but instead of me clinging to him desperately, it was nice and charming and he clung back. (Yay!) Oh and he's perfected the goodbye kiss, which was a bit of a disaster at first. Like kissing the air in front of me while I make a fish face kind of disaster. XD But now it's wonderful.
Does anyone remember the old Big Baby Pop lollipop adverts? I was trying to search for it to post it cause it was so funny! Anyways, I couldn't find it and I found this random foreign advert instead about Push Pops. Funny in the way it's totally dirty without meaning to be. XD
Sunday, 14 March 2010
5 Random Facts
Well I'm pretty happy at the moment, life is good. So I'm too fat with content to think up my own ideas. Here are five random facts that some of you may know and some of you may not. Enjoy!
1. I have three computers to my name. Sad! I know, but it partly stems from the whole parents being split up. I have one in my room at each house and I bought the netbook I'm using all by myself! So I'm pretty dependant on my computers but when my computer once broke and I couldn't use any of them, I did survive for almost two weeks. I read a heck of a lot of books but I survived!
2. I collect bus tickets. I don't think this is that random, but at the moment I have stuck them all together in a chain that is too long for me to hold with my arms spread wide. It's pretty cool actually. If anyone has bus tickets, please give them to me! I really like making ticket chains. Ha, weird.
3. My favourite place in the world is Skegness. It's trampy, it's cheap, it's cheesy. I love it to bits. I went there every year as a kid on holiday and my best memories were made there, I still remember the layout of the holiday park! I have had such great times there, I wish I could just go back whenever I liked.
4. I keep a diary because I can't keep secrets. I can't not tell people things. If I've done something, I find it incredibly hard to keep it from people and one of the only ways I can actually keep things from slipping is to write everything down. Even so, I tend to just word-puke my secrets all over people I barely know. It's so impossible for me to keep things when I was very awful and did something bad, I couldn't even write it in my diary or tell a soul. So I wrote it on a conker. I still have that conker as well.
5. My favourite drink is ice cold water. Water so cold it hurts your teeth, I love it. I drink so much cold water I end up shivering, it's amazing. Try it! Hence I find it insanely weird when Cheshire drinks hot water, it's like the complete opposite of amazing.
So there you go. You proabably could have figured all of those out in two minutes, but as I said - I blurt everything to people. This makes it incredibly hard to think of things that nobody knows!
Sucks. :D
1. I have three computers to my name. Sad! I know, but it partly stems from the whole parents being split up. I have one in my room at each house and I bought the netbook I'm using all by myself! So I'm pretty dependant on my computers but when my computer once broke and I couldn't use any of them, I did survive for almost two weeks. I read a heck of a lot of books but I survived!
2. I collect bus tickets. I don't think this is that random, but at the moment I have stuck them all together in a chain that is too long for me to hold with my arms spread wide. It's pretty cool actually. If anyone has bus tickets, please give them to me! I really like making ticket chains. Ha, weird.
3. My favourite place in the world is Skegness. It's trampy, it's cheap, it's cheesy. I love it to bits. I went there every year as a kid on holiday and my best memories were made there, I still remember the layout of the holiday park! I have had such great times there, I wish I could just go back whenever I liked.
4. I keep a diary because I can't keep secrets. I can't not tell people things. If I've done something, I find it incredibly hard to keep it from people and one of the only ways I can actually keep things from slipping is to write everything down. Even so, I tend to just word-puke my secrets all over people I barely know. It's so impossible for me to keep things when I was very awful and did something bad, I couldn't even write it in my diary or tell a soul. So I wrote it on a conker. I still have that conker as well.
5. My favourite drink is ice cold water. Water so cold it hurts your teeth, I love it. I drink so much cold water I end up shivering, it's amazing. Try it! Hence I find it insanely weird when Cheshire drinks hot water, it's like the complete opposite of amazing.
So there you go. You proabably could have figured all of those out in two minutes, but as I said - I blurt everything to people. This makes it incredibly hard to think of things that nobody knows!
Sucks. :D
Saturday, 13 March 2010
As is the same with most of the students in our school, I want to continue on to University. In my case, it's Psychology I want to study.
Currently I've been looking at league tables and specifications for different Unis and things and just skimming through stuff to see where I might be heading. I was meant to be going to an Open day today but my mum had to cancel because she's going to see some Rugby...big game? I don't know, to be honest I'm a little relieved. After looking further into the University, it's location and the different positions on the league tables I decided that one wasn't for me.
I'm posting this pretty pointlessly actually. It was because Cheshire had said that she also wants to go into Psychology and was fucked is she failed her Chemistry because then it meant she only had one science and wouldn't be accepted. HOLD UP! I have only one science. Biology. Did that mean I wouldn't get accepted? So I was made totally paranoid by this and sat biting my nails with my future in the balance until I could contact the Oracle - Google.
Got home, spoke to Google. Apparently it is recommended you have two although the minimum is one. And guess what! They could Psychology as a science too, so technically I have two sciences and Cheshire actually has three. Sorted!
Well done Google!
So there you go, what are you planning to do after life at school? What is beyonnnddd?
Currently I've been looking at league tables and specifications for different Unis and things and just skimming through stuff to see where I might be heading. I was meant to be going to an Open day today but my mum had to cancel because she's going to see some Rugby...big game? I don't know, to be honest I'm a little relieved. After looking further into the University, it's location and the different positions on the league tables I decided that one wasn't for me.
I'm posting this pretty pointlessly actually. It was because Cheshire had said that she also wants to go into Psychology and was fucked is she failed her Chemistry because then it meant she only had one science and wouldn't be accepted. HOLD UP! I have only one science. Biology. Did that mean I wouldn't get accepted? So I was made totally paranoid by this and sat biting my nails with my future in the balance until I could contact the Oracle - Google.
Got home, spoke to Google. Apparently it is recommended you have two although the minimum is one. And guess what! They could Psychology as a science too, so technically I have two sciences and Cheshire actually has three. Sorted!
Well done Google!
So there you go, what are you planning to do after life at school? What is beyonnnddd?
Friday, 12 March 2010
Thought you'd like a little update on my life, a little peekaboo one might say. I was going to do it in a My Day post but most of this stuff actually didn't happen today, today was boring to put it lightly. It's time for a Q and A!!
Well. I am officially off the market, again. I know, I know.
"You just came out of a relationship cause you thought it was too heavy!" - Too heavy with that one person, we were having a very very monotonous serious relationship and I wasn't ready for that.
"I thought you were going to stay single for a while... what happened to that idea?" - I was going to. But I really have liked this guy for a while, as previous blogs and my diary tell. I'm not one to wait around. I had been over Stag before we even broke up, so in my mind it's been much more time. I guess this guy is just too great to ignore while I play the scene.
"So you're starting a new relationship?" - Yes. It's much more lighthearted this time. I'm going into it with an idea of how fast I want to take things, and nothing is in a rush to get it all one, I can savour things this time around.
"Won't this just get serious fast as well?" - Hopefully not. It's a different guy and we have spoken about it before. He's happy to wait until I want to and he's in no rush himself. Although he was the first to say that he thinks he's in love with me. So I guess that is pretty serious.
"What is he like?" - He's lovely. Pure loveliness. He's sweet and cute but sexy too and without realising it. Oh and super smart, determined. I'm really falling for him hard.
"Oh that's so cute! So who is it?" - It's Him. It's Fungi. It's New Crush. All the same person.
"So how is it going so far?" - Well... we had a really minor hiccup but it was just me being picky and paranoid. Other than that it's been smooth sailing. I try not to compare him to Stag, but there's always going to be a part of me that wants to.
"How is Stag with all of this? Aren't they friends?" - Yeah, and really good ones too. Well I've spoken to Stag and he pretty much had already guessed. He blogged about it a while ago giving his permission but we weren't sure about him being over us. We kept it quiet for a while until we were absolutely sure that he was okay, which he is - hence the new honesty.
"Well, I wish you luck!" - Aww thankyou, you guys are all so nice.
See you!
Well. I am officially off the market, again. I know, I know.

"I thought you were going to stay single for a while... what happened to that idea?" - I was going to. But I really have liked this guy for a while, as previous blogs and my diary tell. I'm not one to wait around. I had been over Stag before we even broke up, so in my mind it's been much more time. I guess this guy is just too great to ignore while I play the scene.
"So you're starting a new relationship?" - Yes. It's much more lighthearted this time. I'm going into it with an idea of how fast I want to take things, and nothing is in a rush to get it all one, I can savour things this time around.
"Won't this just get serious fast as well?" - Hopefully not. It's a different guy and we have spoken about it before. He's happy to wait until I want to and he's in no rush himself. Although he was the first to say that he thinks he's in love with me. So I guess that is pretty serious.
"What is he like?" - He's lovely. Pure loveliness. He's sweet and cute but sexy too and without realising it. Oh and super smart, determined. I'm really falling for him hard.
"Oh that's so cute! So who is it?" - It's Him. It's Fungi. It's New Crush. All the same person.
"So how is it going so far?" - Well... we had a really minor hiccup but it was just me being picky and paranoid. Other than that it's been smooth sailing. I try not to compare him to Stag, but there's always going to be a part of me that wants to.
"How is Stag with all of this? Aren't they friends?" - Yeah, and really good ones too. Well I've spoken to Stag and he pretty much had already guessed. He blogged about it a while ago giving his permission but we weren't sure about him being over us. We kept it quiet for a while until we were absolutely sure that he was okay, which he is - hence the new honesty.
"Well, I wish you luck!" - Aww thankyou, you guys are all so nice.
See you!
Thursday, 11 March 2010

It's just a gut feeling, that I need to apologise. Gees, I must be going crazy, what the heck is wrong?
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
I'm getting really annoyed now. More people are reading my blog, and sometimes I want to gossip about them. As a nice friend I should probably go "oh no I won't say it, they will read it. Nevermind I suppose!" But, I wanted to write this blog as always planned to - honestly.
So fuck it.
We went to the cinema to see Alice in Wonderland yesterday. Awesome movie, all very nice. However, my friend Darling One came along, bless her. It was lovely to see her hanging about with us! Big heart. Anyways. And Stag was here, the Ex. For the WHOLE DAY he had his arms wrapped around her, or was nuzzling up to her, or was holding hands with her. Why? He knows that she isn't interested, she has different plans. Even he has different plans! So why? I know she is lovely and cuddly and very attractive but you do not need to be draped across someone just because you can for the whole night.
It really bugged me. Maybe that was the point. Probably overthinking, but that's what you guys love me for. Mwah <3
So fuck it.
We went to the cinema to see Alice in Wonderland yesterday. Awesome movie, all very nice. However, my friend Darling One came along, bless her. It was lovely to see her hanging about with us! Big heart. Anyways. And Stag was here, the Ex. For the WHOLE DAY he had his arms wrapped around her, or was nuzzling up to her, or was holding hands with her. Why? He knows that she isn't interested, she has different plans. Even he has different plans! So why? I know she is lovely and cuddly and very attractive but you do not need to be draped across someone just because you can for the whole night.
It really bugged me. Maybe that was the point. Probably overthinking, but that's what you guys love me for. Mwah <3
Thursday, 4 March 2010
My Day - Episode Fifteen
I woke up this morning and found a not written on toilet paper that I left for myself last night. "TEXT CHESHIRE!" obviously using her real name, I don't always call her that. The reason for the note is that last night me and Goldilocks arranged girl day online but weren't done talking until gone eleven and by that time it was too late to text Cheshire details, so I did it in the morning.
Turns out that actually she had last minute plans to visit her grandad, so girls day turned out to be me having Goldilocks over for some brownies, trivial pursuit, medical marvels and a movie. It was awesome. Had a nice time reconnecting with Goldi, away from the guys and all other distractions. I had a really nice time. And my sister came and we talked about weird dreams and reminisced about when I got locked in the shed and when we all got locked in the garage, two separate occasions.
Fun fun. Nothing else to report, so it's a short post from me. Ciao!
Turns out that actually she had last minute plans to visit her grandad, so girls day turned out to be me having Goldilocks over for some brownies, trivial pursuit, medical marvels and a movie. It was awesome. Had a nice time reconnecting with Goldi, away from the guys and all other distractions. I had a really nice time. And my sister came and we talked about weird dreams and reminisced about when I got locked in the shed and when we all got locked in the garage, two separate occasions.
Fun fun. Nothing else to report, so it's a short post from me. Ciao!
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
The Me Time Lack
That title really doesn't make much sense. Basically, I have been so busy!
Usually when I get some time to myself I will catch up with the blogs I subscribe to, watch Juicystar07 videos on youtube, facemask, paint my nails, read my book, maybe revise a bit. Sometimes I'll tidy my room, reorganise things. I watch a shit loads of tevo. OH And I got my cosmo for this month. It's not amazed me so far, but I've had it for three days and I still haven't finished it! This is unheard of for me!
So basically I have been SO busy and it's not looking to let up. Okay, so first day of holidays. Saturday, I went out with the Krewe as was said, went back to the Ex's house which proved to be not as awkward as one might think. The next day I had Him over and He met my dad and his girlfriend. By the way, have I mentioned much about her? She's got two kids, one son who is about 19 and her daughter who is around 11/12. She's also got two dogs, (Her daughter has her own too) three cats and horses. She is a total animal whack and loves scary movies, we get along SO well. When my dad went on holiday I lived with just her for like a week and we made special times so we could eat together and watch a movie every night, I totally love her to bits.
So anyways, Sunday He was over. Then monday I finally got a moment to myself, so I worked out to the new DVD. Now that was a mistake. The new DVD is very dance based but the tone and tighten is actually murder. Urgh, my legs are still in pain.
So Tuesday I went to His house, that was nice. Today I went to friends house with a few of the Krewe, a lot of them were missing and it was a little weird to be honest. And Cheshire put on this movie which I didn't find funny and now they must think I have no sense of humour.
Tommorow I'm having Cheshire and Goldilocks round for a girls day and then on Friday I'm going to His again and then I'm moving to my dads for a week! My life just never lets up. I haven't done even one beauty treatment in weeks and I only just tidied my room today. You know, if I spent less time blogging then I might actually get some me time, or at least enough to finish Cosmo.
So bye!
Usually when I get some time to myself I will catch up with the blogs I subscribe to, watch Juicystar07 videos on youtube, facemask, paint my nails, read my book, maybe revise a bit. Sometimes I'll tidy my room, reorganise things. I watch a shit loads of tevo. OH And I got my cosmo for this month. It's not amazed me so far, but I've had it for three days and I still haven't finished it! This is unheard of for me!
So basically I have been SO busy and it's not looking to let up. Okay, so first day of holidays. Saturday, I went out with the Krewe as was said, went back to the Ex's house which proved to be not as awkward as one might think. The next day I had Him over and He met my dad and his girlfriend. By the way, have I mentioned much about her? She's got two kids, one son who is about 19 and her daughter who is around 11/12. She's also got two dogs, (Her daughter has her own too) three cats and horses. She is a total animal whack and loves scary movies, we get along SO well. When my dad went on holiday I lived with just her for like a week and we made special times so we could eat together and watch a movie every night, I totally love her to bits.
So anyways, Sunday He was over. Then monday I finally got a moment to myself, so I worked out to the new DVD. Now that was a mistake. The new DVD is very dance based but the tone and tighten is actually murder. Urgh, my legs are still in pain.
So Tuesday I went to His house, that was nice. Today I went to friends house with a few of the Krewe, a lot of them were missing and it was a little weird to be honest. And Cheshire put on this movie which I didn't find funny and now they must think I have no sense of humour.
Tommorow I'm having Cheshire and Goldilocks round for a girls day and then on Friday I'm going to His again and then I'm moving to my dads for a week! My life just never lets up. I haven't done even one beauty treatment in weeks and I only just tidied my room today. You know, if I spent less time blogging then I might actually get some me time, or at least enough to finish Cosmo.
So bye!
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
And so it begins...
The butterflys
The nerves
The wanting
The missing
The needing
The doubt
The paranoia
The physical aspects
The getting ready
The late nights talking
The early rises texting
The gazing
The changing status
The blushing
The anticipation
And worst of all.... the meeting of the parents.
The nerves
The wanting
The missing
The needing
The doubt
The paranoia
The physical aspects
The getting ready
The late nights talking
The early rises texting
The gazing
The changing status
The blushing
The anticipation
And worst of all.... the meeting of the parents.
Monday, 1 March 2010
What to do?
The holidays have come round again! So Belle, what are your plans?! I hear you cry. Fear not! I come bearing lists.
What I aim to do in my Hols
What I aim to do in my Hols
- Get fit whilst simultaneously enjoying food
- Meet up with friends
- Advance things with Him
- Have a girls night
- Switch to cooler jacket, hopefully weather will allow!
- Up intake of water to over one bottle a day *Glug glug*
- Read cosmo and try not to use it as new bible
- Write a diary entry every day
- Blog more often! Of course :D
- And Finally... Sleep
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